Open Call - New DAO Committee Member

Hi all,

This an open call for candidates to join the DAO Committee. As you might know, Mr Eric resigned early this year and since then @HPrivakos and I have been serving alone.

Following the process established by this governance proposal, we are opening a public call for candidates. We will accept applications for the next two weeks until November 25th 2022, and after that we will proceed to interview the candidates, the final selection will be done by a community vote.

What is the DAO Committee?

The DAO Committtee is the trusted proxy of the DAO, the team dedicated to enact on-chain proposals voted.

The main responsibilities of the DAO Committee are:

  • Update proposal status in the governance platform (promote to enacted, passed, rejected)
  • Keep updated smart contract lists such as: POIs, BanNames, Catalysts and Linked Wearables.
  • Manage the Grants Program (deploy, fund and revoke vesting contracts)
  • Execute Treasury Operations (do transfers, swap funds).
  • Calculate and execute compensation for the Wearables Curation Committee.
  • Reimburse gas fees to the DAO Committee.
  • Refill gas tank of Polygon Relayer periodically.

Some other tasks related to the role are:

  • Attend bi-monthly Town Halls and provide general community support.
  • Give feedback to proposals, evaluate risks and implementations pathways.
  • Contact external organizations in the name of the DAO.

How the DAO Committee is compensated?

A compensation of $2,400 USD per month paid in MANA was recently approved by this governance proposal.

How to apply?

To be considered you have to reply to this thread before November 25th 2022. Please copy-paste the following questions and include your answers!

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your primary wallet address?
  • Why are you applying?
  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.
  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

What is your full name?
Szilard Janko

What is your primary wallet address?

Why are you applying?
I want to see Decentraland stay in the lead of other metaverse projects, both because I am building my project, The Ocean Meta, here and because Decentraland offers a truly decentralized version of the metaverse vision. I think it is very important that we ensure that the decentralized metaverse is the one that will gain mainstream adoption. Having 5+ years of experience in investing and researching in the cryptocurrency/blockchain field, I think I have gained valuable knowledge that will help with Decentralands governance and proposal discussions/votes.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
I have been involved with Decentraland since the initial land sale (the Terraform Event back in 2017). I invested in both land and the museum district. Originally I had a gallery built on my original land that I bought during the auction. Since then we have moved the gallery to my brothers land, where we are using it to build The Ocean Meta project. Our current goal with The Ocean Meta project is to onboard the ocean community to Decentraland, everything from the underwater world to surfing. We have a combined following between The Ocean Meta team of over 190,000 people that are interested in ocean related content who we will be onboarding as Decentraland and The Ocean Meta becomes more developed.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
-5+ years of investing/research in the blockchain/crypto field
-Professional Photography and Videography (with featured work on Discovery Channels Shark Week, National Geographic, and many other publications)
-Photoshop, Premiere, Blender
-Social Media Management/Marketing/Growth
-Currently studying Javascript programming

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
Yes, even more if needed.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.


(post deleted by author)

  • What is your full name?
    Alexander Jose Gabriel Hernandez Romanowski

  • What is your primary address?

  • Why are you applying? I have come from Latin America, and I want to lend to the community my experiences in business development, research, and crypto. I have experience in both academic and web3 research, having written multiple published reports and articles on all things blockchain, and 7+ years of experience in this industry. I know that these skills and knowledge that I have will bring more growth to the community. I am confident that I have all the qualifications to be one of the Committee members. Lastly, I want Decentraland to always be on top of other projects and see it strive for even more greatness in the coming years.

  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO? I purchased an NFT as part of the land in Decentraland. A dream of mine is developing a project on Decentraland, the Dunami Spanish Community, which highlights the community’s vision on the metaverse. Having this project means expanding the Spanish Community on Decentraland to develop motivation, events focusing on self-development, leadership, etc. Motivating the next generation and inspiring them to achieve their dreams is very important to me and this project will do that and so much more. I have also been in the crypto industry since 2015 and have been very active ever since I joined the community.

  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

    • I have a Master’s of Global Affairs degree from Rice University and my ultimate goal is to improve the world with disruptive technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the economic market.
    • 10+ years of experience in the sales industry, which helped me become a passionate public speaker.
    • 7+ years of crypto experience which includes trading, mining, and investing, whereby I analyzed market trends and identified key investment opportunities.
    • Organizing and moderating a public webinar with leaders in the crypto world and multiple published reports on the topic of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
    • I have been a part of Tribal credit and Rice University where my work focuses on researching web3 and metaverse topics. I am a contributor expert in DeFi research at the Baker Institute, a top think tank in the U.S. affiliated with a university.
  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO? Yes, if the community requires me to go beyond those hours, I would happily do it.

  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community, that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

  • Metatreckers:



ÂżCuĂĄl es su nombre completo?

Alexander José Gabriel Hernåndez Romanowski

ÂżCuĂĄl es su direcciĂłn de cartera principal?


ÂżPor quĂ© te presentas? Vengo de LatinoamĂ©rica y quiero aportar a la comunidad mis experiencias en desarrollo de negocios, investigaciĂłn y criptomonedas. Tengo experiencia tanto en investigaciĂłn acadĂ©mica como en la web3, habiendo escrito mĂșltiples informes y artĂ­culos publicados sobre todo lo relacionado con blockchain, y 7+ años de experiencia en esta industria. SĂ© que estas habilidades y conocimientos que tengo traerĂĄn mĂĄs crecimiento a la comunidad. Estoy seguro de que reĂșno todas las condiciones para ser uno de los miembros del ComitĂ©. Por Ășltimo, quiero que Decentraland estĂ© siempre a la altura de otros proyectos y que se esfuerce por alcanzar aĂșn mĂĄs grandeza en los prĂłximos años para inspirar a lograr un mundo mejor.

¿Cuål es su historia con Decentraland y con la DAO de Decentraland? Compré una NFT como parte de la tierra en Decentraland. Un sueño mío es desarrollar un proyecto en Decentraland, la Comunidad en espanol Llamada Dunami, que pone de manifiesto la visión de la comunidad en el metaverso. Tener este proyecto significa expandir la Comunidad de Decentraland para desarrollar la motivación, eventos centrados en el autodesarrollo, el liderazgo, etc. Motivar a la próxima generación e inspirarles a alcanzar sus sueños es muy importante para mí y este proyecto harå eso y mucho mås. También he estado en la industria de las criptomonedas desde 2015 y he sido muy activo desde que me uní a la comunidad.

¿Qué habilidades, calificaciones y experiencia aportarå al comité?

  • Tengo un MĂĄster en Asuntos Globales por la Universidad de Rice y mi objetivo final es mejorar el mundo con tecnologĂ­as disruptivas como el blockchain y las criptodivisas en el mercado econĂłmico.
  • MĂĄs de 10 años de experiencia en la industria de las ventas, lo que me ayudĂł a convertirme en un apasionado orador pĂșblico.
  • MĂĄs de 7 años de experiencia en criptografĂ­a, que incluye el comercio, la minerĂ­a y la inversiĂłn, por lo que analicĂ© las tendencias del mercado e identifiquĂ© las oportunidades de inversiĂłn clave.
  • OrganizaciĂłn y moderaciĂłn de un seminario web pĂșblico con lĂ­deres en el mundo de las criptomonedas y mĂșltiples informes publicados sobre el tema de la cadena de bloques y las criptomonedas.
  • He formado parte de y de la Universidad de Rice, donde mi trabajo se centra en la investigaciĂłn de temas de web3 y metaverso. Soy un experto colaborador en la investigaciĂłn de DeFi en el Baker Institute, un think tank de primera lĂ­nea en los Estados Unidos afiliado a una universidad.

ÂżPuedes comprometerte a dedicar al menos 5 horas semanales a la DAO? SĂ­, si la comunidad requiere que vaya mĂĄs allĂĄ de esas horas, lo harĂ­a con mucho gusto.
Proporcione una lista de dos referencias, al menos una de las cuales pertenezca a la comunidad de Decentraland, que puedan dar fe de su carĂĄcter y/o compromiso con Decentraland.

  • What is your full name?
    Scott Moore

  • What is your primary wallet address?

  • Why are you applying?
    To provide my humanizing energy to this position which is more than a series of grant management duties. There are people connecting wallets to the vesting contracts. Living, breathing, Decentralites log into the world and develop friendships through shared experiences. Experiences made possible and enriched by grants provided via the DCL DAO. I would like to be a liaison between community members and the stack of rules governing DCL. I am patient, considerate, and attentive. As an educator with over seven years of experience I can also be a “warm demander”.

  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I first logged into Decentraland on 17 December 2021. I purchased my DCL.ETH name 11 days after that. Within my first week here I began making my first wearable. When I had difficulty I created a post in the forums about my experience so that others might learn from my mistakes.

I hosted “Finding Whimsy,” my first event in DCL, in April 2022. The event had over 30 participants who searched in pairs for more than three hours to find Whimsy, the faerie queen. Everyone who found her won a legendary Flower Crown.

On 2 May 2022 I joined BillyTeacoin and CKBubbles as cohost for the weekly, Twitch-streamed program, ABC Decentraland Adventures. We recently completed our 29th consecutive episode. Every Monday night we have a special guest who tells us about their activation or build in Decentraland. We spend the remainder of the time visiting new and interesting places among the 90,000 parcels in DCL.

I posted my first poll in the DAO on 5 January 2022. The biggest lesson I took away from that experience was I needed to learn more about the DAO and how it operated.

From that moment to this I have participated in discussions in the DCL DAO discord. I’ve voted on and commented on proposals presented in the governance site. I’ve advocated studied options and advocated for VP equity. I provided feedback and testing for approved grant projects like the Quest 2 VR Client.

I listen to, speak in, and at times annotate a number of weekly Twitter spaces about Decentraland. To date I’ve interviewed six creators from the DCL community. I have written three articles and plan to produce many more. These articles tell the story of Decentraland to all of us and the entire world. It is vital to let people know who we are in our own words rather than allowing others to speak for us.

  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

Project Completion: In 2006 I produced a feature length documentary for Twin Cities Public Television. Raised funds, scheduled and conducted interviews and captured over 70 hours of recordings that were edited down to an award winning program that still sees airtime on TPT.

Service: I served for two years as the chair of the twin cities Siggraph chapter. I was on the board of deacons at my church. I taught technology to over 400 students from Pre-K to 8th grade. Whether it was organizing and curating events like the Minnesota Electronic Theater, helping conduct a search for a new senior minister, or teaching concepts like “Machina Simple” to children, I have a rich history of working directly with people.

Inclusivity: I completed the SPPS Urban Teacher Residency program. During this program I twice completed the Intercultural Development Inventory. It helped me understand my place in the world as a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual, American man. I completed classes like Educational Equity and Inclusive Practices, Parent Teacher Home Visits, Non-violent Conflict Resolution, and Effective Teaching. I implemented these lesson while championing my students’ exceptionalities and created scaffolds and modifications to reach every child in the classroom.

You can see my entire work history on my LinkedIn Profile.

  • What is your full name?
    • MartĂ­n Triay
  • What is your primary wallet address?
    • martriay.eth (0x87122A7385fd61720D72290A6F2ed25b7eCa7Af7)
  • Why are you applying?
    • As an early contributor, I’d like to take a more active role in the community by improving all DAO operations with a strong focus on security and transparency.
  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
    • I started contributing to Decentraland during the earliest stages. I helped with the development of the bronze age node and editor (aka Decentraland pre-ethereum).
    • After that I became Decentraland’s first community manager, moderating the community chat which happened to be a Slack server back then. During that time, I oversaw and coordinated the deployment of content to the bronze age Decentraland world.
    • Since then I have taken a passive role in the community, mainly as a user. I own the martriay DCL name and like to party in Decentraland with my homies :sunglasses:
  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
    • I’ve worked full time in the web3 security ecosystem for the past 6 years in roles ranging from head of marketing to software developer, where I had to develop smart contract libraries (openzeppelin-solidity, openzeppelin-cairo), block explorers (forta, flashbots), audit smart contracts, define industry standards, fuel communities, create free educational content, speak at conferences, among a few other things.
    • All in all I count with the technical know-how to securely execute and improve DAO operations, as well as with enough community experience to properly and transparently communicate them.
    • I believe DAO committees hold a lot of power – therefore responsibility, and my goal is to minimize it through automation, with a strong focus on security and transparency.
  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
    • Yes
  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.
  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.
  • What is your full name?

    • Ryan Pal
  • What is your primary wallet address?

    • 0x4262f8BB5bd9Ad132782D2a7279b532A1DC6BCbF
  • Why are you applying?

    • I see Decentraland as the most honest attempt to create a truly decentralised virtual world. The Decentraland DAO is a core pillar for this vision and I would like to contribute to it by ensuring its smooth and fair functioning as a DAO committee member, while enabling a dynamic and constructive environment for the DAO members.
  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

    • I joined Decentraland in November 2021, and applied for a Tier 2 grant to develop a combat game in Decentraland. This early interaction with the Decentraland DAO gave me great insights into the functioning of the DAO and mechanics behind it.
      Since then, the project I started has grown into the Wilderness P2E game and I have spent all this time building on Decentraland, engaging with the community and observing the different aspects of Decentraland evolve.
      I had then applied successfully for a Tier 6 grant for expansion of Wilderness P2E in May 2022 which again gave me new insights into the DAO and taught me a lot about gathering support, handling criticism positively, understanding the point of views of different stakeholders in the Decentraland ecosystem and much more.
      As a member of the DAO, I have been regularly involved in DAO discussions, helping people understand the processes and contributing my views on key topics.
  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

    • Educational Qualification : B. Tech. in Engineering (Mechanical) from IIT Kanpur, 2017
    • Work Experience : 5 years of experience working in Agile teams at Tech. companies of different sizes, from being a startup founder and working in 2-3 people teams, to working at Gartner, a multinational corporation.
      I am currently working as the co-founder for the Wilderness P2E [-25,90 DCL] for the past one year, wearing multiple hats every day including that of a developer, discord moderator, project manager and more.
  • My relevant skills for this role involve :

    • Coding Smart Contracts, Management tools and Automating Operational Tasks
    • Discourse Management
    • Documentation
    • Leading and Managing projects in agile and remote teams.
  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

    • Yes
  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.


What is your full name?
Sean Figueroa

What is your primary wallet address?

Why are you applying?
The DAO Committee is essential and acts as Decentraland’s lifeline. I want to be a part of an exceptional team in which I can leverage the skills I possess in government consulting, project management, and leadership skills I obtained from the United States Army as a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). As an NCO, it was my duty to provide inspiration, purpose, motivation, and direction to the troops under my leadership as well as serve as a liaison for interagency joint task exercises. I believe my wide-ranging skill-set will help the DAO Committee to achieve its mission and objectives.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I first entered this space in January 2022 and have been actively engaged within the community for over 11 months. I have been involved with many events and have supported different organizations as well as artists and creators within this space.

My first big event was attending the MetaParty Fashion week as a content creator showcasing my first publication “Cyber Ninja Collection”. It was such a unique event, and the opportunities to connect with community leaders in this space led to further opportunities and connections. Since then, I have published 3 more collections and collaborated with multiple artists to publish their collections as well.

In Spring 2022, I applied to “The Decentraland Report” as a reporter and onboarded with the team at the end of April 2022. Thus far, I have conducted over 26 streams, including interviews with community leaders, organizations, and events within this space.

During this time, I have also created a YouTube channel and TikTok account to capture and highlight content occurring within Decentraland with the aim of attracting quality users to the community.

On August 2022, I applied to become a DAO Delegate, and to date, I have voted on over 70 DAO proposals.

As of September 2022, I onboarded with the MetaParty team and has been collaborating with events and create a strategic vision on how to approve MetaParty and provide an immersive experience to Decentraland.

Lastly, I support many creators within this space by purchasing their wearables as well as promoting their giveaways via Twitter. I also do my best to attend many of the community leaders’ Twitter spaces to stay informed of the current climate and culture within Decentraland.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

Project Management:
In my current role as a Management Analyst, I oversee many day-to-day operations in the contract I support in the federal government. My most recent successful project of note was the completion of an interagency conference that was attended by federal agencies and SLTT stakeholders from the emergency responder community (including EMS, Fire, and LEs) as well as international partners from the UK and Germany.

Key Leader Engagements (KLEs):
During my role as a Civil Affairs Specialist, we have been trained under the SWTG (Special Warfare Training Group) framework on how to engage with key leaders with the goal of effectively coordinating negotiations and extracting information to support follow on missions. KLEs are crucial because they enable individuals to truly understand the art of proper negotiation, which includes building rapport, information gathering, and knowing your audience.

Resource Management:
In my current job role as a Management Analyst, one of my tasks is to ensure our travel budget for the federal clients and contractors does not go over the allocated annual budget. I provide accurate cost estimates upon request, leveraging the GSA per diem rates, and making sure that all clients and contractors supporting the contract can attend conferences and meetings for the fiscal year.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
Yes and contingent on the mission, I can commit to offering more hours than the bare minimum.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.


What is your full name?
Federico Holzwarth

What is your primary wallet address?

Why are you applying?
My interest in DAOs comes from my formation as a political scientist and as a public policy specialist, and I truly think that they are the future of democracy and the -best- way to engage stakeholders, and local and transnational communities with clear objectives and a goal-oriented perspective, to transform the way of participation with transparency and well defined mechanisms.

Decentraland has, from my point of view, a lot of potential in this field, since it’s conceptually and philosophically different from other Metaverse projects and has a committed and diverse community that supports it, which brings fertile land to keep growing.

With my background in social sciences and my experience in the technology field, I feel very excited for the possibility to collaborate with the DAO Committee in their daily tasks, and to research and find the most transparent processes and balanced mechanisms for participation.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
I’ve been following this project from the outside since 2018, because I personally know some collaborators and land owners. A couple of months ago, I got more involved by collaborating with the SDK team to document specific architectural decisions and to bring more transparency through some posts in different platforms (‘SDK - Under the hood’), in order to disseminate technical information in an understandable way for everyone and get direct feedback from the community.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
Throughout my professional career, I have been able to interact and establish lasting and successful bonds with stakeholders from the private sector, civil society organizations, political groups, and public administration at all levels, to develop and implement projects and meet the needs of the organizations which I belonged to, managing to set expectations between all parts involved in a successful way.

Since 2010, I have worked in +5 different areas from local governments and at the same time, actively collaborated with NGOs. During those years, I was involved in high scale projects and led different cross-functional teams in order to deliver the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games and most recently, led a task force for the Buenos Aires City Emergency Committee during the pandemic.

I’m currently working as a Sr. Program Manager in a media/data analytics company, leading cross-functional teams from different countries and dealing with conflict resolution and intercultural communication every day to deliver results for different clients right on schedule.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.


Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.



  • What is your full name?

TobĂ­as Kaplan

  • What is your primary wallet address?

0x664EAbE08871a7b7f13AdE88bc34605ed5EAEAE6 (main wallet)

0x1e09A216B70d46229F3FE86D3aD2e47ae01f7989 (for voting on the DAO)

  • Why are you applying?

There are many reasons, but I think this job is a perfect opportunity to complement it with what I already do which is documenting Decentraland at Unversed ( In that sense, I always need to be updated on what’s going on, including the DAO. I already spend time here reading, voting and following proposals.

  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I joined Decentraland in 2021 and I was able to create one of the most popular YouTube channels focused on this platform. Not only I have onboarded multiple players, but also I’ve created multiple videos for companies and projects inside DCL (including The Decentraland Foundation, where I still collaborate). Today I’m focused on making the information accessible on Unversed, a wiki that I have created where multiple collaborators contribute by adding articles:

In regards to the DAO, I have been participating for more than a year. I always found it an amazing phenomenon that represents a new way of doing politics on the internet. I really advocate for decentralization and I’m always learning how to contribute to it.

My first proposal was about developing a low-latency stream and while at that time it didn’t pass, now there is a project inspired by that.

I normally try to vote for projects that show creativity but also make sense for the platform. I’m not a big fan of Play2Earns (mostly when they are Ponzi / Pay2Win) and I prioritize tools that help creators create better content. I try to give feedback each time and I’m always 100% open to changing my mind.

  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

I can create professional videos, see: ( // (
I can do an analysis of what’s going on in Decentraland due to my knowledge of the community (We must solve this, so Decentraland will succeed | Unversed)
I’m able to create tutorials and didactic information.

  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

I already spend a lot of time in Decentraland, so yes.

  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Unversed (Wiki of Decentraland and also working on guides):
YouTube channel of Unversed where I have uploaded a podcast: Unversed - YouTube
Some videos I made for companies and projects:
A video I made for The Foundation:
My personal website:

  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

@pablo, @Eibriel


What is your full name?*

  • Bernard Schmid

What is your primary wallet address?

  • 0x26e764eB98238eEC3265bFc3D0145DD4A2fbb160

Why are you applying?

  • Way to DCL: Released the leading report on digital identities in the metaverse together with Sandbox, Punk6529, gmoney, etc. Got super excited about Decentraland when researching and have been following closely since then.
  • Dedication: Dedicated my career helping crypto comps and DAOs. Just quit my job at McKinsey this year and started supporting different start-ups and DAOs on their journey in the space (started with strategic, finance, and governance topics, cuz that’s where I could be helpful).
  • Value: I hope (and truly believe) I can add real value to DCL. Bringing on my skillset in adding structure from the traditional world, and experience from working together with many leading crypto companies and DAOs.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

  • In that sense my application is a total wildcard.
  • I’ve literally been lurking the forum from the sidelines until now, only exploring Decentraland on certain occasions, and just created this account.
  • While I am aware that I do not have the longest experience in the community, I believe that I can make this up even more with the skills I have acquired outside.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

  • Experience:
    • 3+ years at McKinsey, where I worked for their venture practice, setting up venture funds, incubation units, and ventures for world’s leading companies.
    • Prior roles in Start-ups and Venture capital across growth and operations.
    • Founding member of web3 Studios, a team that supports DAOs on strategic and finance topics. Supported 50+ different crypto comps and DAOs.
    • Released leading market reports in the Metaverse space together with Seb from Sandbox, Punk6529, gmoney and many more.
    • Steering committee at McKinsey Crypto DAO. Founding member of LSE DAO.
  • Skills:
    • Structure, structure, structure and analytical view: Just quit my job at McKinsey to bring my skillset to crypto. I worked for some of world’s leading corporates solving complex problems in strategy, governance, and growth. What I did there always boiled down to being thrown into chaotic, complex situations and having to create clarity out of bits and pieces that were flying around. I found this skillset extremely useful when working with DAOs and believe this can be a huge value add in managing proposals in the forum for DCL.
    • Branding and partnerships: Released one of the leading reports on digital identities (>1m views) together with Sandbox, ReadyPlayerMe, Punk6529, etc. This provides me with a great benchmark for where DCL stands now and where it could be in the future, but also provides access to some of the right ecosystem players.
    • Increase engagement on DCL: One of the biggest problems DCL faces today is its ow volume of users. I’ve been working with different ecosystem players that all face the same issue. While we all couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities in DCL, UX is not ready yet to attract the broader mass. I have been working to help these players with finding ways to solve this. This ranges from facilitating partnerships to actually acquiring smaller projects along metaverse content, technology, and communities.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

  • Yes, more if needed

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

  • Honest answer is I don’t have any yet. More than happy to jump on calls with everyone who’s interested to get to know me :slight_smile:

They asked to put likes and support in a personal. So all the likes under his post are fake, with the help of collaborations and do not reflect reality. I would hate to see this person in DAO!

Hey @notHoly. I am in your telegram group relating to Decentraland since April 2022

In this group I met you and your friend Rick and also many other community members. Sometimes I asked questions relating DCL in this group, for example if anyone wants to rent my land, or wearable creation advices, also I asked support for my DAO Delegate/Committee Program.

I don’t see anything wrong/bad with this, if you don’t like it you have the right not support me.

So all the likes under his post are fake, with the help of collaborations and do not reflect reality.

Hey this is not true, at least your like is here ? Is it fake ? What collaborations you are talking about, write here in details please ?

I would hate to see this person in DAO!

Let’s spread love, not hate.

Decentraland inspires me, I love this miracle and won’t betray it. I never received/asked for any commercial or any other stimulus for my votings. All my votes were from the heart, my own decision made from my personal thoughts, arguments. Therefore, I am not such a bad DAO participant as you are trying to make me out to be.

You have a great TG channel, I received DCL advices in it, but this does not mean that I will automatically vote “Yes” for your projects/proposals in the DAO.

I voted “NO” on your DAO project grant proposal and I had my reasons. If you want to know why I voted like that - ask me but don’t blame me for something that doesn’t exist.

You are not benefiting the DAO, you are acting in the interests of others as part of a group. Therefore, you can promote the interests of this group in the DAO, which is not allowed. I can provide screenshots of personal correspondence if necessary with your consent. (There are also screenshots where you ask for a like.)
Screenshots showing your connection to the group of people below. As I write this message, there is nothing else on the account VP 1.jpg - Google Drive
2.jpg - Google Drive
3.jpg - Google Drive

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You are not benefiting the DAO, you are acting in the interests of others as part of a group.

Not true, I am acting only in the interests of whole DCL community and DAO.

I can provide screenshots of personal correspondence if necessary with your consent.

You can provide screenshots.

As I said, I don’t see anything wrong/bad with asking users to support my Delegate,Committee program, if you don’t like it you have the right not support me.

Screenshots showing your connection to the group of people below.

I am happy to know this people, they are awesome, creating interesting content, raising important questions.

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We need guiding documents and principles, fast, else our expectations for DCL are not going to align.

@notHoly @web3nit lets try limit the debates here just so it’s easier to compile and read all the applications. @notHoly from what I gathered, there will be time to debate the suitability of shortlisted candidates, so you will have time to raise your concerns in a more focused dialogue.


Looking forward to the debate. Please let me know

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We need guiding documents and principles, fast, else our expectations for DCL are not going to align.


I’m sad that I missed this through all the chaos, but I’m excited to see where this goes.

Good luck candidates!

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