Call for Candidates - DAO Committee

Hi all,

This an open call for candidates to join the DAO Committee. As you might know, Yemel resigned in April this year.
Following the process established by this governance proposal , we are opening a public call for candidates. We will accept applications for the next two weeks until 2023-05-25T12:00:00Z, and after that we will proceed to interview the candidates, the final selection will be done by a community vote.

What is the DAO Committee?

The DAO Committtee is the trusted proxy of the DAO, the team dedicated to enact on-chain proposals voted.

The main responsibilities of the DAO Committee are:

  • Update proposal status in the governance platform (promote to enacted, passed, rejected)
  • Keep updated smart contract lists such as: POIs, BanNames, Catalysts and Linked Wearables.
  • Manage the Grants Program (deploy, fund and revoke vesting contracts)
  • Execute Treasury Operations (do transfers, swap funds).
  • Calculate and execute compensation for the Wearables Curation Committee.
  • Reimburse gas fees to the DAO Committee.
  • Refill gas tank of Polygon Relayer periodically.

Some other tasks related to the role are:

  • Attend bi-monthly Town Halls and provide general community support.
  • Give feedback to proposals, evaluate risks and implementations pathways.
  • Contact external organizations in the name of the DAO.

How the DAO Committee is compensated?

A compensation of $2,400 USD per month paid in MANA was recently approved by this governance proposal .

How to apply?

To be considered you have to reply to this thread before 2023-05-25T12:00:00Z. Please copy-paste the following questions and include your answers!

  • What is your full name?
  • What is your primary wallet address?
  • Why are you applying?
  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
  • Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.
  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

What is your full name ?

Artur B. | LordLike

What is your primary wallet address ?

0x247e0896706BB09245549E476257A0A1129db418 | lordlike.eth

Why are you applying ?

First of all, I like to spend time in DAO with a Community, cooperating together and sharing ideas for the best of DCL.

I view Decentraland as an engaging digital space that cultivates an inclusive community working together to promote growth, a decentralized virtual economy, and a focus on self-sustainability and equitable distribution of grants, opportunities, and resources.

My vision as a future Committee member is to contribute towards greater decentralization, transparency and accountability within the DAO, as stated in my Delegate’s Vision. I aim to streamline the DAO governance processes.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO ?

Participating in DAO since 2021. Serving as a DAO Delegate since Apr ‘22.

Some activities and DAO initiatives by me:

Currently, I am moving my DAO initiatives to tangible results and finding approaches for multitude challenges DAO has such as absence of strategy, voting power inequity and lack of governance guidelines and documentation. Also, me and my wife are crafting new designs of feature wearables.

DAO Working Groups and Themed Channels in which I am involved:


Some of my thoughts on Decentraland Forum:

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee ?

I have experience in product ownership as well as involvement in the crypto space since 2017.

My management skills and ability to identify opportunities, along with my experience in collaborating with diverse teams, could be beneficial to the Committee. Additionally, I possess a sufficient understanding of the DAO governance process, its challenges, and potential solutions.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO ?

Yes. Usually, I commit to DAO at least 1 hour a day.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

@maryana , @Fehz , @CheddarQueso, @Canessa , @dax , @3Point1Four


What is your full name?
Nachione / Ehtiram Najafov

What is your primary wallet address?

Why are you applying?
I am passionate about decentralization and believe in the potential of the metaverse. I want to contribute my skills and experience to help enact on-chain proposals and support the growth and development of Decentraland.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
I have actively participated in the Decentraland community, creating wearables and games specifically designed for the platform. ( Through my work, I have gained a deep understanding of Decentraland’s ecosystem, its community, and the potential of blockchain technology in shaping the metaverse. I have closely followed the developments within Decentraland’s DAO, providing feedback on proposals, and engaging with the community. My experience and contributions in creating wearables and games for Decentraland demonstrate my commitment and passion for the platform and its DAO.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?
With my background as a manager of a mobile game studio, I have extensive experience in managing teams and executing projects, and a deep understanding of the gaming industry and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

In addition to my experience in the game development sector, I have a solid foundation in 3D design and animation, which allows me to bring a creative and innovative perspective to the committee. I am experienced in using technology and digital platforms to create immersive and engaging experiences.

Overall, my skills in leadership, project management, industry knowledge, creativity, and global mindset make me a valuable candidate for the committee, enabling me to contribute to the growth and success of Decentraland’s DAO.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
Yes, I can commit a minimum of 5 hours per week to the DAO. I understand the importance of active involvement and am dedicated to contributing my time and effort.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.
@Canessa @AwedJob @tangpoko @dogman @MiyuNakashima @Doki


What is your full name?

Ian O’Neil | President and Founder of DCL Curations

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

I am fully committed to building and helping grow Decentraland as a whole. Over the past year I have been looking for Leadership openings that I may be able to take on, or ways to get more involved in Decentraland and this is a perfect fit. I am well-versed in how the DAO operates, managing funds and vesting contracts, and can easily execute the position tasks that have been outlined. I believe this is a logical next step for my personal growth in Decentraland, and would be honored to serve as a DAO Committee member helping the DAO function smoothly and helping others get more involved.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I entered Decentraland in 2020 and have been working full-time in DCL since January 2022 with my primary driver being to help people become active contributors to DCL. Most recently I have been working with a team to develop the Curation Station Virtual Library – a free gamified educational experience in DCL.

Over the years, I have been an active participant in the DAO - attending townhalls, voting and commenting on important proposals, and most recently participating in all of the weekly Testing Tuesday sessions for grant recipients.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

-Background in financial analysis and projections that can be applied to help manage / grow the DAO treasury and achieve sustainability in the short-term, and beyond the current 10yr vesting contract. Proficient in Excel, PPT and public speaking

-3yrs as a Tech Strategy and Business Transformation Consultant for Deloitte working on migration strategies and increasing process and workflow efficiency. Ability to analyze technical landscapes (architecture) and identify bottlenecks and possible solutions such as automation or workforce upskilling

-1.5yrs fulltime building in Decentraland and working with a large number of active developers and contributors across the community. Skilled in 3D modeling, Sourcing, Project Management

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

Absolutely! I can commit 5hrs/week towards executing on the functional tasks outlined, and also look forward to supporting the DCL Community further by facilitating a welcoming environment and open conversation on the Forums and Discord. I think I could also work closely with teams regarding the DAO budget and develop a plan for financial sustainability beyond the vesting contract

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Twitter -

LinkedIn -

Curation Station - Curation Station: Lit with Literature, Live with DJ TRAX Week 5 | Decentraland Events

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

Pablo Lewin (GSS) – @palewin

Carl Fravel – @CarlFravel

Peanutbutta - @Peanutbutta


What is your full name?
Rizk Ghazaly

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

As the leader of Metarizk Studio, verified by Decentraland Studios, I am applying for this position because I firmly believe in the potential of the DAO system and that it will replace traditional governance and banking systems in the future. After deep conversations with friends, I have written a brief article about the significance of the DAO in the metaverse compared to the real world (Here).
With significant experience in Decentraland as an investor, developer, and observer since 2018/2019, I have actively participated in design and creation. And I think it’s time to involve myself more in governance proposals, DAO operations, and technical aspects, going beyond the artistic work I do, as I believe they complement each other.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I have a history with Decentraland that dates back to the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. Initially, I joined Decentraland and started building using the standard DCL builder as an architect. As I progressed, I expanded my knowledge by learning the SDK. During that time, I actively participated in almost all Builder contests held in 2019 & 2020 and was fortunate enough to win several prizes.

As my involvement with Decentraland grew, it eventually became my full-time occupation. I have constructed over 500 lands, though I must admit that I stopped keeping an exact count. Additionally, I have also created various wearables and emotes. Moreover, I actively engage with the Decentraland community, assisting numerous brands, groups, and companies in their integration into DCL. Some notable collaborations include working with Ytcrackers, RealMissNFT, Goatz NFT, Lottie London, MEW, and most recently, building for Saudi Arabia’s largest bank, Riyad Bank (Here).
Furthermore, I have been supporting the DAO by holding DCL assets and actively participating in proposal votes, contributing to the decision-making process and the development of Decentraland’s ecosystem.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?


  • Bachelor’s degree in Architecture.
  • Master’s degree in BioDigital Architecture from Barcelona.
  • Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) from PMI.
  • Certified Decentraland Studio.
  • Certified PRO Studio on Sandstorm.


With over 12 years of experience in architecture, I have worked in various countries across the globe. Starting in the Middle East and progressing through Europe, I now find myself in Central America. Currently, my focus is in the metaverse, where I engage in building structures, coding scenes, creating wearables, and designing Emotes.
In the cryptocurrency and blockchain field, my journey started in 2017, I have gained extensive knowledge and expertise through various experiences. Continuously expanding my knowledge, I explore and build in different metaverses to understand Decentraland’s position compared to our competitors. Notable metaversesI have contributed such as Monaverse, Spatial, tryspace, Tcg world, Eth towers, and I am also a certified PRO Studio on Sandstorm.

Honors and Awards:

I have been honored with more than 10 prizes in the metaverse, with most of them being in the top three positions since 2019. You can find a comprehensive list of my achievements and awards (Here).

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

I am fully dedicated to Decentraland as my primary occupation. I currently spend a minimum of 8 hours daily building, exploring, and engaging in conversations within the metaverse. Therefore, I am confident that I can allocate way more than 5 hours weekly for the DAO.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.






Decentraland Studio:


Interview with Serena where you can know more about my journey:


Article about DCL architecture mentioning one of my buildings:

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.


What is your full name?

Sean Ellul (aka Seanny)

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

I feel virtual worlds are often underestimated in their ability to provide an escape to those who struggle to find themselves in their current reality. I am one of those people.

Unlike other virtual environments in which I have lost myself in, Decentraland posed a new opportunity to users which, in my view, is well-aligned with the internet’s founding principles; decentralized governance and open source technologies. My background in political science and governance was one of the main reasons I was intrigued by the DAO at the start of my DCL journey; I had long been part of guilds, committees, and working groups (irl and in-game), but the idea of building on-chain infrastructure, which can allow of immutable decision-making systems caught my attention in a way few projects could.

Decentraland changed me in ways few people would expect. Yemel was one of the first people to properly welcome me into Decentraland, offering me his time and focus as I relayed a barrage of questions his way on the state of the DAO. Today, I find myself wanting to give back to DCL, not just by filling a position, but by being bold enough to assess where we can collectively go as a DAO.

Yemel’s work with external organizations, evaluating risks, and mapping out implementation pathways for the DAO was extremely admirable, and taking on the challenge of filling those big shoes is one of the main reasons why I am humbly submitting my application for the position of DAO Committee member.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I’ve been around Decentraland for around two years now and was lucky enough to broadly expose myself to varying parts of both the space and the community.

A key turning point for me in my Decentraland story was reading the ADRs, in an attempt to deeply understand what it is we’re building, what the hurdles ahead may be, and what we should be prioritizing in the present. Since then, I feel I’ve developed a significantly well-rounded understanding of Decentraland, the DAO, and the core architecture behind DCL, and I do feel this is an opportunity for me to exercise that knowledge in a way that can have a meaningful impact down the road.

In the past, I’ve tried, to the best of my ability, to communicate, mediate, bridge-build, and when necessary, provide constructive criticism to fellow community members. Additionally, I feel that in the moments when it was my turn to face criticism, I did my best to actively listen and, where necessary, act on the feedback given to me. You can expect the same attitude and approach from me should I be entrusted with this position.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

The DAO Committee is a position of trust which at a functional level requires a key set of skills related to updating smart contract lists, updating proposal statuses, deploying/revoking vesting contracts, and executing treasury operations, alongside passing reimbursements and compensation fees to specific parties.

I feel my deep familiarity with Decentraland and its systems, alongside my experience co-running a Web3 company will help in expediting my confidence in this role, especially with any tasks/systems I may currently be less familiar with.

Holding a Master of Science in Risk Management and a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies (Political Science) will also be useful, especially when dealing with issues of governance, best practices, risk evaluations, and precedent-setting.

I feel one key contribution I can bring to the committee is related to policy and communication, especially in relation to the Committee’s work with external organizations. I want our DAO to lead lobbying and negotiation efforts related to policies that could potentially affect us, whilst simultaneously starting a serious conversation on how we should address the DAO’s legal recognition as an independent entity.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?


Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

(@seanellul on all platforms)

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.



1. What is your full name? : Christopher Luyi Oniya

2. What is your primary wallet address? 0x86EDB92e217605DbeCF606548e48dAaf1B817DA1

3. Why are you applying?

I am applying to be a member of the Decentraland Committee because I strongly believe in the transformative potential of decentralized virtual worlds and want to actively contribute to the growth and development of the Decentraland platform.

First and foremost, I am deeply passionate about the convergence of blockchain technology and virtual reality, and I see Decentraland as a pioneering force in this space. The concept of a user-owned and governed virtual world resonates with my core values of decentralization, user empowerment, and digital ownership. I am inspired by Decentraland’s mission to create a truly open and immersive metaverse that transcends traditional boundaries and unlocks new possibilities for individuals, communities, and businesses.

Furthermore, I bring a diverse set of skills and experiences to the table. I have a solid understanding of blockchain technology, having actively followed its development and applications for several years. I have also been an active land-owner and participant in the Decentraland community, attending meetups, engaging in discussions, and exploring the platform’s features. My technical background, coupled with my experience in building the Life of Musk and Metatrekkers, has equipped me with a unique perspective that I believe would contribute positively to the Committee’s discussions and decision-making processes.

I am eager to work collaboratively with fellow Committee members, leveraging our collective knowledge and expertise to guide the platform’s evolution. I am a strong advocate for inclusive and transparent governance, and I believe in fostering an environment that encourages diverse voices and perspectives. As a Committee member, I am committed to actively engaging with the community, listening to their feedback, and ensuring that their interests are represented in the decision-making process.

Lastly, I see this opportunity as a mutual growth experience. By serving on the Committee, I aim to expand my own understanding of decentralized governance, blockchain-based economies, and virtual world ecosystems. I am excited to learn from the Committee’s diverse members and contribute to the platform’s success through my dedication, creativity, and collaborative mindset.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining the Decentraland Committee and contributing to the continued advancement of this groundbreaking platform.

4. What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

Present as an early adopter through various investments for almost three years, I’ve owned land for about two years and transformed it into a successful PoI story. Since then, my project has attracted and onboarded countless metaverse enthusiasts, and has always advocated for both the educational and investment aspects of Decentraland. My direct involvement with the community can be seen through years of constantly organizing events & conferences, parties, webinars, courses, and art exhibitions. Some of the events I initiated in Decentraland:

  1. Metaverse Open House
  2. Wearable Wednesday
  3. MT Gallery
  4. Streaming of summits and conferences inside Decentraland
  5. MusicTrekk
  6. Beattrekkers 1 - Decentraland DAO Funded
  7. Beattrekkers 2 - Decentraland DAO Funded

We’ve also helped initiatives of community members such as ABC Decentraland catapult their journey and be able to acquire their own land later on. Some other brands and companies we have worked with are: DubDeFi, Decentral Games,Neo DCL Studios & Venice Music

Since I have projects that are Decentraland DAO funded, I have experience and knowledge surrounding:

  • Relevant experience in updating proposal status in the governance platform
  • Keep updated smart contract lists such as: POIs, do transfers and swap fund.
  • Manage the Grants Program (deploy, fund and revoke vesting contracts)

Lastly, as an active member of the community, I:

  • Attend bi-monthly Town Halls and provide general community support.
  • Give feedback to proposals, evaluate risks and implementations pathways.
  • Contact external organizations in the name of the DAO.

5. What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

To be part of the Decentraland Committee would be such a privilege, and I am excited to bring to the table my following skills, qualifications and experience:


  • University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) – PhD of Corporate Management ​​​​​July 2023
  • Harvard University: Fintech (Course) ​​​Mar 2021 (Focused on blockchain and Smart contracts)
  • Rice University: Business Real Estate Investment & Development (Course) ​​​​​​​Mar 2021
  • Columbia University: Business School Executive Education in Investments Strategies (Course) ​​​​Feb 2021
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) ​​Jul 2015 with honors


  • With over 25 years of experience in Business, leadership and management
  • In the Crypto space since 2017
  • 6+ years of investing/research in the blockchain/crypto field
  • Owned a bitcoin factory in Beijing China 2017
  • Houston Ambassador of Texas Blockchain Council
  • Trusted and delegated with over 1M Voting Powers
  • Decentraland Reporter
  • Resource Speaker in various Web3, Crypto and Metaverse summit and conferences
  • Fluent in Multiple Languages
  • Managing MT digital spaces in other Metaverses such as Spatial, Sandbox and The Other Side
  • Early Participant in Ripple and OpenSea project
  • Creativity and Global Mindset
  • Project Management
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Knowledge
  • Community Building and Management
  • Legal and Regulatory Understanding: Knowledge of legal and regulatory frameworks related to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and virtual worlds is also something I could bring to the table. Understanding compliance requirements, intellectual property rights, and user privacy concerns can be valuable for navigating legal aspects.
  • Business Development and Partnerships: Experience in business development, building strategic partnerships, and negotiating collaborations could be valuable for expanding Decentraland’s ecosystem, attracting new users, and driving growth.
  • Marketing, Social Media Growth and Communications: Proficiency in marketing strategies, branding, and communications can help promote Decentraland to a wider audience and attract developers, investors, and users. Skills in content creation, social media management, and digital marketing could be beneficial.
  • Financial and Economic Understanding: Knowledge of economics, financial markets, and tokenomics can be valuable for understanding the dynamics of Decentraland’s economy, managing its native token (MANA), and driving sustainable growth.

6. Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

Yes, I can gladly commit 10+hrs a week.

G. Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.




Metatrekkers/Beattrekkers: metatrekkers | Twitter, Instagram, Twitch | Linktree

7. Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

@potradamus -

@Murphjestic -

@MetaRyuk -

@Nodo -
@MetaDoge -

@JTV -

@Roustan -

@Existential14 -

@BioMETA -

@Atrovenado -

neocyber -


What is your full name?
Gino Cingolani Trucco

What is your primary wallet address?
0x511a22cDd2c4eE8357bB02df2578037Ffe8a4d8d // ginoct.eth

Why are you applying?
The DAO Committee is the trusted human proxy for the DAO treasury, serving as the interface between the DAO and various entities in the space. While acknowledging the capabilities of the current Committee members, I believe I can bring a more open and neutral perspective, along with a different approach to communication with the community and relevant stakeholders. My extensive engagement with every Core Unit of the DAO, several Committees, and multiple teams on the Foundation side provides me with a broader context of the ongoing developments across the board.

Additionally, I believe there is room for improvement in the speed of enacting on-chain transactions and enhancing transparency in communications when actions are implemented. I am keen to contribute to addressing these areas by introducing human processes and exploring opportunities for automation (that could potentially be implemented as part of the GovSquad roadmap in the future).

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
I have been actively involved in the Decentraland Community since early 2022, leading the Governance Squad. I have represented Decentraland in numerous crypto events and have contributed to various governance design improvements over the past 36 months, focusing on product development and process design. I’ve published several Governance proposals that ended up being approved.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

  • Background in Media Studies
  • 10 years of experience in the Product field
  • 2 years of full immersion in the web3 crypto space
  • Strong communication and public speaking skills
  • Proficiency in planning and executing complex projects
  • Professional experience in community-based projects
  • Deep knowledge of the DAO stack
  • Understanding of the concepts necessary for performing on-chain transactions
  • Possession of a dedicated laptop and hardware wallet for Committee-related activities (enhancing security measures)

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?
Certainly, my current time commitment to the GovSquad is 30 hours per week, which allows me additional availability to dedicate to the Committee. I can commit to a minimum of 5 hours per week and remain on call during weekends if needed.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

I’m open to answering any questions the community might have regarding this application via DM over Discord or in a call.


What is your full name?

Julio Balbuena

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

I am applying because not only do I firmly believe in the potential of decentralized systems and virtual realities, but I also recognize the transformative power these technologies have in redefining how we interact, work, and even govern ourselves. Decentraland, with ground breaking vision, stands at the forefront of this change, and being a part of such an innovative project is incredibly inspiring.

My passion is rooted in my desire to actively participate in shaping this novel form of digital society and economy. By joining the DAO Committee, I can leverage my skills and experience to foster DCL’s growth, ensuring it remains an inclusive, vibrant, and democratic platform. Additionally, I am motivated by the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from like minded individuals who share the same commitment to decentralization and blockchain technology. I believe that together, we can enhance the platform and create a more enriching and interactive virtual world.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

Two years ago, I was introduced to Decentraland and was immediately drawn to its innovative and groundbreaking vision. Since then, I have actively participated in the community, exploring different projects, and even taking the initiative to develop my own. The experience of building within the DCL ecosystem has deepened my understanding of its potential and intricacies.

I’ve been fascinated by DCL’s unique DAO structure, prompting me to follow its developments closely and participate in important discussions and voting processes. One contribution is my involvement in the DCL strategy planning session, where I will passionately advocate to maintaining and enhancing the platform’s decentralized nature.

These experiences have fostered a deep sense of connection and commitment to the Decentraland community, motivating me to seek a more influential role. I am eager to leverage my insights and experience to further contribute to shaping the future trajectory of DCL.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

When it comes to skills, qualifications, and experience, I bring a diverse range of expertise to the committee. With a background in Economics and more than a decade of experience in professional services, I have a strong foundation in financial management, project execution, and helping companies achieve their goals in both web 2 and web 3 landscapes.

Being part of a NFT DAO, I have gained a deep understanding of Decentraland’s technical infrastructure and the intricacies of decentralized communities. This experience has given me valuable insights into promoting collaboration in decision-making and effectively understanding the workings of decentralized governance.

As a bilingual in Spanish and English, I can effectively communicate and engage with a diverse global community, facilitating inclusivity and ensuring that different perspectives are heard. I’m excited to contribute my skills and experience to the committee and work together to drive the success and growth of DCL.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

Yes, I can commit to dedicating at least 5 hours per week to the DAO. I fully understand the significance of this role and am committed to investing the time and effort required to contribute effectively and drive meaningful outcomes. Additionally, I am open to dedicating more hours if the situation demands it, ensuring that the DAO’s needs are met.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

1. Melanie Girald, DCL Strategic Operations Advisor:

2. Biometa, CEO of Vita TV:


What is your full name?

Andres Velasquez / Sinful

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

In the 18 months that I have been on Decentraland, I have spent literally thousands of hours outreaching, getting to know, and supporting the Decentraland Community. I am the producer and host of Beyond the NFT a long running weekly live streamed show that focuses on Decentraland Community members and creators, many of them grant-supported. I also am the co founder of Community Building Decentraland discord which is a collective of Decentraland Communities, We also host weekly twitter spaces on Wednesdays at noon. These two projects give me a unique opportunity to explore and share community insights that would be valuable to the Dao Team. I am passionate about Decentraland and my commitment to the space goes far beyond the 5 hours of technical work per week that this position calls for. Being a member of the DAO committee would be a opportunity for me to part of something bigger than I am and do my part in contributing to a developing space.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I am a Decentraland Streamer , Show host and Community memeber. In the DAO I am an active voter and Grantee.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

As an experienced event coordinator, I have a proven track record of effectively organizing events on Decentraland, which demonstrates my attention to detail and organizational skills. These skills will assist with administrative tasks such as ensuring that smart contract lists are up to date and accurate.

Additionally, my proficiency in public speaking enables me to confidently take the lead on public DAO events and speak at in-person conferences. This skill set is invaluable for engaging with the wider community, promoting the DAO’s initiatives, and generating interest and support. Moreover, my experience in Discord moderation equips me with the capability to effectively enforce the rules and maintain a positive and inclusive environment within the Discord server.

I have been actively involved in the crypto space since 2014, which provides me with a deep understanding of the industry and its evolving dynamics. This experience allows me to navigate the intricacies of executing treasury operations, including transfers and fund swaps, with a high level of competence and security awareness. Furthermore, my extensive involvement in the web industry over the past 20 months as a full-time professional has honed my technical skills and problem-solving abilities, making me well-equipped to handle the deployment, funding, and revocation of vesting contracts within the Grants Program.

Lastly, my trustworthy reputation is evidenced by being entrusted with VP from 18 wallets. This demonstrates my integrity, reliability, and the confidence others have in my abilities to handle sensitive responsibilities.

In conclusion, my bilingualism, communication skills, event coordination experience, public speaking abilities, proficiency in Discord moderation, crypto background, and web industry expertise make me an excellent candidate for the position of a member of the DAO Committee.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

I can commit far beyond the 5 hours a week that this position ask for.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.


Community Building Decentraland Discord link: Discord

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.

and many more LMK if you need more references :wink:


What is your full name?

Amit Dhingia | Mr Dhingia

What is your primary wallet address?


Why are you applying?

I am applying for this position because I deeply believe in the potential of Decentraland and the transformative power it holds. Having been a passionate member of the community since November 2021, my engagement as a builder, wearable designer and event organiser has allowed me to contribute substantially to this vibrant and evolving virtual world.

I view this opportunity to join the DAO committee as an extension of my dedication, providing me with a platform to advocate more effectively for the builders and users who form the heart of Decentraland. I’m particularly driven by a desire to bring a fresh perspective to the committee, one that echoes the diversity of our community.

Decentraland is a global platform, and it’s this international reach that makes it so dynamic and engaging. Yet, when it comes to representation within the DAO and committee, it is predominantly Western-oriented. This is not a critique, but rather an opportunity for us to embrace the diverse fabric of our community more fully.

As someone who hails from India and operates out of Dubai, I believe I can provide an Eastern perspective and represent a demographic that is currently underrepresented. My experiences, cultural heritage, and understanding of Eastern markets could provide valuable insights, fostering an environment that is truly inclusive and diverse.

It is with respect and appreciation for the current committee members that I express this intent; it is not about replacing one perspective with another, but about enriching our shared understanding with diverse viewpoints. I see this as a way to grow stronger, together, by ensuring that all voices within our community are heard and valued.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

Since my journey with Decentraland began in November 2021, I have been fully immersed in contributing to and promoting our platform. As a builder, my impact is visible across Decentraland’s landscape, with over 30+ structures designed and deployed for various projects and individuals.

In an act of commitment to the community’s growth, I took on a project with Decentraland’s DAO to create more than 35 open-source buildings. The designs can be found on my GitHub repository here and have been utilized by numerous community members, demonstrating my dedication to providing resources for the benefit of all.

I have also played a significant role in the ‘Awesome Repository’ as a contributor under ‘Dhingia Builds’, where I added multiple builds for the community to use and take inspiration from.

Beyond my construction projects, I have been a fervent promoter of Decentraland. I’ve engaged in real-life events such as XVERSE at Gitex Global 2022, held at the World Trade Center in Dubai, UAE, where I distributed DCL T-shirts and spread the word about our metaverse.

Events have been a significant part of my contribution to Decentraland. The regular UNMONDAY series and the grand 4-day MVFW event at my 64-parcel development are among the diverse and unique experiences I have brought to our community.

My history with Decentraland’s DAO is marked by active participation and engagement. As a DAO Delegate, I have been involved in the decision-making process on 175 proposals, contributing my perspective and voting in the best interest of our community. This opportunity to potentially join the DAO committee represents a significant step in my ongoing commitment to Decentraland, providing a chance to enhance my contribution and further serve our vibrant community.

What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

Throughout my time with Decentraland, I have amassed a wealth of skills and experiences that uniquely position me to contribute significantly to the DAO committee.

  • Building and Design Skills: My background as a builder has seen me design and implement over 30 structures within Decentraland. With a keen understanding of aesthetics and functionality, I’ve created immersive spaces that are as captivating as they are useful.
  • Open Source Contributions: My involvement in open-source development has instilled a collaborative spirit and an ethos of shared progress. By constructing more than 35 open-source buildings for Decentraland, I’ve fostered an inclusive environment for our community.
  • Event Management: I’ve organised numerous community events in the past, such as the 4-day MVFW event and am currently committed towards the UNMONDAY series. These experiences have honed my project management skills, ability to galvanise communities, and create meaningful and engaging experiences.
  • Community Engagement: My commitment to community engagement is well demonstrated, from distributing DCL T-shirts at international events to offering free builds to dedicated individuals. I’m passionate about amplifying community voices, fostering greater involvement, and ensuring our users feel valued and heard.
  • DAO Experience: As a DAO Delegate involved in over 175 proposal votes, I have valuable insight into the decision-making processes that shape our platform. My experience with the democratic principles that guide us will be instrumental in preserving and promoting our shared vision.
  • Cultural Perspective: My Indian heritage and Dubai residency afford me a unique Eastern perspective. This cultural understanding can offer fresh insights, enrich our community’s diversity, and foster a more globally inclusive atmosphere within the committee.

While I may not possess a collection of formal degrees, I’ve always believed in the power of practical experience and learning through doing. I’ve learned immeasurably through my hands-on involvement in Decentraland, both technical skills and about community building, project management, and collaborative decision-making. I am a testament to the concept that passion, commitment, and a willingness to learn are just as valuable as formal qualifications. Drawing on this diverse skill set and breadth of experience, I am eager to bring my unique contributions to the DAO committee, enriching our collective capabilities, and furthering the growth and success of Decentraland.

Can you commit at least 5 hours per week to the DAO?

My dedication to Decentraland and its success has led me to invest numerous hours in the past, and I fully intend to continue this commitment. The proposed minimum of five hours per week is certainly within my capacity. However, given my engagement level and passion for the work, I anticipate dedicating even more time, potentially exceeding 10+ hours per week.

I genuinely believe in Decentraland’s potential and the importance of the DAO committee’s role in realising that potential. Therefore, I am more than willing to invest the necessary time to ensure that I can contribute meaningfully and effectively to the DAO committee’s work.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.


Instagram: Mr. Dhingia (@mrdhingia) • Instagram photos and videos


Dhingia Builds Twitter:

Github: GitHub - MrDhingia/DhingiaBuilds: Community builds for Decentraland by MrDhingia

Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.
