[DAO:bed609b] Last Chance To Pay Software License Fees

Okay, cool. I reloaded and got the smart wearable notification. I put in first person and there is a noise so that’s nice. Now, I just need to find someone to play against :slight_smile: Nice work on the wearable!

What realm? I’m there now on main

Yeah, sometimes I prefer to be a loner so went to check it out by myself. Let me sign back on and see if I can test it out in main.

I am a little confused here.

You don’t want to make any money from your project and are not interested in gaining funds through the sales of your smart wearable? It is my understanding now that the money you seek must come from the DAO as a payment for “software licensing”. I am just trying to understand.

I think it would have been a good idea for you to ask before you started any of this. “Hey DAO! If I make a smart wearable will you pay for the software license?”

At that point someone would have told you no and you would have had your answer before having someone invest $24,000 in paying you to create something you were unsure if you’d be paid for it.

I think that your projects have potential and are decent ideas, even though while you claim they are fully functional they are missing some functions that you claim can be easily added but still make the game not fully functional.

Would it not make more sense to focus on one game?

I have to reiterate that these projects that you built on the Decentraland Platform are your projects. It is not any special software that requires licensing and nobody owes you for building here.

As your own entity in the web3 space you are more than welcome to create your own marketplace for builds and games your company creates and sell the code as you wish to people (land owners) that may be interested in buying the right to use your game.

Ultimately, I think it would be wiser to break all this down into multiple, smaller, individual proposals to get a feel for what decentraland voters think they want and/or need for the platform.

Thank you for the refund, if you want to call this a “demo” fine, but by deleting the wearables function on christmas morning because the DAO does not want to fund your bad proposal you are only shooting yourself in the foot (pun intended)

It is not that I dont think decentraland should help fund your work. You are clearly skilled. It’s that your approach is very unethical and extremely unprofessional. Call it my opinion.

I think that if you took this proposal down and broke down just details on the smart wearable and went for a grant for just your smart wearable (not 40,000 – let’s be realistic) you might get somewhere. Listing it for a reasonable price at 5,000 count ensures that you will recoop a good bit of your money but something tells me that you are set in your ways

So I will leave it at this:

I don’t care if it’s a demo or not. Smart wearables are not intended to be demos so on christmas morning if this has no function I will call it a rug

Hey @OGContraBand thank you for taking the time to demo your Laser Tag gun smart wearable with me tonight and rock on Billy Strings!!

The Laser gun was not dropped to me however I was able to get it on marketplace with only a minimal gas fee. I enabled the gun, went to your land and boom you were there. :blush:

I saw the red range circle but nothing else. You mentioned to put on another smart wearable, so I put on the “GAIAN” smart shoes and reloaded. When I landed back in, the smart mode worked and I heard my shots and also a pink light directed toward you. The range was off, and the “smart” factor did not last long but I had a moment of excitement, so thank you for that. Your game idea is really exciting for someone who, tbh, has had little excitement in DCL gaming so far.

I like the idea that we can have audible and visual light expressions toward another person. It shows a growth by creative peeps like you. I have personally played paintball IRL and would appreciate the idea of that, but I think we would need a way to move faster and also not sure the platform would support that kind of game, yet.

I do hope that you can keep up your work and also that your game can develop because I do like your ideas
Again, I appreciate your time.

Dear DeadHeadJ,

You do realize you got a 1/2 million vote against? I’ve charged small factories $300,000 for less code than those 5 games and those were small companies not billion dollar software organizations. Those sales were considered a good deal, lowest bidders. No developers are going to work to sell NFTs to 20 people. We won’t reward the platform with free code it’s insulting. What we’re being told is that our gaming software industry does not have value. What’s the value of Decentraland then? It’s also gaming software - I guess all foundation engineers and support staff should be free. Land should be free, mana should be free. That’s the message I’m getting. For us it’s leave as fast as we can, don’t write another line of code. I appreciate you trying out the laser gun and being friendly while smashing our business and insulting the whole software industry :slight_smile: It was no problem walking through how to enable.


Your dear friend OGCB

Hey did my post make too much sense to reply to?

You run an entire gaming software industry ?

wow, you must be very wealthy.

Tell me that you don’t understand anything about web3 without telling me that you don’t know anything about web3

I think that talking to you about this in any way is a waste of time since SleepyLadyBoss calls the shots and seems to have her mind made up anyway.

There are so many coders in this space executing their own ideas that in reality you are just another coder. Don’t take that offensively, coders are very important!

You are just another coder that executed his idea in a web3 space. Execution was not great.

I am not sure what world you are living in or where you come from but when it comes to web3, it is unlikely that someone will want to “buy your code” in the way that you’ve executed this whole sharade. This is your project. It will always be your project. We don’t wait to claim it as ours.

In the name of decentralization your project(s) is(are) forever yours and you can do with your project(s) what you wish. You wanna shut it down? Go for it. You want to give them away as a 2 week demo claiming you’re leaving the space forever and never coming back? By all means this is a decentralized space and you are free to do so. You are the first to create a smart wearable “demo” so at least you can go down in the history books.

This project could succeed but your web2 mindset is blocking you from that.

It is likely, however, that someone will “imitate your idea” since the smart wearable feature is actually still pretty new and we are all still figuring out what can be done with it.

Thank you for showcasing a neat function! There are already a few smart wearables that turn “all the land” into a game, this will give coders already in the space ideas to create something better.

Anyway, no point in me continuing this. This was more of an exercise for me but it is clear that you are stuck in a web2 mindset.

Since my time is not free I should be able to invoice you for this, like you’re invoicing Decentraland for your code cause I gave you some serious alpha in my posts.

“imitate your idea” yeah we all know that means IP theft directly lift and steal the code like the illegitimate organization that won’t even pay 40k for 80k worth of software. At first I disagree with boss, but now I think she’s right about leaving asap. I feel very ashamed I thought we should give Decentraland a chance and in the end it just turns out it’s even worse that what Folding Ideas said in dead mall. I sincerely hope the day the code’s lifted is the day the FBI kicks in the doors that can be additional cyber crime charges. This website should be banned in the USA so nobody makes the same mistake of thinking of this as a legitimate business and gaming platform.

Imitation is the best form of flattery. Unless you’ve patented/trademarked idk what to tell you.

Have fun!

Guy you need to learn about copyright. Software code falls into mostly into copyright law similar to music although it can have a patent or be branded by trademark. It’s protected upon creation and notification of copyright. This is your notification. Of course someone can make their own blaster, if it’s the same code that’s another story. Yes I’m have trademarks and around 64 copyrights with the library of congress as well. Patents my business partner has a few. You should learn this for your own protection. It’s not any threat more that if the wrong industries come through here they’ll wipe the floor with some people and ruin their lives. I remember napster college kids were getting sued for 250k. It’s something I tell you potentially for your benefit. NFTs are supposed to be about art not ripping off artists. Permission should be obtained by the artists including code. It could be that some people hating on me today could be saying thanks so much OG you saved my butt in the future.

Guy I never said someone would copy your code and the ugly crosshair.

I said they would imitate it and make it better.

Okay guy, go somewhere guy.

your right I can spawn 200 crosshairs out of my cheeks. This proposal doesn’t make sense looks verly salty and this is not a way to request funding? No need to pay 40k to someone who thinks they can get it through blackmail :joy: what you gonna do if we dont pass? nothing…

Bro thought he was the meta bailiff debt collector v12.

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I’ve been meaning to talk to you. Just so you know your duel arena is one of the broken games. Dandelion cannot be collected after timer expiration. I thought you’re advertising on coinGecko maybe so you’d want to know game is broken on first step like most games of decentraland. Considering you can’t get coin pickup to work, we’ll know stolen code if we see a quantum leap in DCL. Every developer in the world will know their code will be looted and stolen in DCL. Folks have had years to make these popular games in here, Monster Hall makes one - defunded, I make several - defunded. If everybody tested while standing around in their lands games wouldn’t be broke. You already look totally unprofessional with broken game and just looks worse when you can’t understand a software license and evaluation demo copy. It’s a simple choice if DCL doesn’t want the game they don’t want the game but definitely IP theft will be reported to authorities. Is this a crime network or a software company?

Yeah yeah yeah, eat my dust. My game functions like a pro, I dont know when you have tested it maybe while in development just so you know the release is set in 19th. You think you are some evil genius or some cool guy but your really just a salty geek looking to get some money for a snowball game I can make in 1 day and now just imagine that I’m not even the head developer of duel arena :joy: maybe try to build something long term :joy:

bro thought he was in a movie or sum :clown_face:

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That’s a video taken just now of your game not working. It’s been that way on chrome and edge both for at least a week but probably more like 2. I popped in their twice and said ‘dandelion pickup not working’ so you’d know

You seriously need to put the crack pipe down.

People have told you time and time again! More than once! Your approach here is backwards! Your project was never funded in the first place. In order for your project to be “defunded” it has to be funded.

InJesterr’s game is more complicated than all your games combined calm down.

Hey @InJesterr how many times did your proposals get turned down?

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Wauw you are even dumber then you look your supposed to click on the pit :joy::joy: tell me you have no game sense without telling me you have no game sense :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

hahahaha you gonna regret this video after you click on the pit :face_with_spiral_eyes:


probably 3-4 times I kept working and never made threats, also I have a whole 2d game made before making the actual 3d version.

He is just salty and funny at the same time I really just hope he acts dumb for negative attention :joy::triangular_flag_on_post: