[DAO:bed609b] Last Chance To Pay Software License Fees

No one is saying work for free. Youur proposal for licensing fees has no relevance in decentraland or frankly any other open development platform. Your proposal is actually upside down.

The difference is Steam has 180 million users, Roblox 65 million where DCL has about 12 actual human players of games outside of casino and excluding those bots, stake holders standing around etc. It’s going to take the right investment to change that. We believe our laser tag gun is something beneficial to every stake holder, it’s one of those ‘right’ investments. Users are going to see that they were taken away by the DAO, that folks are voting not for the benefit of the platform, but for personal gain, out of jealousy, and to chase away the competition. Anything business, software projects clearly isn’t your area of expertise.

Hey this is a great compromise for the teams edition - team Canessa brand laser tag and team nwiz or whoever. This is a deal on my end too.

Hey this is a great idea for the teams edition ‘team Canessa Laser Tag’ vs team nwiz or whoever. It’s a deal from my end. Yes contrats to DAO it looks like you’ve been successful in pushing us out of town. You can relax your turf is safe now and nothing better will ever come to DCL to compete with walking around in your blender objects.

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Just want to state that I have nothing to do with this project. I was given laser tag guns to airdrop as giveaways during events, just want to make that clear…

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It’s unfortunate you succumb to personal attacks about my expertise or lack their of when it comes to software projects or business.

I don’t need to validate any of that.

Your proposal is all over the place - that’s why people are voting it down. You mention multiple different projects and licensing while also trying to promote a new project. This proposal lacks focus and future direction.

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The snowball fight seems to be missing a very important feature (the ability to respawn)
The laser tag needs major improvement before I would consider it a truly revolutionary decentraland experience, but I like the idea.

Having to aim up is weird, the crosshair is sarcastically huge so the initial presentation is not great.

You want to air this publicly on twitter but when I ask you legit questions and point out obvious issues with your game you block me. Well, let me break this web3 stuff down for you since you are clearly misinformed.

The DAO is not here to pay your salary, for a game you created on your own free will.

At this point, you have blocked one of your only investors. (I bought a gun on secondary market) – which you could have had the full 9 or 15 mana (like makeAnft paid that 15 mana to mint) but you got greedy and raised the price to $40,000.

Demanding money with a toxic approach is a terrible way to win over this community.

I’ve never seen a rugpull happen in such a way, where the rugpuller points fingers.

You have to convince us that your project has the value. Where is the documentation that shows every hour spent creating these that puts a $40,000 price tag on them?

The fact that you blocked me when I was asking genuine questions is really sad on your part, and I am inclined to burn this rugpull of a wearable.

Your behavior is disgusting

If I could speak for the community, I would, but I can only speak for myself. My thoughts are, we dont want your software, or the licensing for it. We dont need it. So you don’t have to wait for the proposal to decline, just rug your wearable now and get it over with.

You blocked the only person that was willing to hear you out…

The laser tag guns speak for themselves there’s never been anything this cool in Decentraland. What you’re angry about is that people are seeing how cool they are and that DAO won’t even spend some pocket change on them if we’re getting honest. You only want to help us if we delete the grant. Anyone who has experience with game creation, software development and project management can see between the FPS, Farming, API, Multi Player Battle and Multi Player Battle Everywhere there’s way more than $40,000 worth of code there. Any legitimate organizations will laugh at the idea that 40k is too much for several functioning products. On average each component is from1,500 to 2,500 lines of code. A legitimate software company is seeing how any license mechanism is considered “ransom” and laugh out loud. It’s pretty clear we’re leaving DCL already had 1 foot out the door. DCL has had years to legitimize themselves as a gaming platform, instead they delete Monster Hall, delete farming, delete robot apocalypse. Many software has an evaluation period copy, this is not strange. What we made in a few months was pretty exceptional with nothing ever made like it deployed in world. It’s kind of wild that people are losing their mind over the idea that software could be not free. I guess that will be the way of DCL to chase away any new software talent.

“There’s never been anything this cool in decentraland” - I beg to differ. There’s all kinds of cool stuff that has been introduced, possibly cooler, with less drama tied behind it.

That voxboards smart wearable that lets u build a skate park anywhere in decentraland is really cool! I dont remember anyone from that team “demanding” to be paid or they are “rugging” the smart wearable.

I am not angry about anything. You have this completely backwards. I am coming at this with an open mind and just reading the facts. I am all about transparency and have been in the space since 2014. I believe fully in Decentralization and the power that web3 has for developers to be compensated for their work properly.

This goes hand-in hand with the Ethereum white paper that I read when Ethereum was launched. One thing that really caught my attention in the white paper is that it states how apps today work. (in the world of smart phones) You download a free app that a developer coded. At this point it’s free work and the dev has to use ads for their free version to generate income via ad impressions. As a developer I am sure you know this, right? Okay, sweet.

Well the ETH White paper explains how a dapp eliminates the need for these intrusive ads and allows the dev to be paid directly. Do you know who it states that pays the dev? That’s right – the users of their game/dapp.

It is you who is angry because you feel that you should be compensated for your work by the DAO and are being extremely toxic about the entire situation. Making tiktok videos about how bad decentraland is and videos about how a user who registered “VerizonWireless” as their decentraland name is selling a wearable and while all of us know that user is not VerizonWireless (as do you) you are making claims that people will buy that thinking that it’s actually created by verizon.

Hmmm. that sounds like someone that is extremely angry to me. someone that is digging to point fingers to prove a point even though it has no relevance.

I know that if you put out this smart wearable with a positive attitude, airdropping it to people, letting them play, having a discord to have people join to discuss updates, bugs and fixes and you turned it into a week long/month long event you might get somewhere. Then if everything went really well and u actually got to know us and maybe made a proposal (not demanding, and stating how dead dcl is) asking if we could help pay for the cost of developing and future developing, with key documentation about the process and hours it took to develop, I can almost gaurentee you would have gotten a grant approval.

But instead you came in saying fuck you pay me or i’m taking away this cool new toy. and people are like what??? and then you single out one user out of many that have voted no.

It’s a bully tactic and quite frankly, i don’t see any legitimate organization accepting your proposal with the approach that you’ve taken.

When it comes to moving properly in the web3 space, you were on the right track, especially in terms of the smart wearable, because right now, as we speak, even with all the ones you gave away, there would be sales happening. Lots of them. And you’d be at least making something instead of nothing. And you could have incorporated all your games with the smart wearable, and monetized it through the sales of nft’s (because in the web3 space, it’s not really up to someone to pay you. It is up to you to build your project and hope it sells)

Over time, with the support of the community, and as we get to know you and the value of your projects, you would gain the trust and support needed to obtain a grant.

Since decentraland (as an organization) didn’t exactly hire you to make this, it is also up to decentraland to decide if they want to pay you for it or not. “Last chance to pay” ultimatum is a great way to get voted no on.

I’m sorry that web3 isn’t working for you, and I wish you and your team the best of luck in the web2 space.

I can however say that, eventually, you’ll be back in web3. :slight_smile:

They are not fully functional if you have to “add an update” in 2 minutes.

How much will the ability to respawn cost the DAO? Do you need a new proposal for that?

When it comes to future updates, will you come back demanding more money?

I know that you are already out of dcl at this point, so since you’re out, why even have the wearable active til the proposal declines? Why not just rug it now

I am not the person you spoke to this morning, so I never said to delete the proposal. But at the end of the day, there isnt a chance in hell that this is going to pass. But I would agree that I wouldnt help you as long as your attitude is this poor.

I paid like 9.99 mana for my wearable, and you received what? 2.5% of that? Had you listed the thing, you’d at least have 9.99 mana. So at this point someone you airdropped this to has made more money than you off your own project because you have a bad attitude.

Saying DCL operated an online casino is like saying Mozilla or Google operates one :clown_face:
DecentralGames has a license to operate it, two actually, one in Costa Rica and one in Malta.

You are just a salty person who is trying to blackmail the community with your shitty game, saying it’s the last time to pay your fees for the third time and openly saying you will do your best to make users experience worst if this grant doesn’t pass.


The community is getting the laser guns airdrops, they’re seeing the DCL technology actually can make actual 3D moba game, they’re having fun then they’re seeing the DAO votes to delete all fun on Christmas morning. We’re calmly leaving, sold 1 land, sell the other, migrate to a legitimate game platform. I guess if you’re calling it that word then it’s insulting to all other creators because the laser gun is #1 B.P.

I don’t see that many people using it, and it’s kind of buggy in its current state.

Again, you are completely misguided and misinformed as to what a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is designed to do.

The DAO is not voting to delete “all fun” on christmas morning. You are choosing to delete it on christmas morning. There’s a difference.

There is no point to state that you are leaving, we already know you are rugging the smart wearable and as a result there is no point to use it further.

The laser gun is not #1, it needs a lot of work to be #1, and not enough people have even tried it to make such a claim. Also you’re rugging it. So it’s not #1, it’s #rug

The creator holds responsibility here. It is your responsibility to see your project succeed or fail, and you are pulling the plug before it even started.

I would like to suggest you stop airdropping users your gun, because it won’t work in 2 weeks, so you will only hurt yourself by doing that.

I’m good without the friendship bracelet, you never asked us if we wanted it placed on our arm.

This isn’t Decentralized with the 8 million voting power of the Casino thugs. It’s pointless to vote. This is nothing but Casino getting more visitors. I want to know with how scared people got and quickly stopped their support, reverse story - was anybody threatened? I know I was the casino thugs made this on twitter. I have reported to FBI, and SEC and encourage anyone receiving threats by the organized crime mob here to alert your local authorities. This is a pretty common casino-DAO behavior from what I’m told.

Guy makes game on his own free will in a decentralized web3 space.

Guy then goes to the DAO and demands to be paid for said work or he’s rugging it.

Guy cries to FBI and SEC when DAO says no.

I know I was the casino thugs made this on twitter.


You are the rugmaster!

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How can it be rug when I’m airdropping them all for free? I air dropped you an additional one. There is some category change needed I’ll see about if I can put ‘free’ or airdrop on the name or something when I do that work later.

Considering that this proposal will not pass and you stated you were going to rug the wearables smart function on christmas morning, thus making it useless.

Sounds like a rug to me.

Unless you’re bluffing?

Hey I’m going to give you a refund. I didn’t realize free is an option for price. It’s a free demo which cannot be a rug pull when they are free and airdropped. I updated price to free. I updated the title and description including ‘free demo’ as well to avoid any such confusion. I just sent you $5.99 worth of matic on polygon network, transaction hash 0x1362f30336ece5dcf2e5eaf200f2948b63cff4e00fca806edf53f75b796ce666

Hello, thank you for the “free laser tag gun”. I am here at your space for the demo and I am not sure how to use the gun or where the scene is?

Yep the DAO pushed our business out of Decentraland successfully. We closed the snowball fight and put the land for sale - our last land, we won’t have any games, lands, worlds in here. The gun can be used in any scene. It’s a smart wearable so you enable it click to shoot. You can play anyone else who has it enabled.