[DAO:f67f5b8] Holiday Special 37% Off 3D Gaming Software Development

by 0xe945ed0530da54c1af15c6b034be9ef3e6bbe7b1 (OGContraBand)

Should the following $25,000 grant in the In-World Content category be approved?


The holidays are here which means BIG SAVINGS. I’m offering 37% off software development services to expand OG Contra Band Farm Game. This is the fun game where you blast animated robots, grow special farm herbs and drive around in a car to sell them for in-game money. The game features the first-ever full-avatar leader-board where the world champions avatars are displayed.

The grant will include the FPS portions that popular youtubers complain the Decentraland ‘game’ does not have enough of. Not only will the existing robot battle zone be expanded a whole new world will be created featuring new opponents.

Grant size

25,000 USD in DAI

Project duration

4 months

Beneficiary address


Email address



If you’ve watched any critics they come into Decentraland and don’t have enough fun compared to other ‘games’. This is why I created OG Contra Band farm. It’s imperative to get more quality games in DCL to attract and entertain visitors for the protection of land value, advertising power and Mana price.

Secondly the funding allows me to focus my time on Decentraland. I will be analyzing the platform code looking for improvements in scene loading technique.

Roadmap and milestones

--Expand AI Robot Apocalypse component (104,51) with dynamic placement of robots, walls and crates to create multiple levels.
--Upgrade robots to SDK 7
--Build out seed and fertilizer shop world. Player battles new opponents to get to the shop where they can trade in-game money for seed strains and fertilizers.
--Bug fix in-memory cross-parcel caching of values

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

will keep my words vote yes, but why did you deleted the originals proposal ?

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I didn’t think they could be edited someone could raise the price change requirements after passing - looked around for edit but quickly thought one probably can’t edit them. This will be the same, only difference I added a month of time to allow for analysis of scene loading system, learn platform architecture which I’ve started. I took out some items that just confused people, but if this passes definitely I will consider the land paid for / never sell etc. I have 20+ years of pro c# and javascript plus all the 3d music, art etc - anything keeping me coding in DCL is a good investment. Thanks.

is this game deployed in world?

Yes start at 105, 50 and talk to scarecrow to get started. There are 3 components 104,51 Dealer Zone (world) and 105, 50. Player has to unlock the dealer zone world by farming and participating in the other portions of the game to see.

gm @OGContraBand
I tried your game for over a month

I personally love the concept of your game, you have to dig the soil, put seeds and water them, plus I love shooting games (I only found 2 in DCL worlds, would be great to see more)

I like your idea because it keeps players come at the game daily before the timer ends otherwise the plants will die, so it helps to generate attachment to the game itself, I dont remember the countdowns, can you write them in answer to this post please?

Making the leaderboard with players avatars will bring it to the next level of challenging between players, as example me, Fredarme and MetaLuke :heart:

photo of the scene 7 nov 2023


You are offering a discount to develope your game “OG Contra Band Farm Game” at [105,50] & [104,51] from 40.000$ to 25.000$ (Around 37% discount)

In the “budget breakdown” you dont mention the upgrade of 105,50 part of the game where you plant seeds but

  • 12,500$ to “Upgrade robots to SDK7, dynamic loading of all robots, obstacles, add at least one additional configuration / level and integrate into game”
  • 12,500$ to “Create a new world in which user have to battle their way to a seed/fertilizer shop. Once blasting all enemies user can trade in-game money for special seed strains and fertilizer to boost their sales and crop outputs.”

We know each other and I’m sorry to vote no to your grant but I feel like it need to be more optimized before proposing it on the DAO (or to get my positive vote)

Actually me, and other players cant see the scene as you can see below, also after waiting 30 minutes or refreshing Decentraland client multiple times, has been different weeks that i cant see it

you already got my feedback in general chat when we were together in the scene

photo of the scene 24 nov 2023

I also cant shoot at the robots and that ruin my experience, i mean i cant shoot them and that is the purpose of the game

photo of the scene 24 nov 2023

Cant wait to updates of your idea and work, now is a no from me but I believe as player that you can provide a nice game in Decentraland that involve and retain players

also a good game can bring back people and catch new users from outside I think

I’m not a developer so i dont know how to fix those issues (not loading scene) but I’m sure there are a lot of developers in Decentraland that are more than happy to help new creators

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After MetaLuke admitted to hacking around on my API at the same time you were standing in the game for 12 hours I had to assume you were involved in the hacking efforts. I did 4 different improvements increasing the security and one of those features is banning of users in the hacking clique. I’m not surprised you’re voting no after hacking on API. I’m sorry if people are butt-hurt because I made the best game play right off the bat. Before student counsel members feelings are hurt, keep in mind I have 20 years of pro javascript, c# 10+ years of 3d design and 30 years of music production experience. The only (content) developers I’ve seen to take some advice from from what I’ve seen is whoever made Monsters Hall and very small list of others.

I never hacked anything, I just reported to you that the scene isnt loading at my end and to other players since a long time (around 2 weeks)

I wish to see updates and that this issue is fixed because I like your game (whatever causes the issue)

MetaLuke reported to you that some values can easily modified only to help you improve your game and security (web version)

If you saw me 12 hours in your land i was probably AFK, but yes, i came often to check your game and lands because I like shoot at those robots and the idea to reach the top of the leaderboard, ad you are part of the neighborhood

I voted no mostly because i cant see the actual deployed game, take it in a contructive way, I want to support you but here we are talking about community money, how can I vote yes?

If we (community) pay you 40.000$ value of investment I would at least see the game works smoothly, and a more clear founds usage, only after that I would change my vote to yes

I dont have much VP so it wont affect much the final result, I wanted to share my point of view with you and other DAO members

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I also saw signs that someone was using more advances javascript memory alteration techniques causing me to spend a whole weekend coding more security stuff - again as you’re standing in the land. There are 96,000 other lands to visit. It’s fine vote no, but the scene is not loading for you purposely because you’re communicating with API hacker and standing on the land as API being messed around with both times.

Whoa. Did not mean to cause any friction like this. I did go outside the intended use of your API, but it was not with any malicious purpose. MetaWolf is a great citizen of the metaverse, and a friend to myself and many others, but I don’t believe circumstance of him being logged in warrants being called out like that on a public forum. He actually encouraged me messaging you regarding the vulnerability artifact left over from development. I am really sorry that its caused him to be looped in like that, but I did not want to be ranked on the board against other players due to my misguided curiosity. Id assume you would be able to clear the scores and ban bad actors at your own discretion, instead of me trying to put things together without actual knowledge of the game mechanics. I can accept those consequences along with any mistrust that these actions caused. I will not try to hide that.

Like I said in my message. I really am sorry for messing around on your land, but outside of calling the API 2 or 3 times, I did not attempt to do anything else. You do have a great variety of experiences you are offering in your initial release, and I would love to see more, but I understand if my actions have caused more distrust than can be mended, and will try to steer clear of your parcels if that is the case.


When Kyllian gives you a great deal for in-game voting system… My gawd, is this a joke? 3 cubes for only 1000 bucks what a great deal. They don’t even do anything when clicked.

Holiday Special 37% Off 3D Gaming Software Development

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 26% 1,920,562 VP (34 votes)
  • No 73% 5,344,224 VP (42 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 1,687 VP (9 votes)