[DAO:0cdf075] Is Nifty Island basically what Decentraland would be like if my Grants passed?

by 0xe945ed0530da54c1af15c6b034be9ef3e6bbe7b1 (OGContraBand)

Nifty island has built in shooting games with different modes like team capture flag. I can’t help but notice how much more similar DCL was when Laser Tag Everywhere was being distributed for free. Remember my grant had possibility of making teams version even!? Did you notice this? Is Nifty island basically the same if my Laser Tag would have been funded and expanded full time? IMO yes 100%

Put in the comments do you think the ideas were stolen from my grants possibly funneled to devs by those same legislators saying no in DCL? Is DCL being intentionally destroyed and attacked? Do you think those “big shot” No voters on my grants are also on the development teams and investment boards of Nifty Island? Notice how they hype it! Or do you think these VP work for the communist state-entities of USA such as Walmart & TaylorSwift and they are here to make sure capitalism cannot be created by deleting all business opportunities for the poors just like in real life? I think both probably IMO. No doubt with that kind of VP they have access to ask Jerome Powell to print another million of communism-dollars.

I have been watching some game play of Nifty, DCL can do most of this very few features are missing for example - 1 - camera shake / earthquake / rumble / spin 2 - NLA mixing of emotes in DCL if walking can’t trigger gun fire emote / can only trigger when inactive. Gun fire / Player Hit / Player Dies need added into the actual pre-built emotes like walk jump so they can mix correctly in combination for instance walk-shoot,

  • Yes I noticed this because I’m smart
  • No, I am not very observant
  • Invalid question/options

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No. Childish post like this one are not going to help your future attempts either.

Hey @OGContraBand - I think this post could of been a normal forum post, not a poll, to discuss this.

But to answer your questions - the presentation/branding of the the laser tag games matter as well. Nifty has some clean concepts of this, and normally doesn’t have any “contraband” associated with their capture the flag, killing games (I.e. weed, offensive material).

Keep the games more appropriate and I think you’d have a better chance of receiving support. It even may be a platform limitation to do what Nifty is able to do.


Laser tag actually doesn’t have any weed or anything in it. OG Contra Band is my Spotify/Pandora band name and brand I’ve used for some 20 years. In music Contra is used to mean kind of like “in contrast to” also commonly associated with bass. Contra Band kind of has a triple meaning, it’s more of a one-man-band, loops and recording projects as opposed to a full band. The music features a lot of bass and has an edge to it going into deep and controversial topics beyond the simple love song etc.

The Nifty videos I saw so far actually had a real pistol where as I purposely chose the laser gun and laser tag theme to be less violent just like you suggest.

With the platform the only missing pieces I’ve seen so far are those ones I described - trigger a camera effect like rumble or spin in code and trigger avatar animations like shoot, sword swing, punch, fall down, player-hit that can be triggered/called when player is walking jumping etc. There could be more but those are the 2 things I saw.

Yeah we’ll see “childish” when they’re getting hauled off in handcuffs for embezzlement, fraud, illegal casino, sports gambling and insider trading. I’m not applying for grants again that I know of. It’s a waste of time they are only for insiders just like IRL you have to be born into the right rich oligarch family with good connections to the communist money printer central bankers. I mean we already got asked those questions here - do you have a brick and Mordor office and incorporated business? - it’s just communism oligarch screening if we had that we’d have a grant already. It’s the same people to destroy opportunities for the poor in DCL as in real life guarantee you only get a grant if you have connections to those state ran communist entitites blackrock, chase bank, Juno, walmart, microsoft, taylor swift etc you know the list - all those top VP have that guarantee.

Who exactly are you accusing here?

And the reason people are voting “invalid question” is because this isn’t DAO governance.

Don’t you agree anyone building on Nifty Island should be ineligible for a grant? Think about this - people putting stuff on the competitor’s platform that DCL paid them to make. It’s up to the reader interpretation if they personally see someone as a defector.