[DAO:9759447] Recreate game and boost Nifty Island

by 0xe945ed0530da54c1af15c6b034be9ef3e6bbe7b1 (OGContraBand)

Should the following $140,000 grant in the In-World Content category be approved?


Hi most top delegates have voted that it’s fair to receive a grant then deploy to Nifty Island and other competitors’ platforms. I am requesting this grant to not only duplicate my game contents in Nifty Island but also create more contents for both DCL and Nifty.

Grant size

140,000 USD in DAI

Project duration

12 months

Beneficiary address


Email address



Because most top delegates favor the paid deployment of assets created for DCL into Nifty Island and other Metaverses I create this grant. I will deploy my assets to Nifty Island and those other metaverses promoted by many grantees and delegates. I will transfer as many of the assets and gamplay I’ve made for DCL to Nifty Island as possible. I will recreate those famous scenes in weed farm robbery, robot apocalypse, original moba snowball arena, laser tag arena, laser tag gun inside Nifty Island. I will create many cool new assets and gameplay in both environments for 1 full year. I am listing Nifty Island but will follow the instructions of the Bosses high VP on which other rival competitor platforms to promote and deploy to.

Roadmap and milestones

1 - weed farm robbery recreated in nifty island
2 - building and robots from robot apocalypse recreated in nifty island
3- laser gun recreated in nifty island
4 - laser tag arena deployed to nifty island
5 - create baby chicken game - the one where you have to eat the feed then hatch eggs and battle baby chickens

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Here is the poll you can see almost every top delegate voted that it’s ok to receive grant funding then deploy the same contents to other platforms. Let’s get real invalid question was the same as a No vote on this one and many who ‘care so much about DCL’ were seen absent in the voting Should Nifty Island Defectors Be Banned From Grants?

DCL has a download vrm option, it’s made to put assets all over on any platform. I’m also not sure you can code your own games in nifty.

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140k$ for what? Nifty Island is another metaverse, and additionally, you can’t do your own source code here, what do you want to actually do? Copy and paste models? Nifty don’t even support models with custom animations

Why DAO should fund other metaverse project (Nifty Island) that’s nohow related to DCL?

Seems very unclear for me, another “meme” proposal.

Hey, I would vote Invalid but will vote NO based on the recently passed: Freeze All non-Platform Grant Spending (decentraland.org) which eliminates grant spending in all categories other than Platform.

This new “addendum” will allow for funding grants in the Platform category and also Core Units: [IMPLEMENTATION] Freeze All non-Platform Grant Spending (decentraland.org)

Outside of those two categories all other funding is on hold for 1-year unless someone submits a request to reverse the rule.

This was recently submitted and rejected at the poll phase so that seems unlikely: Reverse “Freeze All non-Platform Grant Spending” (decentraland.org).

I would suggest based on the above that if you are looking to submit a grant that it would need to fall within the Platform category. At least while the freeze is in place.

Yeah that’s for decentraland though this will mostly be used on Nifty Island and other platforms like spatial therefore this grant has presidential immunity over the spending freeze due to the DCL loophole.

This is web3 please don’t think in that web2 way. In web3 is special AND different => in web3 grant can be used for Nifty Island and Spatial no problem in fact this grant has presidential immunity over the spending freeze because that’s for decentraland only, does not apply to nifty & spatial spending.

I would vote yes if you were making a dcl client that operates like nifty islands and I do believe everyone here would love to vote yes for such a proposal.

can you make that happen for that amount of mkney then repropose and make it happen.

I wanted to just put “lmao” but the forums wants me to put at least 20 characters.


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Recreate game and boost Nifty Island

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 3% 520,510 VP (41 votes)
  • No 96% 16,047,674 VP (55 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 852 VP (2 votes)