[DAO:834bbab] Duel Arena P2E Continuum, Refinement & Game Expansion [ Resubmission ]

Hi community:

The Grant Support Squad was created to support the grantees in achieving their goals and take care of the DAO treasury.

After thoroughly reviewing this project, the Squad wants to communicate that we recommend pausing (DAO Committee @rizk @Tobik @HPrivakos ) the vesting contract of this project until some information can be clarified

After, reviewing the progress of the project and checking if the milestones have been met, the GSS requests:

  • Share the link and proof that the tournament that should be made in April has taken place (according to updated#3)
  • Share proof of completion for the tournaments (quantity and dates).
  • Share proof to verify if payments have been made (of the tournament that happened during Feb according to #update1)
  • Share the marketing materials that were supposed to be created to promote the April tournament (according to the Twitter account https://twitter.com/DuelArenaP2E, there are only Feb and March mentions)
  • Share the promotion campaign to get engagement for the April tournament.
  • According to the roadmap, a test should be conducted during the next month. Could you provide a tentative schedule for it? We will request the SDK team to jump in, and coordination will have to be done.
  • Share the links of the 8 wearables that should be made at this point.
  • according to the number of attendees to your events, how do you plan in 1 month to accomplish the number of the performance metrics that you promised?
  • Could you clarify what a creator store is and what the reason behind creating it is?

CC: @InJesterr @fifitango @didiimakiii


Hey Zino,
Before you request a pause can we elobarete and share all the details because we can proof everything you asked us we need 1 or 2 hours. Thankyou

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Hey @zino do you want me to share it all here, in discord or in notion?

I communicate this usually with fifi through notion, if you want you can check out most of the progress here:

(3) Duel Arena P2E Continuum (notion.so)

I will gladly share you all the information requested.

  • Share the link and proof that the tournament that should be made in April has taken place (according to updated#3)
    Here was the announcement in our discord for the tournament,
    Players were requested to sign up through a ticket which they did
    We promoted this event on our twitter aswell

I got to admit the tournament finals were meant to happen during the Town Hall meeting, meaning we have no winner yet because we had to reschedule this with @fifitango to the 9th of may.

Once we have a winner/champion of the tournament we will give out a pay to whom ever wins.

Also in February and March there were no tournaments because we promised this within April and May.

In February, March, April and May we hold leaderboard events.

We have not a Test scheduled in the roadmap I think you might have misread it somewhere, what we do have is a townhall meeting for a inworld meetup and scheduled made a video about the progress & Showcasing a battle between 2 duelist for the tournament.

I can understand your confusion but in march we promoted the tournament and onboarded the users from X to Discord in discord we organized all the events you are able to see it in our X twitter post over here.

We got 7.1k views through promoting this event.

The battles took a bit longer then we expected due to so much registrations and we have 1 last battle to do in order to determine the winner which is Gamer Vs. Usskop.

You can check the progress of all our announcements in our discord channels aswell if you like and see.

In february, march we did do no tournaments but only leaderboard events meaning we gave prices to players who scored the highest wins in battles.

Month 1:

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Month 2:

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan 175$

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan 125$

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan 100$

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan 50$

Polygon PoS Chain Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan 50$

About the wearables, the robes are 2 seperate wearables released as one
The belt is not released yet we are waiting for the winner of the tournament which will be played soon
other then that we still have 2 more wearables to make which we have an entire month for so we are basically right on schedule

Collection ‘Duel Arena | Demon Face’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection ‘Duel Arena | Warrobes’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection ‘Duel Arena | V3 Collection’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection ‘Duel Arena | XMAS Scythe’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection ‘Duel Arena | AFK Mining’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland
Collection ‘Duel Arena | Facepaint’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection ‘Duel Arena | XMAS Hat’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection 'Duel Arena | V2 Collection ’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

Collection 'Duel Arena | V1 Collection ’ created by InJesterr is ready for review! - Community Wearables - Decentraland

About this question

  • according to the number of attendees to your events, how do you plan in 1 month to accomplish the number of the performance metrics that you promised?

According to our promises we have said we will get a target audience of 2,000
We have 6 events during the grant period, we have reached multiple players.
4 of those events are leaderboard events which can be played the entire month.
2 of those events are in the last two months which are the tournaments, which was expected to hold 8 competitors but we overdid it with 16 registration, the rest would ve been spectators and audiences.
We reached double the amount of expectations for this which was 3.5k views but ended at 7.1k.

Not only did we do leaderboard events but we also held parties with @BioMETA , even featuring a DJ called DJ Fahrenheit.

We did a podcast, QA with @BioMETA & collabing Bitcinema aswell.

Could you clarify what a creator store is and what the reason behind creating it is?

The collaborator store is a store where creators can sell their wearables for duel arena currency we are currently onboarding creators to participate in this such as @OldGuy, contact has been made we are just waiting for a final answer.

Aside from goldguy, we wanted to contact biometa, bitfiend, paulyong to sell their wearables at the collaborator store aswell.

Considering that we have a month this can be easily done.

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Here are most of the post details I have shared,

We also wanted to share a video 9th of may which we have coördinated with @fifitango on our in world meeting, but I guess sharing it a bit earlier will help filling in the blanks about our progress so here it is:

Duel Arena P2E Resubmission Grant: Latest Updates & Exciting Highlights (youtube.com)

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Hey @zino, I was wondering why the questions that are supposed to be asked on our GSS update call are asked now, We scheduled a meeting with @fifitango a meeting on the 8th where were already going to show all the progress just like all the other months we did before.

I can see the pause is initiated through a conversation between you and HP in GSS discord and I can see that you have made an exception to pause Duel Arena before the meeting we had scheduled.

About the tournament I can assure you that we made sure everybody knew about this and also its transparently visible to anyone who is actively playing Decentraland, Those players that registered are all individuals who play the game on a daily base.

I want to share the names of the registered players of the tournament once more.

It was my duty to schedule these battles, I organized the perfect time zones & dates for the players in order to make the duels go efficiently.
In order to do this we asked all the players the timezone they live in, match them up, and followed each battle individually then we declared the winners after the battles were done and went on to the next rounds.

Round 1:

Tunaboydcleth vs. tnaot = Tnaot won

Krek5521 vs. Miladlasso = Krek5521 won

dmitry31 vs. vaporizador = Vapor won

universe242424 vs. wtwoworlds = Wtwoworlds won ( AKA Harmony )

pavel13031 vs. usskop7590 = usskop7590 won

Snadley444 vs. Jordan_gallant = Snadley won

Mohammad1542 vs. wa2110 = Mohammad1542 won ( AKA Gamer or Kurd )

InJesterr vs. Didii = Didii won

Here is the link to the first match ups: Discord
Here is the link to the announcements of all the winners to these battles: Discord
Here is the link to the announcement of the next stage match ups: Discord
Here is the link to the next stage: Discord

Now to the Semi Finals that have been finished,
Gamer won from Me so he will go on to the next final stage
Usskop won from Tnaot so he will go on the next final stage.

So the final match up is:
Usskop Vs. Gamer.

Since this all happend in this month I was under the impression that we should showcase it in our next meeting which is why I dont get the pause?
Do we do this for all grants? Whenever a subjective question is raised why not simply check the facts that are clear as day or if you are not able to find it ask it in the meeting.

@Zino I want to advice the GSS to schedule monthly meetings a bit before the months ends so that in the future the raised questions can be answered properly that way we can prevent this from happening again <3

Posting it in your private discord is not making sure everyone knows about this.

Having 7k views on a tweet is not the same has having 2,000 users. I know that “target audience” is quite vague, but it definitely don’t mean twitter views.

You are getting 3.7k a month for organizing those events and promoting them, if your only marketing is to post a message in your private discord you won’t reach much new users…

Most of those were done for your preview grants, you only did 6 for this grants as opposed to the 8 supposed to be done after month 3 and the 10 total in month 4.
What are their utilities btw? They are supposed to have “distinct utilities” according to your roadmap on Notion

Hey HP we got 7, the last one is the belt which is not published yet. Because the finals are scheduled for the 9th of may on our town hall meeting :slight_smile:

Also keep in mind the utilities are for the wearables from creators, for now the wearables that have utility from our own collection are the warrobes.

Owning the Mythical wearable gives you a unique utility which is that you will get all future released wearables for free.

As for marketing this month we were solely focusing on the tournament events as I said we onboarded all players that were interested to discord and continued to spread information on discord, Also we made a video for the Town Hall on youtube.

Target Audience sounds is vague indeed, but we can assure you that we have easily reached this.
In terms of showing of the game + consider that we are not done yet!

anyway all the promises we have left for this grant can easily be finished, we just need the time we have left < 1 month >. No need for a pause because we do already have 75% finished for even this month only not published.

1 more tournament
1 more leaderboard event ( only needs to be promoted )
1 town hall meeting ( make a video done )
create 2 wearables ( done not published yet )

Also I wonder why the pause was necessary in the first place when @fifitango and I were going to discuss the check up on the 8th of may anyway.
It would have been more logical to do checks before the contract vested if the gss had their worries, but appaerently an exception has been made somehow while we asked already 24th of april about a meeting.

Thank you for your insight and valuable opinion, We will work harder and even consider adding utilities to our own wearables aswell I wont promise that it would be done right away but it I can assure you that your suggestion will be worked on thank you :heart:

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I count 6 published after January 26th :slight_smile:
You’re supposed to have the 8 done by the end of the month, which is not done.
“We are waiting for the final” is not a good excuse as you can always get it approved without distributing it.

So only one out of the 6 wearables has distinct utility.

A (few?) post in your private discord and a youtube video to demo the game in the town hall, that’s not marketing…

I’ll take a look at the data from AtlasAnalytics, see how much unique addresses stayed in there for at least 5 minutes while moving :slight_smile:

Thank you for replying, have the day that you deserve :heart:

Oke I will release it today no problem for me lol.
We are just waiting the for the publishment to make it appaer on the marketplace above.

2 of the wearables got utility.

we released for this grant, the afk mining pickaxe which we released ahead of time, the warrobes which 2 seperate models released as one.

Also adding utilities to the others isn’t really that hard anymore since we finished developing the logic behind it, all we need is to add the wrbl adress in db change values so if you want them all to have utilities we definetely can.

We made X posts promoting the game, we even had a few posts on reddit to promote the game and this is exactly what we promised, Discord, X & events page.

If this is not called marketing then explain to me what marketing is, how else do you think we got 16 registrations for the tournament if it wasn’t marketed to some audience?

How else do we have new unique logins everyday if it isn’t marketed?

I your definition and my definition of marketing aren’t the same.

To me and google marketing means = researching how to promote your product to an audience, researching where to promote this,

the activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

For example I promoted the mythic wearable in the discord and told about the utilities and instantly got 3 sales out of the 10, if this is not marketed to these 3 people then what is?

Thank you for doing research on our behalf I would appreciate it! We solely check dcl-metrics and promised to deliver these reports to the community and fifi!

Really appreciate the effort of taking your time :people_hugging::clinking_glasses:

Not hard, but not done.

You haven’t posted anything over the last month… The last tweet was from April 2 (not counting the one 14 hours that was made in response of the revocation.)

You said 2000 target audience, you got 16 registrations, two of which are probably you and didii…

Guest users and bots.

Hey we were already going to post that regardless of the pause I can proof to you that the decision we made was made that day,

2 Mei = 2 May
Vandaag = Today

Allow me to elaborate the 2000 targeted audience aren’t only tournaments participants, these include 4 leaderboard events, 2 tournaments, in April we collaborated with Paulygong to make a tweet for us in chinese aswell I believe it was the 19th of april.

Also he did a livestream on youtube playing duel arena before the tweet.

零成本玩赚 Decentraland/赠品活动#004 - YouTube

I’m gonna admit the livestream it was not as succesful as I hoped it wud be.
But it was really much appreciated.

Other then that we host these monthly leaderboard events and pay-outs which draw alot of attention to the game.

We held events with DJs and even @BioMETA s 24 hour livestream + Bitcinema + Featuring DJ Fahrenheit on duel arena which is broadcasted in multiple shops etc in NYC.

This is an assumption you have made, because who if this is the case who are the active players known name as gamers in dcl playing it weekly, some even daily.

I dont think its necessary to go back and forth trying to disproof each other, lets state the objective matters from now on so we go through the process efficiently so that you can be satisfied with the results and we can work on our project as usual.

Also to your bot assumption, I can see multiple people online which are individuals as of this moment right now!

Hi Community:

The Grant Support Squad was created to support the grantees in achieving their goals and take care of the DAO treasury.

Three formal requests were presented about this project. One was dismissed xxxx, and two and after thoroughly reviewing this project, the Squad wants to showcase valuable information and our observations.

  • The concerns were:

  • Metrics and Target Audience.

  • Allocation of Funds.

Metrics and target audience:

The Grantee, in their proposal, mentioned that as a return of impact, the target audience for this grant was 2000”.

As we and the Revocations Committee mentioned in the BeatTrekker´s case this now is clear and corresponds to the number of users to decentraland that the game should reach.

After gathering information from the community, the grantee, DCL Metrics, and Metrics from the Foundation, these are the results from the data taken from Feb, March, April.

According to this it seems impossible to reach the target audience proposed as return of impact. During the mentioned period the total amount of users was 529, including the tournaments which have brought a total of attendees 69 (35+18+16) So, we believe that they are not going to accomplish the 2000 users in the remaining 2 months of this grant and the tournaments have ended.

Glossary: Visitors is usually greater than User because a visitor can log in with multiple browsers using the same wallet. For example, I connect from the web using my wallet and then I connect from desktop.

User is a unique wallet.

Allocation of Funds.

According to the financial report, during the last three months, the project allocated USD 69.700 to development and design (disclaimer: 50,000 were only vested and claimed because the currently vesting contract is paused).

Since measuring the Quality of the product design is outside our scope, we can´t make a recommendation in that sense.

However, what we can show is what they have developed and recommend to the Revocations Committee to analyze it.



  • Implement the new UI for the creator store.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12.28.54 PM

Another goal was: DJs/Streamers Engagement ( Collaboration & Manager )

This goal was accomplished. We recommend paying to the winners of the last contest.


  • The project made the tournaments.
    The total number of users for Duel Arena was 529 in the last 3 months
  • has failed to be clear on their proposal about the metrics for their category. (proposed target audience = 2000 KPI is not aligned with the In World Content Category Specific Assessments, which should have been referred to in-world users).
  • A total of 69.700 USD was spent on development and design, but this seems too expensive compared to the quality produced.
  • Based on the concerns that the community raised, we have analyzed this grant and validated that the concerns were legitimate.

Based on the concerns raised by the community, including metrics, target audience, and allocation of funds, we have analyzed this grant and validated that these concerns were legitimate. The possibility of the project being over budget has been a concern since the voting period and the onboarding phase with GSS, especially considering they already received 1 previous grants from DCL DAO, receiving a total of: 75.000 + 50.000 = 125.000

During the current Grant, the project received funding for marketing their game to attract more users, but the investment did not result in a significant increase in users, according to the statistics. This second grant focused on upgrading graphic design and development and a tournament as a marketing strategy, which failed to achieve its target audience goals. While we appreciate the grantee’s detailed organization and timely delivery, we believe that thus far, the DAO has invested enough money to make an upgrade to this game available to Decentraland.

So far, the Grant Support Squad hasn’t elevated any cases to the Revocation Committee solely because a grant project is of bad quality. This doesn’t mean that we are in a position to disregard community concerns if the Revocation Committee decides that the reasons presented are valid for revocation.

Even though the grantee, the Grantee is performing lower, they are accomplishing their grant in terms of production (tournaments).

In conclusion, we elevate this case to the Revocations Committee, recommending revoking the vesting contract and paying the winners of the last contest produced ( 1000+500=1500)

Grant Support Squad.

CC: (@fifitango @InJesterr @didiimakiii @dax @bay @maryana @MetaDogeisme @revocationcommitee )

Hey thank tou for your answers, I wanted to give a little insight to the revocation comittee, I think when we talk about the bad quality you listen to the words of a handful people.

We have many players in the community who are actually in love with the game.

I believe being objective is important, This proposal passed this way and we made everything very clear. We made all the promises very understable & I don’t believe metrics should be only in world visitors and if it is there are much more grants to revoke I do expect fair treatment to all grantees. I have put my trust in the comittee to once again and believe they will make a just decision once again to continue with our project.

The revocation comitte will see that all the promises we made are done & they will see that we did far more then we promised.

@fifitango did monthly check ups with us, we have never missed a task, we have never been untransparent about something.

The work we do are super well received by our own community.

Duel Arena has received 125,000 dai in total why stop the project now is what I dont get?

Zino suggest that we receive a pay of 1,500 dai, this is just the money we give out the players that have participated ingame, What about the people @didiimakiii, surudoiryu, me and a few mod who spent their time making these events happen. will we not be compensated for the work we do, We do this work happily and it takes hours and hours to even organize one event to create models and wearables for the game, to write the codes that support all this entire game.

We got multiple recordings of the meetings we had with @fifitango where he said and checked + that everything looked fine on the monthly check up, the quality issue is only mentioned by a handful people in the dao who showed clearly that they are not happy that we received a grant, some of them even calling us out for being thiefs while we do nothing other then fairly build the game.

The revocation comittee will see that it’s once again possible to finish this grant, the duration is 4 months as promised but we will not stop building even after this grant but in all fairness we need the money to compensate doing all this work full- time. I wished @Zino proposed or suggested us keep the pause instead of the revoke to help us understand what he was worried about so that we had the time to improve on his worries instead of send us to the revocation comittee but I dont believe we did anything in wrong in this matter in all honesty.

Duel Arena has showed nothing but good faith in the past few months, I personally cut my contacts in the dao & discord to focus solely on the game in order accomplish our goals.

I guess there is not much to proof other then for the @revocationcommitee to decide, because the gss checked all the boxes except metrics.

We have clear given promises on these metrics we promised which was Iquote from the grant.

We will measure:

  • Time spent on Scene -Active users
  • Social media Engagement
  • See how we score in the explorer tab.

We have added all the proof to the notions and can give you the details too.

I once again put my trust & hope in the justice of the revocation comittee and thank you & the gss for all the effort you may have to put for this case.

Social media engagement:

https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1764999052477841886 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/LaurenceUrbani2/status/1775232038301311103 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1773078345724424380 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1773099277146837014 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1772876037086425400 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/paulyong_dcl/status/1772270012394283030 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1772093057715802383 ( 7.1K views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1770100366958313578 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1766103634427658740 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/nidawis357/status/1765525328355610662 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1764999052477841886 ( 1.5k views )
https://x.com/dcl_post/status/1745777393447698811 ( Below 1k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1744267130583777695 ( 1K Views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1786101361404264911 (1.2k views )
https://x.com/DuelArenaP2E/status/1785848495544447421 ( 4.6k views )


We worked really hard as a team and we have many supporters and players.I hope that the revocation comittee will do us justice<3


Hi . I have read your article . I am dcl user and player . i have been in dcl for an almost year an half now so i know most of the top project and games and founder and creators in dcl . Currently i am active in several project almost everyday project like duel arena . soul magic . Metagamimall , vroomway. One houndred avatars .so far i can say for sure that duel arena p2e is one of my favourite project and game in dcl .i earn pretty good amount of nft and mana rewards in duel anrena game .this game truely is top play to earn game in dcl. I can see a very bright future for this game in metaverse it has very high growth potential . I read that your concern was about the 2k target for attracting new players to the game didnt fufill so far but .we most be fair and realistic too because as we all know right now dcl doent have alot of active users i notice in last six month we even had reduce number in active users compare to the summer .probably becuase most attention and intrest turn to the rise of the bitcoin price and alot of players start trading rather than earning in dcl .and i also notice as some new metaverse like ntify island start to launch they also attract some of dcl players to themself , i think right now more than ever dcl needs a project like duel arena that is truely a p2e game which incourage players to spend hours playing it and get valuebale rewards .i am old dcl player and i know most old gamers in dcl and they know me too. So far alot of of old active players and new players are been attracted to duel arena and their number are just rising too . I beleive duel arena will thrive in the dcl as dcl users rise and
i beleive when the dcl mobile version launch duel arena will be crowded with players becuase this game is perfect and easy to play on phone ,and player will enjoy dueling with each other and compete to win the best rewards


As a non-DAO member, I’m new here but wanted to share my opinion; This game has fun and clever features sticked and events I actually enjoyed it playing it couple of times (also metamigamimall) has made decentraland much more enjoyable for me. I support the team.


Hello, I am a Dual Arena player. I wasn’t one of the first to get into the game, but that didn’t stop me from figuring it out and making money. The project is simple, dynamically developing and becoming more interesting, new names appear in the chat. Dual Arena has become one of the main places in DCL, I love :heart: this project and think it is very promising. In terms of attractiveness, Dual Arena is in first place in my rating. I hope that funding will continue and the project will flourish and attract more and more players


Undoubtedly, Duel Arena is one of the best games of Dicentraland. Almost 3 months have passed since the first leaderboard tournament and every month the competition becomes tighter and more challenging. New attractive NFTs are added every month and the game is obviously developing and improving.
also This game has a more interesting gameplay than other games and its very engaging. I mean you have to play with thinking and strategy and not just focus on collecting resources.
We have to be realistic because the total active players of Dicentraland does not reach 2000, so we cannot expect this amount of players after only a few months of this game.


I am a professional player in DCL. In the past 3 years, I have only made a living by selling wearables.
Started participating in DCL P2E games from 1mana=$3.7, until now 1mana=$0.42
From the beginning, I earned about 2,000 mana a month until now, I earn about 500 mana a month.
The downward trend continues, and market transactions are obviously weak.
I was unable to participate in time when Duel Arena was announced because I was participating in the rankings of other projects.
I just happened to catch up with this issue of the Duel Arena rankings. I did my best to promote DCL every day, hold giveaways, do video tutorials, respond to community questions, and participate in activities as much as possible. I also topped the Duel Arena rankings as I wished.
I can also take this opportunity to use my experience as a promotion, hoping to attract new players to join the DCL family.
But DCL suddenly made me feel scared

  1. Today I learned that Duel Arena encountered this problem, so I worked hard for a month and the result is 0mana
  2. Another project party’s P2E game, the project party also started to owe me a cumulative bonus of 300 mana on April 5th and has not been able to give it to me so far. Multiple high-end wearable rewards have not been sent to me since December 6th.
  3. Yesterday, it even happened that I got a reward from a lottery at an event. After the host asked for my wallet address, he found that I had already purchased one of the same model and suggested that I transfer the reward to someone else.
    These are things that have never happened to me since I was at DCL, has something happened to DCL? Is it sick?
    All the above signs and feelings gave me a feeling of fear even in myself
    How can I convince myself to continue promoting in this situation?
    What I mainly want to say is, my current feeling, I hope everyone will try their best to do what everyone should do
    Only when everything is mutually beneficial and achieves a win-win or multi-win result can we continue to move forward.

Finally, I hope that everyone can work together to continue to sincerely contribute and cooperate for themselves and DCL to overcome the difficulties.
Let’s work together and hope to be able to proudly tell the world in the near future that I was right to choose the DCL track.