Collection 'Duel Arena | V1 Collection ' created by InJesterr is ready for review!

Duel Arena | V1 Collection

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Duel Arena | Air Battle Outfit

Duel Arena | Earth Battle Outfit

Duel Arena | Fire Battle Outfit

Duel Arena | Water Battle Outfit

hey will review this now

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  1. This gap is quite noticible when walking or running. Consider fine-tuning rigging, please:

  2. Small clipping here when performing male fist pump emote:

  3. Legs clip through the skirt when running:

  4. And when dancing. All in all, consider making the skirt not completely static:

  5. Consider hiding Hands:

  6. Consider closing this small gap:

Of course all this is true for all the items due to them having the same mesh.

Otherwise it’s good to go.


Will post the changes in a few hours, I’ll keep you updated.

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Just added the fixed ones :smiley:
tested them on sepolia, and for the hands I replaced it in the builder because the women version has small details on it

The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991

Looks like issues 2, 3, 4 haven’t been addressed yet.


Ahh on my end the moves I did were the wheel from the general 1-9 do you use custom emotes if not which ones are they? on issue 4 is this occuring when your walking or running?

I dont see it.

All the emotes I use are standard. Double-checked, the clippings still occure during animations I mentioned in my first post.


Male = Tucked a shirt under it

Gotta fix the female leg clipping
Will take a bit more time thank you for your patience :smiley:

That’s strange, because I have the one where avatar bends over and then jumps with both hands in the air for male avatars. And it’s a standard one. Otherwise, waiting :slight_smile:

No worries I’ll double check them all after finished with the female model to see if I uploaded them all right :wink:

Just uploaded 4 new versions. Just asked a curator friend abt the emotes and he replied to me that it should be fine because it happens all the time but still did my best to fix atleast a minimum of 10 emotes.

For the female the skirt is changed up a bit and new black thights are added.
It has 200 more tris now because I had to build a simple body under the skirt.

But still meeting the req for;
1500 shoes
1500 pants
1500 shirt

Also the hand models are included and filtered through the builder.

Hope you can publish this version so we can continue on our game :smiley:
Have a good day sir!

Hey, collection approved!