Collection 'Duel Arena | XMAS Scythe' created by InJesterr is ready for review!

Duel Arena | XMAS Scythe

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Duel Arena | Xmas Scythe

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I will check collection now!

Hi @InJesterr!
Scythe looks great! But to match category, please add tiara model and represent it as main object

Please, weight paint scythe to spine bone, hip bone cause some overlapping issues

The collection has been assigned to Sango

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Hey I think a tiara would look to massive so I changed it to earring and change the weight painting too
now, I also checked in world to test if its bugging or clipping but it doesn’t seem like it :smiley:

It should be ready now let me know if you need anything else :smiley:

Hi InJester, i will be taking care of this curation now.

could you make sure the earring is taking up atleast 50% of the thumbnail so it matches the category?

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Can I place the earring on the scythe in the thumbnail?
So I added a head with the wearable earring 50% of the thumbnail so 256x256.

The scythe and earring in the thumbnail are both downscaled in real-time, so they are smaller than in World, but still both on the same scale as how you would experience them on the in-game model. The proportions are accurately adjusted for a well-fitted experience.

I think that will cause confusion for the buyer, if you could separate them and make the earring representation larger in the thumbnail then it will be more readable

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Hey sango Is this advice or is it more like a rule, I personally love the thumbnail and I believe the thumbnail showcases more of what you get when you buy the wearbale this way and Tbh I want to make these decisions more objectively, hope you understand me :smiley: <3

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What category do you suggest to make it about the scythe? because as I said I even did the earring and scythe in real time. I feel like its getting to more subjectively judged now :smiley:

It is a rule for the thumbnail to clearly represent what the item is. right now it looks like the scythe is the earring which is incorrectly representing your wearable

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aah I c I’ll put it up a bit to the left :smiley:

Now its not on the ear anymore :smiley: like this :point_up_2:

Just added this version to be builder looking forward to getting it approved for our XMAS event in our game :smiley:

as stated previously the thumbnail needs to be 50% the earring and 50% the scythe

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I believe that 256x256 is 50% of 512x512.
I think I changed the misleading part by offsetting the head + earing 12 pixels to the left.

I dont want you to decide what my Thumbnail is going to look like or judge it subjectively. Hope you understand Thank youu :slight_smile:

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Your statement is totaly subjective I didn’t think it was incorrectly representing the wrbl at all???

You can clearly see you get a scythe and an earring.

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The wearable isn’t technically for sale you can collect it only in an christmas event in duel arena. I dont think anyone will be confused after getting the free wearable on the parcel.

We wanted to host a xmas event where you can talk with the snowman to obtain the wearable.
We have 25th on XMAS an event for this.

Is everyones wearable judged by these standarts? I want my thumbnail to be like that Thats my personal preference, and you deciding how my thumbnail has to look is interfering with my art and freedom. Feel free to publish a wearable that looks just like how you want it.

I have over 100 unpublished wearables and Now I remember why I get anxious and insecure and never actually can get myself to go through this publishing process.

Please feel free to reject the wearable if you disagree / if you want me to change anything and believe my wearable is misleading, because the points you say are subjective and I dont agree with your taste and dont want to ruin my thumbnail with your taste and likings because of that!

Anyway thank you for your time its much appreciated, hope you have good holidays sir!

can you refer me to the part in the content policy of this statement?

2. Prohibited Content

All Content uploaded, posted, created, displayed, transmitted or made available by the User through the Tools must not include:

2.1. Content involving illegality, such as piracy, criminal activity, terrorism, obscenity, child pornography, gambling (subject to Section 3 below), and illegal drug use.

2.2. Content infringing third party Intellectual Property Rights.

2.3. Cruel or hateful Content that could harm, harass, promote or condone violence against, or that is primarily intended to incite hatred of, animals, or individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, nationality, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.

2.4. Content that is libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person’s privacy.

2.5. Content that breaches the Privacy Policy or applicable data privacy laws.

2.6. Content that promotes or could be construed as primarily intended to evade the limitations above.

also I found this in the docs which says the thumbnail must be 256x256 which I did 100% and its transparent too + the logo is in the right spot too so to me It looks like I followed every rule.

Lets approve this before our event tomorrow please!