Not to mention, our metrics were far larger in the bull market, but even in this bear market there is no reason why these metrics should earn me $40,000 of the DAOs money - even after years of technical work on both avatars, spaces & interop streaming - I am still but a content creator amateur.
It is delusional to think that this level of content is anywhere near worth paying for
He is been around for e very looong time creating content non stop, I trust he will continue with or without this grant. Also @Helpimstreaming is going to do alot more now with the grant.
I would love to be paid for the multiple hours of time that I have spent in DCL and also DAO related items. Instead, I have only ever spent money without any gains. This is my choice, I don’t need to be here, I don’t need to promote DCL, I don’t need to buy wearables or names, I also don’t need to contribute to the DAO.
I do because I want to. @Helpimstreaming I think you have good intentions and have contributed too but $40k, come on.
Once again you have fixated on the buzzword “stream” and try to gather data on the stream. My events run outside the stream, the stream is not required for people to partake nor is it the main part of the proposal. If you want to continue to try defame me based on one metric of twitch streams then continue but for me what I deliver is more enjoyable than your 1 viewer average poker stream on twitch last night. And also your bias towards your friends proposal which goes against everything you’re saying you stand for. This is the main problem with the dao. It doesn’t matter if you had a little 800vp at that time and you want to support your friend… It’s a contradiction. The same handful of people really need to stop fixating on one small portion of what I proposed. You even mentioned your stream is waaaaayyy more technical and you’re really busy. You seen what most people enjoy in social content right? You do know being “technical” has 0 to do with fun and entertainment? You must be really busy. I am not apart of any group or clique because look how toxic it is. This is what drives people away. I want to use my whole time creating varied interactive content in the form of fun unique events that can be used for multiple social platforms and also add dependable routine of said events so there’s something for everyone and we can have fun most days of the week.
Do you understand that music events cant be put anywhere without copywrite, do you understand that some of us want entertainment that isn’t in the form of gambling or poker all the time. Some places can’t play the poker and you think gamers are gonna be attracted by black jack? Or you think most younger gamers would even care?
I am sick of political tactics being used here. Repeating the same statistic until it sticks all while being so out of touch with the general users.
Oh and poker you have to buy a wearable to even play in stronghold. This is fine as that’s how it is there but the gated community vibe shouldn’t bleed into the dao.
Now you sound hypocritical to me you voted to give sinful 60k ( I believe its oke to give sinful btw not implieng he shudnt get it ) so how is this different from that?, for content creation why do you decide to not give @Helpimstreaming 40k? sounds like there is a bias here…
Its the quality of the product being output - I watched every single one of your youtube videos and they scream absolute amateur, there is no world where you are ready to take on a professional level salary for this type of work.
Call it politics if you want, I am just being realistic.
The community already voted to support you with your first proposal to give away and run events, and then you decide that’s too much work and come back to ask for 40k. It’s just terrible oversight and not something I would be happy to pay for given the level of quality involved.
I think you’ll find those votes were from when I had 500-8k of my own VP, and yes, was happy to vote to support friends that had put in the work and brought a level of professionalism along side it.
I believe the only content grant I have voted for since being delegated with responsibility was Canessa/Sinful’s given their Twitter spaces and ongoing series large success with people both inside and outside DCL, it’s where I often learn about DCL and seemed to bring a level of consistency and professionalism that I believe was worth $20/hr, given their additional oversight.
Show me professional level quality, and a commitment to making content outside of just walking around DCL, and I will happily vote for $20/hr for that person for a quarter to produce A+ level quality content.
My original vision was skewed to fit into a category hence me saying no. But thank your comment on that? I guess…
Again being technical has nothing to do with fun and entertainment. I am doing my best with my free time like we all are and you make it into a weeing contest while disregarding the whole grant.
Also that bingo tutorial video is perfect. It just shows how much of a grandad you are with fun.
You feel entitled to $40,000, so you can quit your job, to do something you aren’t a professional at.
Why should we pay professional level salaries to an amatuer?
I’m sorry but until you be realistic, it’s obvious that not only do you lack the skills to make this a viable endeavor, but you don’t even seem to understand what quality means and why people would be skeptical.
It’s a shame but this has made me lose all credibility in you. Decent entertainment is about fun, not a stream deck. It’s about community engagement and having a laugh not a fancy transition. It’s obvious you lack the knowledge in natural entertainment. Hope you enjoyed your last stream. 1 average again? Jeez it’s hard man, means nothing to me but since you love stats thought id bring it up here. It’s a good job I’m not asking for 40k to just stream.
My last stream averaged around 15 viewers, w/ a peak of 20, I moved to Kick but I multistream to youtube/twitter/Twitch also DHC night continues to be a success reaching 50-70 unique users for a 2 hour poker game, with peak users hitting 100-200 uniques during the busier phases of 2022.
I get that these words aren’t kind to hear, I really do not enjoy saying them - but you are acting entitled to money the DAO should not be giving away unless we see real returns.
But then again, I’m not the one asking for $40,000 am I?
Excited for all of DCL to see what I’ve been working on aside from the weekly stream soon; None of which needed to be DAO funded!
On twitch that was 1,2 average. I look because I have an interest in decentraland. I have always been 100% dcl, I don’t shill any other game or metaverse. This is for me to have 100% time creating a wheel of content. Take a step back and see the bigger picture, see that you contradict yourself with your morals on what you express to me. Doesn’t matter how little vp you had it’s your values. I don’t feel entitled to anything I have made a suggestion to make dcl more fun for users and new users and the majority of users agree we need what I proposed. The extent, the repetition is literally pointing towards a bias against me because I aint in yours or anyone group. You cant just say your opinion and leave it at that, you hyper fixate on one aspect of this grant then try tell everyone that what I do isn’t professional… Do you have any character yourself or are you literally MorphBot for a reason?
You just made the exception for your friends, and when its someone you know little about you think its not worth it. 800 vp or not you were part in giving the grant.
He is a developed bot to vote when its 60k for his friends and when its anyone other then his friend he is gonna pinpoint the most ridicule reasons to not support it.
I tell you what’s sad about here. When a grant passes people still dump on it, people don’t realise they are constantly shooting themselves in the foot. If a grant goes through then you need to support it if you like it or not or else you are apart of the divide and adding BOOORRRINNGGGG negativity
Honestly, at the time I didn’t even give it much thought, I did not take my 800 VP seriously at all, other than offering my own thoughts/perspective - as always, I’m not infallible and happy to admit when my stance has changed with an increase in responsibility that I did not earn via my own MANA.
I still think Sinful is highly consistent and produces higher quality content, while I might find $60k too much these days, I still stand by Sinful being professional in his hosting and content creation.
In this specific case, Help’s and I’s content is actually very similar, in the sense we both try to host/expand events and stream, and given that similarity, I felt extremely comfortable saying that this level of work is not worth $40k to the DAO.