by 0x5985eb4a8e0e1f7bca9cc0d7ae81c2943fb205bd (helpimgolfing)
Should the following $40,000 grant in the Social Media Content category be approved?
I am seeking funding to be active full time for the next coming years if not forever.
I will but not limited to:
- Provide services for covering events, games or experiences that the community ask of me.
- Continue to create fun interactive events, spontaneous or planned.
- Continue releasing free music and soundscapes for Dcl.
- Perform and create music on lands with my hardware equipment as a joint interactive experience.
- Always be there as a familiar, trusted face ready to on board, help or be with anyone or any group that is involved in dcl.
Grant size
40,000 USD in DAI
Project duration
12 months
Beneficiary address
Email address
Helpimstreaming is becoming a house hold name and I wish to direct my full self and full efforts into this world for ALL inhabitants and groups.
I believe I give a lot of value and have a lot about me that I am not putting inside of dcl yet because I am not here 24/7.
I have always gave away my published wearables (12 published wearables so far) and never wanted to take out of the ecosystem.
Places you can get my wearables for free:
- GolfCraft LuckyBalls Machine
- Meta GamiMall
- My Personal Twitter/x account (@Helpimstreaming)
- Other People’s Streams
- Events/Competitions I’ve created
- In world nearby chat (new users or whoever answers fun questions first)
- GolfCraft Tournaments
I am asking for this grant to support me in continuing what I do and what I want to do for this place in hopes that it can it can eventually support itself.
I wish to accomplish more in quality, quantity and add more different aspects of my life here.
The groups here should also have an option of using me for coverage, music performance/walk throughs and hosting events, especially on days where there’s not much going on I will be here.
I have worked out that this grant covers 40+ hours at $19.23 an hour for 1 year, this works out to £15.15 an hour and minimum wage is £10.42 here in the UK.
The time spent in total on and off stream would be a lot more due to the nature of the task.
I’ve put a lot of consideration into this as I don’t necessarily want to take too much from the DAO.
I also want to prolong this to make it last longer than 1 year and become self sustainable being here 24/7.
I see this as a great opportunity for everyone inside Decentraland and most importantly to me and what I truly care about and have a passion for.
Twitch Analytics -
(All natural from Dcl category)
- Followers: 813
Total (From Dec 2021):
- Live views: 25,919
- Time streamed: 1,269h
- Unique viewers: 5,676
- Ad breaks: 1h52m
- Average views: 9.5
- Minutes watched: 725,366m
I have recently been doing events for Golfcraft and I know correlation isn’t causation but they have received DAU of + %400 in this time.
I live a very simple life and I can use this to support me for longer than 1 year, I am far from materialistic even down to not wanting to wear branded clothing because I am not a walking advert.
I cannot stress enough how much I want to be here all the time for everyone and even though I am not a part of any clique or group I want to be a part of Decentralnds grant funded endeavour and to have my whole true self, care and time here.
I want to be ‘Helpimstreaming’ I want to be ‘DclStreamer’ and I want to give myself to this.
Roadmap and milestones
Create monthly/bi weekly community events.
Cover other peoples events.
Be actively here streaming these events or my own community events.
Post relevant social media content surrounding everything