[DAO:4ec4e68] Cross Reality Music Events

by 0x27ffcc3e8967f7c51dc3ebc7c0d242ea863deb57 (JeyJey64)

Should the following $10,000 grant in the Social Media Content category be approved?


Greetings, as some of you already know, I’ve been doing live stream since April '21. I’ve collaborated with different projects such as SpanishMuseum, Imagine2Create, GolfCraft, Innkeeper, Decentral Games, Facemoon, Tru Band Room (Rocking Uniquehorns), etc… I have also approached different artists to DCL : DJ Abu, DJ Pete M, DJ Serche aka Estrumper, Rootikaly Moovement, DJ Orbe aka IvanArmalaser, Dj Spid297, DJ CocoBongo, etc. …

Grant size

10,000 USD in DAI

Project duration

6 months

Beneficiary address


Email address



Some less will know that I have also been the moderator of a channel about Decentraland in Spanish since March 21, this group, despite not being official, maintains a community of cooperation and coordination.

My idea is to expand the live performances not only from my studio but also to be able to offer live performances from different locations, clubs and show halls…

for this I need to invest in a laptop, a 4k camera (maybe 2), an audio interface and little more … since I have enough sound equipment to perform IRL events, for example: P.A. 10,000 W Meyer Sound, 600W Yamaha monitors, microphones and wiring to perform live bands. proyector, analog and digital dj booth. and several locations around Madird, where I have the approval to broadcast the artists who perform there.

this will introduce DCL to all the people who are present at the IRL event and maintain a weekly audience of DCL users who already know the atmosphere that is generated.

I want to invest about 2500$ in a good portable pc that will allow me to do the live show and at the same time interact in Decentraland, which I am already doing with my desktop pc. a couple of cameras and a small portable sound interface. the remaining 7500$ would be to subsidize the artists of each event. I commit to do a minimum of 30 events in the 6 months of the proposal.

The events will be broadcast at different DCL locations, each owner is free to request if they want us to collaborate with their land/project. Being the Imagine2Create Gallery the main base of the events.

Roadmap and milestones

Promote each event on different social networks as well as in the different IRL locations where the events are held

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

This is actually the most reasonable cross reality / music prop I’ve seen.


Voting yes just because I’m better than you at golf… :golf: :man_golfing:


While in general I don’t think Decentraland should be investing in more music/dj events in general, I think this is very reasonably costed compared to literally every other music/venue/dj grant the DAO has funded previously.

and considering you’ve been community building in Decentraland for the better part of 3-years, it seems reasonable to believe you will continue to use the laptop to build and promote Decentraland.

Good luck.

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A resounding endorsement for DJ JeyJey! Following our close collaboration, I can affirm that his parties are an authentic explosion of fun. The infectious energy he brings has crafted a unique atmosphere at every event, and his adeptness in interacting with the crowd adds a personal and authentic touch to each performance.

Evidently, the community not only revels in his parties but also highly values his presence for the exceptional musical talent he brings to the table. Going beyond that, his contribution extends as a priceless catalyst for social and cultural dynamics within the platform. With significant potential to attract new users, DJ JeyJey doesn’t just elevate the music scene he becomes a pivotal force in drawing a diverse and engaged audience.

For these compelling reasons, I strongly encourage everyone to throw their support behind DJ JeyJey’s proposal for Decentraland. By doing so, we’re not merely backing a talented DJ but also enriching the platform with a wealth of diverse experiences.


Thank you for giving so much to the community @JeyJey64 :heart:

Totally yes!

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Thank you very much for your words of encouragement. Whether or not the proposal goes ahead, I will continue to give rhythmic war here.

100% Yes, probably the best DJ of Decentraland and the one of the most Pioneer, building community since 2021.

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I can agree with @Banned here, Imo there is alot of music creators in decentraland, yours is ofcourse a bit on the cheaper side. I also believe that its great that you are moderating the spanish community that can help you to get some retention aswell.

I dont see anything wrong other then that the dao has already spend too much money on too much djs already…

I’m going to abstain from voting for now and will check later what the majority wants :slight_smile:

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Hey JeyJey I just too a relook at your proposal and for me the deciding factor was that you stated you wanted to do more then just the 6 months, that shows some dedication and also I really hope it would pass <3

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Cross Reality Music Events

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 27% 2,149,539 VP (43 votes)
  • No 39% 2,970,298 VP (19 votes)
  • Abstain 34% 2,743,830 VP (11 votes)
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