[Decentraland Ambassadors Program] Open Call for Candidates

  • What is your name?

  • What is your primary DCL wallet address?

  • Where do you live (city/area & country)?
    Valencia, Spain (no problem to travel to Madrid & Barcelona or other countries)

  • Why are you applying?
    I will enjoy it. I like to build in decentraland since the start at 2019. I left good job position to dedicate time to the platform. With enough experience and knowledge, I think my contribution can be worthy by bringing more creators.

  • What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?
    Started building on May 2019, I have participated in several game jams and built several games. Regarding DAO, I’m active member and try to follow DAO Etiquette Guidelines. Committed holder and Land owner since the start.

  • What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring with you?
    More than a decade of programming professional experience, javascript mostly. Last job as Product Frontend Engineer on no-code process modelling app. Fine arts bacheller. Several games made in Decentraland since 2019, covering full-stack tasks.

  • Please share the details of an event you’ve planned in the past.
    ** What type of event was it?
    Javascript meetup
    ** What was your role?
    ** How many attended?
    ** How did you define success? Was it successful?
    It was 2019, I felt that people was super interested and found Decentraland being disruptive. Lot of people came to ask questions after the speak, most people were engineers.

  • Can you commit to planning at least 2 IRL events in your geographical area over the next 6 months?
    Yes, and I would love to do something more regular on 2024, like weekly workshops on videogame schools.

  • Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.
    Profile - pablo - Decentraland

  • Provide a list of two references, at least one of which is in the Decentraland community that can attest to your character and/or commitment to Decentraland.
    @Eibriel @Tobik