[DAO:4235511] Vroomway Continuation - Race and Earn

This is an easy yes for me. The build is amazing, the game is fun, and the team is strong. I can only imagine what this grant will accomplish, and I look forward to finding out! All the best!!


The $108,000 for Personnel is this for new staff or for existing staff? I love the game and support it 100%. I just need a little more clarification before I vote.


I voted yes because I believe this team will deliver on an experience that will bring in many new users and retain existing users. I know it’s a lot of money, but I believe they delivered everything that said they would ship to us with the first grant. Now let’s see what the team can do when they really have the resources to spread their wings.


Hi @OldGuy

Great question. The personnel budget covers 3 current core team members and 1 new part time position, so 4 positions total. Core team members are at least doubling our current commitment. Personally, I will be taking on a full-time role in DCL.

As for the engineering and development, all services are invoiced and do not overlap with personnel funds. Nikki has previously stated in a post that I’ll link to below that any development that she does is covered by personnel budget and is not double-paid with an invoice.

For more details on the budget breakdown, please check out Nikki’s comment linked here: [DAO:4235511] Vroomway Continuation - Race and Earn - #32 by NikkiFuego

Feel free to ask any more questions, and thank you so much for your consideration and support :slight_smile:

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thank you for the reply. it is a yes from me


Voting yes because one of the absolute best projects using Infinity engine. However 240k is steep for the DAO right now.


@CheddarQueso TY for you well wishes! I know this is a lot of money, but we were able to do so much with the smaller grant the last 6 months(we were like lil babes learning to walk with so much potential), and now we want to be able to bring so much more over a year timeline (by the end then we’ll grown up and setting ourselves up for our future of independence). The best part is we are unstoppable with ideas, we love to create, learn and challenge ourselves. So you know you’ll get quality and something new always! And even though we are a game and we have music performances, I definitely take into consideration your comments in the DAO Discord about education, and other experiences that bring variety. I think we should consider this going into our next year. So we can bring more car and race cultures and knowledge to the platform.

@InJesterr :blush:

@BanditDCL TY for being an alpha tester, and continuing to play our game as we’ve gone from alpha to launch! And your words here are truly appreciated!

@Billyteacoin We appreciate the love and support always. Brick by brick!

@LiMZ We love your passion for our game, and look forward to more races with you very soon!

@KevinClark TY for your vote and kind words.

@RDixon TY for the support. we look forward to what we can do with more serious support as well!


@DuelArenap2e TY for voting, and TY for sharing your thoughts with us, very much appreciated!

@DedHeadJ We appreciate your comment, and love that you are enjoying the game, hope to see you around Vroomway soon!


@Canessa TY TY TY! We have lots of plans to try to branch out into other web3 and car communities to bring in new ppl that may not yet have eyes on DCL and our game yet!

@OldGuy TY for your feedback, glad we were able to address your concerns.

@johnnysharp Appreciate your support!


Voted YES. Vroom team has gone above and beyond expectations since release and i’m looking forward to future development and experiences they continue to bring to DCL.


Voted YES. Have tried Vroomway in the beginning and had a great experience. we believe the game have a big potential in the future.


nothing is more fun at competetive at the same time then VROOM!
i really enjoy playing and the amazing community. all together we hit up in “looking for a group” channel and race together.

as soon the tournaments start and DCL get more visitors again this game will def blow up!


240k is too much for a game I’ve seen few times on the popular places page. Sorry peeps, ez NO from me.


Hi Mazafaka,

Thank you for taking the time to review our proposal and providing some input to your vote. However, I do not think that the popular places determines success for a non-grind style daily game that takes 5-20 minutes to spend your daily FUEL. Our current DAU average is 50 users, all of which love what we have delivered and are ready for more. I hope that you’ll check out our game and see for yourself what we were able to deliver with $60k.

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Good team, good idea, great creators! Let’s continue to build and support our amazing creators!


First, great job on delivering a great game with the $60k tight budget. Vroomway showed what was possible with DCL’s infrastructure.

However, I am going to vote NO for this proposal. I agree with @Shiny, I would support a 120k proposal for a shorter period to build up the user base, and focus on the infrastructure/marketing to bring awareness to the game. I have no doubt that the team can deliver an amazing product, however, I am being sensitive with the current DAO’s finances and 240k may be a stretch for now at Mana’s current price. I want to see the results of another 6month grant before fully voting yes on a 1-year grant.

There needs to be more DAUs in Decentraland overall to show proof that all games are “worth it” at this point and I think we have exhausted the gaming budget the last 4 months with Vroomway, DiceMasters, Temple, Butterfly Prawn,etc.

I hope you understand my perspective. Best of luck for the growth of Vroomway!

Thank you for bringing Vroomway to Decentraland and for all the work you have put into developing a fun and unique game.

I voted NO on this proposal because its recently been made aware to me that every grant we approve puts additional selling pressure on MANA and I believe we have reached a critical tipping point where our currency very well could lose what little remaining value it has.

I’m a major supporter of the call to pause grants, reevaluate the current structure and our goals as a community, and consider diversifying our treasury assets. Once this process has taken place, I would be more willing to vote yes on a top tier grant. Until then I’m very unlikely to support any grant unfortunately. I hope you can understand my reasoning and that after some time you resubmit, if this grant is not funded.

Best wishes.

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I know you’re going to get it passed because you already have agreements with the whales. Waiting for the last day of VP rain by stateless and other whales.

Hey, @Xchang I appreciate your level of passion around the DAO funds being such a new member. However, the information you have is not accurate at all. If you’d like to have a civil adult conversation person to person I’d be happy to. Add me on Discord or DM me on Twitter.

You say nobody plays the game, which as a community member you’re invalidating the players who DO play the game and spend countless hours doing so.

I am not on a committee…I was nominated and it was rejected, respectfully so, by the community.

I suggest you do some more research into how web3 works and how exactly the DAO vesting contracts and finances work. You’re claiming that we “stole” the infinite engine when it’s an open-source project and the foundation helped us integrate it into our game. If we “stole” it do you think they’d help us integrate it?

If you read our previous proposal you’ll see that the $60k was for infrastructure for a video game. I’m not sure how much development or game development experience you have, but if you do you’ll agree that most games (especially the ones you’re comparing us to) receive hundreds of thousands if not millions in investment to get an MVP. We did that with 60k. Just because it’s a game that you don’t enjoy, does not make it invalid. Your opinion is valid but it is not a fact. Games are subjective.

Also, because this is a 12-month project, the vesting will likely turn into a 12-month vesting period. Which spreads it out more over time instead of expediting in 6 months. “Draining the DAO” would mean that we would have to take millions from it. Not sure how that’s possible. One of the major points of having a DAO grant program like this is to build experiences that the community wants. We had 173 votes on our last proposal and 144 so far on this one.

Would you mind sharing some of your experience with these grants and where you’re deriving this speculative data?

Also, thanks for choosing one of my more cute photos :heart:


As we near the end of this proposal, I would like to add that based on the constructive feedback we’ve received we decided to increase the payback % to the DAO from 5% to 25% until all money is paid back. We also would like to extend that equity past the payback amount at a lower rate as we see the DAO as a partner in this venture. Therefore, the DAO has some ownership in this project for the short term and long term.

If there are any other questions or concerns please feel free to list them here or hit us up in DM’s. We appreciate the support so far and look forward to the future whatever it may hold! :pray:

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Vroomway Continuation - Race and Earn

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 83% 6,888,508 VP (147 votes)
  • No 17% 1,491,333 VP (23 votes)