[DAO:38e6e16] A continuum of Entertainment & Education for Women & Minorities (1 year)

Still owed the full months work that I put in @revocationcommitee

Which @Zino previously mentioned ? Makes no sense to invest in a course and then stop two months before it ends.

I also DMed @dax and never got back with a response

No one mentioned anything to responding in the forum, plus you never responded on discord when I was asking questions … I did reach out

Can you clarify on this ?

Hi, @serenaelis, can you please share your angry revocation tweet here?

You we’re paid by the DAO, you haven’t reached your goals, in some of your posts/tweets you are promoting sex, just because sex sells. And now what? Doxxing people because they cut you income?

I’m tired from grantees drama.

At the end of the day, can you tell me how many people you personally onboarded on DCL?

We all can see DAU going down badly, which means most of the projects who spent tons of DAO money failed.