Now that grants have launched, there is a backlog of community tools and initiatives that are looking for champions. Use this space to contribute ideas! I’ll kick it off with a few that have already been discussed.
- Incentives for LAND owners to invest in their parcels
- In-world DAO space
A space for users to participate in the DAO while in-world. More details in the pre-proposal discussion - Metaverse Job board
- The job board should support creator/developer profiles with direct links to Decentraland, escrow and bounty support running on Matic, and should burn MANA for job postings and pinnings.
- Should support grant-funded jobs to increase the specificity of grants and reduce risk of grant-funded projects failing to accomplish their goals.
- District governance tools
- Talk with district leaders about a useful feature set here, likely support for simple voting, messaging, and event handling. Should allow an otherwise inactive contributor to get email notifications and easily participate in the development of the district.
- Research into the possible evolution of wearables publishing with arguments from data
- Proposals increasing the sustainability of Decentraland, such as developing solar power for catalyst nodes and creating carbon traps IRL
- many more