[DAO:a7a248e] Restructuring the Community Grants Program

by 0xd11a019a70986bd607cbc1c1f9ae221c78581f49 (Yemel)

The DAO’s grant program is one of the best vehicles to help grow the Decentraland ecosystem.

Almost a year ago, the community voted on expanding the grant program to include the higher tiers. Later, the community voted to set new VP thresholds for each tier.

This has been a great experiment so far, and based on our own experience we must now look at the data and try to improve our process. I’m sure we will find great examples of what the Grant’s Program can achieve, and also many scenarios we should try to prevent.

These changes have been a success so far, and we’re now able to review the data and make improvements to our processes and requirements.

The following DRAFT proposal should clarify the restructuring, but IMHO we should address the following points:

  • Review VP thresholds: The number of VP participating in the DAO has increased a lot since the original definition. This needs to be looked at again ASAP.

  • Review Grant’s Categories: We should be more specific about the types of grants we’re supporting and the conditions attached.

  • Define Budgets per Category: This way the DAOs can have more control over the spending limits.

Suggestions and feedback is very welcome

  • Yes
  • No
  • Invalid question/options

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absolutely. no reason it should not be reviewed and restructured. many new people coming into decentraland and many of those involved but with little vp.

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May we also consider the vesting timeline for each tier? It would be interesting to consider alternate payout structures, such as 50% through 6 mos. w/ 50% paid at the end upon successful delivering.

I support it, treasury is so vital we must keep it safe. Also, I think Decentraland needs new source of Voting Power to get some VP balance. Users can get VP based on their contribution to DCL measured by their activity(game creators for example). Not everyone has ability to buy land,mana,names or receive delegations but many can contribute their time and knowledge.

I take the opportunity to raise this proposal in discussion again, just in case some voter missed it: Change threshold system to pass a proposal to the difference between YES and NO

With a lot of people looking to set up businesses through grants and sometimes a lot of resistance to give back to the dao or community, would it be worth creating a new category for this?
Then Decentraland can not only support new web3/metaverse native businesses but get ROI to the DAO when some make it big.

Some pros to this idea would be developing Decentraland as not just a metaverse but launchpad for entrepreneurs in web3 but also ensure the dao longevity.
Some possible cons being similar to setbacks kickstarter had when first launching where people lacking business experience failed quite quickly due to underestimating the weight of starting a business.

Applying for a grant can also mean networking with the community to find the support you need to launch your project, have a chance to showcase your progress in the townhalls and boost visibility of Decentraland.

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Adding on from another discussion around grant structure, it would be good to have “Open Call” style grant request feature to fill needs of the platform or more structured grant requests in which creators can apply. (similar to real world grants)
Then there can be opportunities for artists/agencies/creators to submit a proposal based of the brief that will support growth on the platform rather than multiple similar grant requests~

Some con feedback to this as a replacement structure was it would encourage competitiveness but pros being it will give some creators a chance to develop for the platform. This would solve third party agencies taking advantage of creators with competitions to increase their portfolio and pay little/nothing to showcase the work submitted.


It would be very great.

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Voting yes because I believe the Grants program needs a redesign based on the knowledge acquired over the last year. Not sure if I fully support establishing budgets per category, though. But that’s something that could be discussed further along the road.

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Restructuring the Community Grants Program

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 100% 6,385,726 VP (58 votes)
  • No 0% 0 VP (0 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 0% 0 VP (0 votes)

Restructuring the Community Grants Program

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfe91c0c482e09600f2d1dbca10fd705bc6de60bc)

We need a tier 0 funding level of up to $500 limited to 50 projects a month that are voted on strictly up/down vote to promote growth. Enough with this V.P. bullcrap.

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