[DAO: Qmbaqkg] Requesting Tier 3 Grant for purchase of land for NFT project Smvsh Friends

by 0xd41308f50858da2b7cc641e493fbddf34775393a (Kokesmush#393a)

Should the following Tier 3: up to $5,000 USD in MANA, 3 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Community category be approved?


We are asking for funding to acquire a 1x1 parcel in Decentraland to house our NFT projects lounge and host regular, weekly community events. We will integrate our community into Decentraland through this lounge.

Grant size

5,000 USD

Beneficiary address



Upon approval of the grant, we would be able to purchase a plot of land (1x1) to host community events and further integrate our community with the Decentraland metaverse. We have feature where users would be able to mint our NFTs from the scene in Decentraland, as well as link our wearables that are already approved. We have a parkour course that will be constantly updated and maintained for users to earn POAPs or wearables in the future. We want to connect with already established brands and grow the community through a positive environment.


The scene has already been built using the Decentraland builder and SDK. We use a program like Visual Code Studio to write the SDK and manage/maintain the script for the events. If the grant is approved, we will acquire the land via a purchase on OpenSea and begin deploying the scene. We have a banner for the Events page as well as a street team to work on promoting events and the scene. All we really need to get this going is the funding for the land.


Ryan Guthrie - Co Creator of Smvsh Friends NFT and leading Decentraland Scene builder. Built the lounge as well as other 3D assets used to import onto the scene. Our metaverse architect.

Joseph Ortega - Lead Developer of Smvsh Friends and Co Creator. Back-end AND front-end dev and support for the technical side of things such as the SDK.

Specimen XIII - Parkour course creator and enthusiast. Prior experience building in Decentraland for Bored Vibes. Part of the street team to promote events and bring community together.

Roadmap and milestones

Our project has already launched and we have already started growing our community substantially. We have quite a few members that are very into the metaverse side of web3 and spend quite some time in Decentraland as well as other virtual worlds like VRChat and The Sandbox.

Our goal is to acquire at least a 1x1 plot of land where we can house our Smvsh Friends lounge, showcase our NFTs, and host events for the community to enjoy and get to know some awesome positive and influential people in our network.

The lounge is already built, all we are waiting on is funding for the land. Originally we planned on buying land at 50% mint-out with our project, but with the way things are progressing, we wanted to acquire land as fast as possible.

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First, this grant type is a 3 month vesting contract, it is not a one-time-payment. Maybe there are exceptions, but this might not work to get you land “as fast as possible”.

This says a lot about what dcl will do for you but not so much about what you will do for dcl. I’m sure your community is great and more activity in dcl is a plus but grants aren’t supposed to be used to acquire land as fast as possible. There are plenty of lands for monthly rental for less than $100/mo that you can deploy to within the hour if speed is what you want.

“each grant proposal must include clearly defined and measurable outcomes” it seems the only measurable outcome is that you will have land at the end of it. Some more specifics about what your community values are and how they will integrate with dcl might help me understand this more.


Thank you so much for the response!
I wasn’t really sure where to go into detail, but with the acquisition of land, we will be hosting weekly events, maybe twice a week. We will be bringing web3 musicians in to showcase their music and we will have interactive challenges such as parkour and scavenger hunts. We plan on using some of the space as advertising for other projects and communities to help raise exposure and awareness for their brands as well. Renting land is definitely something we were planning on doing, but I recently found out about the DCL DAO and was interested and wanted to see if we could acquire a grant for it. If this is something that isn’t viable for a grant, I understand and still plan on renting land to get community events going.

Requesting Tier 3 Grant for purchase of land for NFT project Smvsh Friends

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 0% 0 VP (0 votes)
  • No 100% 1,175,039 VP (14 votes)