Author: 0xc3e3d13d98b84e1808c4145355c0cade20a2fc98
Update Status: Late
Project Health: On Track
We are excited to announce our first DCL community feedback event, which we will be hosting LIVE on Thursday, Nov 9th! Please follow our Twitter account at @inworldbuilder.
We also did not officially start working on this project until September 11. Our Grant proposal, GSS meetings, and GSS updates due on the 10th of each month we thought our monthly updates would also be on the 10th, which is why we are late for our update. We will have Update #3 posted before December 1st in a timely manner.
3D Asset Creation & Optimization
The 3D team is ahead of the 450 objects we planned to have completed by the end of Month #2. (We are somewhere around 100+ 3D objects ahead at the moment. The 3D team will be uploading their final month #2 models to our 3D Git Hub in the next 5 days.) We had a dozen or so of our 3D objects featured in Angzaar’s scene for Halloween. These objects are CC0 and anyone in the public can pull them from our Github to use in their own scenes.
We have created dozens of icons, and multiple colors of window sets to use for our User Interface. We have started connecting some of the UI buttons in our test scene to connect to the proper windows so we can understand the flow, feel, and visual effects of each.
Marketing & Communications
Marketing finished up our logo design and began posting on our Twitter and Instagram accounts, sharing the In-World Builder logo with the world! Marketing also created a large number of templates to use for social media, featuring our 3D objects, our creators, and more! Marketing also created a social content calendar, with detailed ideas for each month on Miro.
Audio & SFX
Audio is ahead of schedule and should have 100 samples finished this week. These audio sounds and effects will come in different file types. Mono and Stereo. (stereo is both wave and mp3)
Project Management
Attended all team meetings. Met with the DAO GSS for our month 1 post-update on Oct 10th. Worked with each of the individual teams to solve any and all issues that we encountered. Onboarded and offboarded individuals who had life changes and could no longer contribute to the project. Set up team payouts after working with each individual team to ensure payments were fairly broken up for each individual’s work that was completed for the month. Wrote up our monthly report #2 for the DAO grant forums.
We pivoted our land reservation system. Everyone will now have their own realm to build within, and other players will be able to join these personal realms to view and build. We also built an automation pipeline for bulk asset uploading of our catalog assets. We have created initial server ↔ scene connections for creating a scene, choosing and placing items, as well as saving to playfab. The coding for most of our UI windows and buttons have been laid out visually so we can get feedback before further coding everything inside of each window.
We do not have any current blockers; however, we do recognize that sdk7 will need to implement more feature sets as our project will rely on blockchain interactivity and improved avatar experience.
Next steps
Our individual teams are hard at work on their tasks for the remainder of this session (month 2). Every team is on track or ahead at this point. We are hosting the DCL community on Thursday, Nov 9th to come check out our Test scene for themselves to see our progress and give us feedback. 3D will be creating some Christmas and winter-themed 3D objects in November, which we plan on making available to the public so creators can use them freely in their scenes.