[DAO:f7d068d] Update #1 for proposal "In World Builder - No Code, No Deploy, Real-time Collaboration"

Author: 0xc3e3d13d98b84e1808c4145355c0cade20a2fc98
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hello from the Last Slice team!

We’ve been so thrilled to start working on our grant for the In-World Builder. Below is our first update across all teams reporting in on great progress!

We would like to note that our team did not officially start working on this project until September 11. There were unknowns with our project status and vesting (which was back dated to the 1st)


3D Asset Creation & Optimization

The 3D team began modeling the first objects to go over as a group. (Over 50+ models were created in September) . Created a “3D Modeling Standards” document; Workflow and Resources was created and presented to the team to get everyone on the same page; began coming up with an initial list of over 2,400 ideas for 3D objects to be created for the In-world Builder’s 3D assets. Artists then signed up for monthly commitments for a certain number of deliverables, in addition to which specific items that artist was interested in creating. Blacknode was onboarded to the 3D team towards the end of the month to help out with object creation since 2 artists had less time for the project than originally expected.


The UX & UI Teams worked together with shared meetings and brainstorming ideas for the physical and visual experiences of IWB users. Lists of desired features & functions, in addition to colors and styles were all heavily discussed. Heavy research on over 12 different builders & video games with similar functionality for ideas. Figmas were created for initial designs. Both solid and transparent button sets were made for testing.

Marketing & Communications

Marketing began working on different fonts and logos to use for the In-World Builder, in addition to selecting DCL names to purchase and use for the project. A project email address and social media handles were created towards the end of the month once the project members decided together. Marketing also began preparing different ways to share our work in progress and 3D assets to the world and DCL community.

Audio & SFX

The Audio team held their initial meeting to discuss expectations, set up goals and ideate over 225 different audio object ideas for the In World Builder. The goal is to end up with around 230 audio objects for the World Builder that go with the scene’s UI, in addition to providing amazing sounds for builders to use in their own scenes. The audio team has also been regularly attending 3D meetings and other team meetings to collaborate and come up with ideas that fit the rest of our project.

Project Management

  • Onboarded the teams to the team calendar & files
  • Set up meetings with DAO GSS for feasibility & Milestones
  • Worked with individual teams & leaders to schedule regular meetings
  • Added important project & DAO due dates to calendar
  • Set up PM software for each team
  • Set team Kickoff Meeting for UX
  • Attended all team meetings & managed meeting notes
  • Created Onboarding Document to help provide important list of details on software, systems & processes
  • Organized teams into group chats


The coding team met with multiple members from the Foundation on a call with the GSS answering any and all questions about feasibility for the project.

  • Task Organization via Trello
  • Secured a Digital Ocean server, installed & created 2 web servers 1) deployment server 2) communication server
  • Created initial deployment framework for refreshing IWB with UGC assets
  • Created Playfab title for storing information
  • Created initial framework for connectivity- Scene ↔ Server ↔ Playfab
  • Installed Colyseus multiplayer framework server side
  • Created initial builder scene and connected to remote server
  • Created initial framework for scene creation & scene size allocation
  • Implemented initial 2d atlas in scene for toolsets icons
  • Created initial data structure for assets and scenes


We do not have any current blockers; however, we do recognize sdk7 will need to implement more feature sets as our project will rely on blockchain interactivity and improved avatar experience.

Next steps

Our individual teams are hard at work on their tasks for the remainder of this session (month 1). Every team is on track. Our next steps is to slowly integrate pieces from each team into the scene. We will continue to update the 2D UI in scene and layer in functionality for creating the scenes in world!

Additional notes and links

** IWB World link**

3D Team Github - In World Builder

Coding Team Github - In World Builder

3D Modeling Standards - Word

3D Object List

UX/UI Figma Links

Audio List

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