[DAO:a656ea8] Clickable web browser component

by 0x598f8af1565003ae7456dac280a18ee826df7a2c (pablo)

Should the following $5,001 grant in the Platform category be approved?


There is lack of good web integration.
A clickable browser you can put in your parcel is offered in this proposal.

Grant size

5,001 USD in MANA

Project duration

1 month

Beneficiary address


Email address



A clickable browser you can put in your parcel.
It will be delivered as on-premise service with source code.
Will include instructions to install


Month 1 Delivery: At the end of the month the product is delivered.


Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

This is how it can look inside world , you configure a home page:

Then in multiplayer mode people can do click in the page and navigate, all others will see it changing.

So itā€™s basically live streaming of a browser in a scene?
How much FPS does it has and what is the delay of it between a click and an update?
Is it already done and you are asking for the money to publish it or is it still to be done?

  1. no
  2. no you cannot watch videos, itā€™s just image driven ā€¦ -
  3. no itā€™s not done ā€¦ whatā€™s the difference?

Just asking, as I saw that cryptohighscore example.

How much seconds per frame does it take and what is the delay of it between a click and an update?

So not a live streaming, itā€™s a live slideshow of automatic browser screenshot.

Iā€™m just trying to understand the tech and limitation to be able to do an informed vote :slight_smile:

But I can see you are taking inspiration from me in your replies :joy:

Ok about tech and limitations ā€¦

It will render images, and detect clicks on x,y ā†’ new image. Using puppeteer or rust-headless-chrome and cache mechanisms.

It covers a need nobody did before, there are plenty of site builders or static builders people could use and show it as interactive and informative screens without the need to leave decentraland to navigate to a external web, for example. Other use case could be for educational purposes, having a screen that alls students can see.

Yeah, the screenshot could be misleading, but thaā€™ts why I remembered this idea I already had years agoā€¦

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@mazafaka ā€œfind a real jobā€ sounds like a grandma that thinks Iā€™m playing videogames instead of working.

Donā€™t worry I already had good tech jobs on really successful products used by millions users but still I enjoy contributing to Decentralandā€¦ thanks for your so productive contribution.

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Iā€™ve thrown this idea out many times. I know it sort of goes against DCL as a 3-D platform vs. 2-D. The idea is having a in world browser in the User Interface. Anyone and Everyone can pull up their own personal browser to look at DCL marketplace, DCL DAO proposals, update socials with DCL screenshots, research the latest Blender Update, ā€¦ anything the web has to offer in a browser window, inside of Decentraland explorer ā€¦

I saw this in Eve Online. You never had to alt-tab, leave game, have two monitors to play/research better. And it keeps people in game and engaged in game ā€¦ pop-up window would allow for the chat box to still show, and outer edges of in-world game to show, meaning the player would still be involved in world. And upon closing browser window are back in game and never left.

It could even load into a different DCL website upon opening on a regular rotation, one day it starts with marketplace, the next DCLDAO, the next blog, etc ā€¦ they can choose to explore the DCL site or navigate away.

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Nais. So youā€™re successful person. Many people contributed and in most cases they are volunteers. Maybe you can do it pro-bono?

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I already did, I made also many ā€œpro-bonoā€ or free contributions.

Apart from the support, vulnerability reports in private, and some open source repos; creating in the ecosystem also contributes.

We started Golfcraft development before the grants existed and brought 70K unique users and a good showcase for visitors, funny for many.

But we also need support to keep contributing, I donā€™t live from the air and itā€™s fair when others, individuals or companies, can benefit from my contributions, including Decentraland as a platform. As an extra note, Iā€™m more of a defensor of GNU licenses vs MIT.

Defo the question Iā€™ll ask you is OFFTOPIC.

So, 70k users? Do you have any legit/trusted sources where we can verify this?

Self made excel tables doesnā€™t count.

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Itā€™s interesting you say ā€œfind a real jobā€ and ā€œwork for freeā€ at the same time.

About users, just playfab data, idk if you can access publicly this data, if you know any link or method please let me know.

75k players and you wasnā€™t able to keep at least 1% of them playing the game? Thatā€™s a shame.

I still donā€™t believe the image you show me, probably this can be faked generating multiple wallets or using VPN/proxies.

I work and worked free for decentraland for the last few years, going after con artists, exposing and trolling them, ā€˜hackingā€™ their ENS shits, etc. In case I can do this, and youā€™re more successful persona than me, maybe you can do it too?

To be honest Iā€™m tired from sh*tty cash grabs proposed here. The truth is that for the last few years DCL DAO spent a lot of money for projects that achieved nothing. Just check the DAU back in 2021 and 2024.

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Iā€™ve thought about doing this beforeā€¦
Render the browser page on the server then find a good way of sending it across and making a co-ordinates systemā€¦
Lots to testing to find the best solutionā€¦
Worth $5k IMO!

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No, you need two monitors to play with two or more alts or to have excel open while you jita scam ahah

To come back to this grant, this browser would not allow in-world voting or marketplace buying as it would be rendered on Pabloā€™s (even if he doesnā€™t like when we say it, he will be the one paying for it and deploying the server so he has full control over it) servers and you would have no way to login with your metamask

Isnā€™t that just hosting the screenshot on a normal webserver then loading the image url from in-world?

You can install in your server and configure on your own also. thatā€™s why I defined ā€œon-premiseā€ the description is short but concise :wink: . Moreover the requirement of platform grants is to be open-source and I think platform grants should not rely on granteeā€™s servers forever.

Isnā€™t that just hosting the screenshot on a normal webserver then loading the image url from in-world?

If it was that simple, why it has not been done in 5 years then?

ā€¦ anyway ā€¦ Iā€™m bored ā€¦ if it passes I will be working on thatā€¦ if not, you can do itā€¦ In the end, you have a regular salary from the DAO and it is good to be used on productive stuff, donā€™t worry about taking the ideaā€¦

I vote Yes. I donā€™t understand it 100% but looks like people can look at websites and videos in Dcentraland. and @pablo good builder in our community.

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No video, only static page, one update per click

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oh ok. Thank you for letting me know. I hope to one day have vid feature too so can watch the Waifumon music video on repeat.

yeah pretty much thatā€¦
Would be 100x better if we could have iframes in the engine but weā€™ll be waiting at least 10 years for thatā€¦

Rendering images like this works because Iā€™ve tested itā€¦
The hard bit is creating the x-y co-ord system, making it look smooth and dealing with the GSS :sweat_smile: ā€¦
I would like to see a clean version of this built so I voted yesā€¦

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