[DAO:00f9b14] Update #2 for project "Resubmission: Clickable browser component"

Author: 0x598f8af1565003ae7456dac280a18ee826df7a2c
Update Status: Late
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


End report


A stable product is published as a component, npm library
Public deployed server available for next 3 months
More details about the product in the previous update: Decentraland DAO


Some issues are reported and actively managed by the Foundation Support team.

Next steps

Provide public server and support for the next 3 months

Additional notes and links

Repo: GitHub - pabloes/decentraland-browser: A clickable browsers prototype to navigate the web inside Decentraland
Townhall video: townhall-presentation-browser.mov - Google Drive
Twitter thread: x.com

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