[DAO:b1d6eca] Resubmission: Clickable browser component

by 0x598f8af1565003ae7456dac280a18ee826df7a2c (pablo)

Should the following $5,001 grant in the Platform category be approved?


There is lack of web integration in-world.
An experimental clickable browser you can put in your parcel is offered in this proposal.

Grant size

5,001 USD in MANA

Project duration

1 month

Beneficiary address


Email address



An experimental clickable browser you can put in your parcel is offered in this proposal.
It’s based on server image rendering and advanced caching.
It will be delivered as on-premise service with source code.
Will include instructions to install


Month 1 Delivery: At the end of the month the product is delivered.


Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot


Demo of little prototype here: x.com

Code: https://github.com/pabloes/decentraland-browser

I can paste my website URL and it creates a static snapshot of it? But it doesn’t refresh in real-time, does it refresh at all (every 24 hours or 1 week, etc). Or would I need to paste the URL and click process again for it to refresh new website content?

it can refresh quite often, it can do tasks in the background and cache the screenshots so the experience can be smooth enough.

The parcel owner can configure a Home URL.

I don’t understand posting an exactly same grant again, just a couple days after the first one is rejected. Please share your motivation.

Being able to refresh automatically makes this sound quite useful.

At first I thought it just converted a website to an image and never updated.

How frequently could you set it to refresh? Every 24 hours?

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It wasn’t exactly “rejected”, there was more yes than no.
It was just befallen by voter apathy.


Mostly because interest shown in twitter.

and as Ozymandias expressed, there were majority on YES


Nice observation @Ozymandias and I like that you gaged some kind of input and sentiment before writing this proposal. One thing I mentioned on the X post, would a person be able to enter login in information on a website? Response that was received was of security issues in doing so. I would vote yes on this if that can be done in a safe and secure environment. OnCyber has this capability, not sure on the security, but feel it would be a great idea and who knows what more could be done with this ability. Show videos, but then I guess that opens up the whole copyright and IP discussion. For now I have to go with abstain.

The main use case is to show web information, if you own a parcel you set the home page of whatever you want to let visitors navigate through it.

  • Show the web of your brand in your parcel.
  • Perform a classroom.
  • etc.

I think those use cases are good enough. I don’t think it’s really useful to navigate the web privately in a metaverse.

no videos and no login are in this proposal, it’s to cover the main aspect I mentioned as today there is no way to do it. The only alternative would be to mimic the web you want to show with SDK screens which requires effort for each specific case.

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I liked the demo, it could be a useful and good smart item to add to the SDK7 smart items in the asset packs.

I voted Yes on this already. I think this one is asking for an additional $1. As long as you go back in time and use the $1 to buy a McChicken back when it used to be on the Dollar Menu. I am down.

Got 2 questions:

Does this browser able to show up content to multiple people in real time?
Can it play as well video with a sound in a multiplayer experience?

To answer some questions:

  • This can not be a smart item because it needs a server
  • Content shown can be either private per user or public/shown to others
  • Multiple users can click at the same time or there can be a moderator who has click rights
  • FPS and resolution depends on scene developer

I like the idea and I think that we definetely need this function but I see less priority in this.

yes, the screen will be like a screen IRL, everyone around can see it.
no video nor sound.

  • This can not be a smart item because it needs a server
    Now that you mention… could be true what you say, I’d need to review.

  • Content shown can be either private per user or public/shown to others

  • Multiple users can click at the same time or there can be a moderator who has click rights
    My idea was to lock the screen for little time when a player is handling it.

  • FPS and resolution depends on scene developer
    I think talking about fps here doesn’t make so much sense, the time to update the screen I estimate that will be bellow a second most of the time. like downloading a 1024x768 png image. Cache mechanisms can be applied also to client, so returning to a previous page could be instant.

  • I like the idea and I think that we definetely need this function but I see less priority in this.
    It’s a little first experimental MVP covering the lack of a really useful feature.

How long are you going to maintain the server?
Or are you going to shut it down as soon as the grant is done like InJesterr did and like you just did with GolfCraft?

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How long are you going to maintain the server?
No personal server, maybe just for demo, the product would be provided on-premise

Or are you going to shut it down as soon as the grant is done like InJesterr did and like you just did with GolfCraft?

  • Golfcraft: Servers are paused, about to migrate to a cheaper infrastructure and there are pendent discussions about management from the owners.
  • Injester: No idea, hope he is fine.

not that my small vote matters.

I don’t see a server budget, voting no because I foresee a larger grant that will follow this, and we would be forced to vote yes or waste these 5k

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He said it would be an “on-premises” solution. Meaning he’s expecting people to run this on their own server. I personally have absolutely no interest in ever using this, I think the user experience of browsing a 2D screen skewed in a 3D world within another 2D screen sounds pretty lackluster.

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