[DAO:187a807] Update #2 for proposal "DAO Governance Squad 1H2024 Budget Renewal"

Author: 0x511a22cdd2c4ee8357bb02df2578037ffe8a4d8d
Update Status: Late
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hi community, here’s Gino reporting on the latest developments from the GovSquad regarding the DAO tooling and the Governance dApp.


As always, I’ll summarize some of the highlights, but as always, you can check out our Releases page to see the entire changelog for the Governance dApp and our Project Board on GitHub to see what we are currently doing.

  • As stated in our Public Roadmap, we enhanced the proposals and project update’s editor tool with a new editor that makes it easier for anyone to use text styles and embed media. This was already supported because the fields accepted Markdown but we realized most of the users didn’t know that and the ones who did, found Markdown syntax pretty complex. Now you can use a dead simple UI to style your proposals.
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  • Worked alongside the Foundation’s engineering team to support the launch of a new and unified notifications system. The DAO was the first dApp in the ecosystem to have a fully featured notifications system (With advanced capabilities like protocol-powered notifications by using PUSH, and real-time Discord notifications available) and since now Foundation is launching its version, we agreed to unify the experience into a single place (Now you will find your notifications at the top navigation bar). Governance-related notifications will still support the advanced capabilities previously mentioned. Users will be able to use them from their profiles.

  • We built a simple tool for the Grant Support Squad so they can start querying the data available on the Financial Reports we built for the Project Updates grantees have to publish every month. This will allow the GSS to understand how the community is using the money from the DAO treasury and get insights from it.

  • We built a mechanism to let DAO whales (An informal way to refer to users who hold more than 50k VP either owned or delegated) clarify the reasons behind how they voted in a proposal. The way this works is: once they are about to vote on a proposal, a modal will appear prompting them to explain why they are voting like that. This is optional, but if they disclose their reasons, they will appear over the Comments section on the proposal view and on the voter list. This feature is taking advantage of the Reasons metadata field in Snapshot, so the information can be consumed either from our dApp or from Snapshot.
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  • We also added a simple filter on the Projects dashboard so users can quickly see Projects that consumed budget from any given quarter.


Even though it’s not a blocker, all the work we had to do regarding the new notifications system that the DCL Foundation launched was a bit heavier than we expected. This impacted the ability to deliver our proposed roadmap during the last two weeks. Nothing major, but it’s worth mentioning.

Next steps

The team is working on the Project view and a new set of notifications regarding the Bidding & Tendering.
We will also start the work on a new version for the DAO landing page.

Additional notes and links

Check our work:

View this update on the Governance dApp

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