Author: 0x511a22cdd2c4ee8357bb02df2578037ffe8a4d8d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: On Track
Hi community, Gino here from the GovSquad. This wrap-up covers the key highlights and achievements of our team over the past six months, as well as the upcoming steps and challenges we’ve addressed. The team decided to not continue renewing the team’s budget so this is our final update. We are proud of what we accomplished here and grateful to the community for the support and feedback.
These are all the projects we accomplished during the last 6 months. To see a detailed description of each one of these initiatives you can check the individual updates of Town Hall recordings where we showcased the progress.
Projects View & Insights:
Projects View Implementation: We launched the first version of this feature to provide a clear overview of DAO-funded projects, focusing on relevant post-funding information.
Project Insights: Introduced a new feature to highlight key information about projects once funded, enabling more effective and transparent tracking of their progress.
New Proposal Editor:
Developed an easy-to-use visual editor for creating and updating proposals, eliminating the need for Markdown syntax and making it easier to style text and add media.
Unified Notification System:
Collaborated with the Foundation’s engineering team to integrate a unified notification system, enhancing user experience by consolidating all notifications in a single accessible location in the top navigation bar.
New Notifications
Added notifications to alert proposal authors when a whale voted on their proposals. Also added notifications for Bidding & Tendering submission periods.
Transparency in Grant Payments:
Implemented a feature on the Transparency page that separates grant payouts for community projects from those for Core Units, clarifying the DAO’s expenditure on community development versus operational expenses.
Technical Infrastructure Improvement:
Completed a significant migration of the governance dApp’s codebase to a modern framework, reducing load times from 3500ms to 400ms and deployment times from 30 minutes to 3-5 minutes, thus enhancing the developer experience and repository structure.
Launched an improved DAO Landing Page:
We revamped the DAO landing page with a refreshed aesthetic aligned with the new Decentraland branding and with updated content.
While there were minor challenges and delays with the implementation of the new notification system, the team did not encounter any significant blockers during this period.
Next steps
The team has decided not to request another grant to fund the work we’ve been doing over the past two years. We believe the platform we’ve built has reached a level of maturity that no longer requires constant improvements and updates. With this dApp, projects can now be managed and tracked transparently, decisions can be made and justified, the DAO’s finances are presented in a sufficiently clear format, and communication channels are fluid enough to keep everyone informed. Let us tell you it’s pretty hard to build interfaces for web3 decentralized organizations and does not take a lot of research to see ours is top quality.
Although we have several ideas for improving the existing features, we have listened to the community’s feedback during our last grant renewal. We also feel that, until a new method for funding and executing projects is discussed and implemented, it is no longer appropriate to request further grant renewals.
That said, we feel a duty to the community and to the platform we’ve built. The team will continue to provide support, oversee security, maintain the platform, cover the costs of hosting and running services, and implement any binding governance proposals decided by the community. This will remain the case until a new team structure is established or a clear path forward for community funding is created.
We are proud of the work we’ve done here and deeply grateful to the community for their support, contributions, and feedback.
The Gov Squad
Additional notes and links
As in every final project update, we’re linking the Financial report of our team multisig
Check our work:
Github Repo
Release Notes
Project Board
Team Demos
Public Grant Roadmap
Gov Squad Multisig
Give us feedback on our Canny board!