[DAO:8971a77] Should we remove the Strategic Unit and prevent $32k in DAO funds from being spent?

My first Strategic Unit’s Grant Update:
Strategic Unit Grant Update

Also, I missed to include in Grant Update that I submitted governance proposal “DAO Organizational Chart”.

Org chart is the heart of DAOs structure and onboarding.

The key aspect of this proposal is that it sets guidelines for the chart’s content and mandates accountability at the governance level, specifying which Core Units are responsible for its upkeep.

Without timely updates and responsible ones for that, the chart might not reflect the current DAO structure, leading to misunderstanding.

Organizational Chart for Decentraland DAO

I spend 30 hours a week fully immersed in Decentraland DAO, dedicating the majority of my thoughts and time to it. I’m also actively engaged in frequent communication with Community members.
1st month was pretty tough. The constant discussions and doubts about my grant are stressful. Responding to these criticisms consumes time, energy, and emotional bandwidth.

But I am strong enough to outlive all this negative and continue building for Decentraland and DAO. :heart:




