[DAO:834bbab] Duel Arena P2E Continuum, Refinement & Game Expansion [ Resubmission ]

Hi Community:

The Grant Support Squad was created to support the grantees in achieving their goals and take care of the DAO treasury.

Three formal requests were presented about this project. One was dismissed xxxx, and two and after thoroughly reviewing this project, the Squad wants to showcase valuable information and our observations.

  • The concerns were:

  • Metrics and Target Audience.

  • Allocation of Funds.

Metrics and target audience:

The Grantee, in their proposal, mentioned that as a return of impact, the target audience for this grant was 2000”.

As we and the Revocations Committee mentioned in the BeatTrekker´s case this now is clear and corresponds to the number of users to decentraland that the game should reach.

After gathering information from the community, the grantee, DCL Metrics, and Metrics from the Foundation, these are the results from the data taken from Feb, March, April.

According to this it seems impossible to reach the target audience proposed as return of impact. During the mentioned period the total amount of users was 529, including the tournaments which have brought a total of attendees 69 (35+18+16) So, we believe that they are not going to accomplish the 2000 users in the remaining 2 months of this grant and the tournaments have ended.

Glossary: Visitors is usually greater than User because a visitor can log in with multiple browsers using the same wallet. For example, I connect from the web using my wallet and then I connect from desktop.

User is a unique wallet.

Allocation of Funds.

According to the financial report, during the last three months, the project allocated USD 69.700 to development and design (disclaimer: 50,000 were only vested and claimed because the currently vesting contract is paused).

Since measuring the Quality of the product design is outside our scope, we can´t make a recommendation in that sense.

However, what we can show is what they have developed and recommend to the Revocations Committee to analyze it.



  • Implement the new UI for the creator store.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12.28.54 PM

Another goal was: DJs/Streamers Engagement ( Collaboration & Manager )

This goal was accomplished. We recommend paying to the winners of the last contest.


  • The project made the tournaments.
    The total number of users for Duel Arena was 529 in the last 3 months
  • has failed to be clear on their proposal about the metrics for their category. (proposed target audience = 2000 KPI is not aligned with the In World Content Category Specific Assessments, which should have been referred to in-world users).
  • A total of 69.700 USD was spent on development and design, but this seems too expensive compared to the quality produced.
  • Based on the concerns that the community raised, we have analyzed this grant and validated that the concerns were legitimate.

Based on the concerns raised by the community, including metrics, target audience, and allocation of funds, we have analyzed this grant and validated that these concerns were legitimate. The possibility of the project being over budget has been a concern since the voting period and the onboarding phase with GSS, especially considering they already received 1 previous grants from DCL DAO, receiving a total of: 75.000 + 50.000 = 125.000

During the current Grant, the project received funding for marketing their game to attract more users, but the investment did not result in a significant increase in users, according to the statistics. This second grant focused on upgrading graphic design and development and a tournament as a marketing strategy, which failed to achieve its target audience goals. While we appreciate the grantee’s detailed organization and timely delivery, we believe that thus far, the DAO has invested enough money to make an upgrade to this game available to Decentraland.

So far, the Grant Support Squad hasn’t elevated any cases to the Revocation Committee solely because a grant project is of bad quality. This doesn’t mean that we are in a position to disregard community concerns if the Revocation Committee decides that the reasons presented are valid for revocation.

Even though the grantee, the Grantee is performing lower, they are accomplishing their grant in terms of production (tournaments).

In conclusion, we elevate this case to the Revocations Committee, recommending revoking the vesting contract and paying the winners of the last contest produced ( 1000+500=1500)

Grant Support Squad.

CC: (@fifitango @InJesterr @didiimakiii @dax @bay @maryana @MetaDogeisme @revocationcommitee )