by 0xbc02db030361121dd43bbb2fcbcb4f9f98c1dc7d (Ambassador)
Currently all published Worlds display blank squared brownish tiles, which are a real eyesore. Builder app is most suitable to fix this issue right before publishing, I am thinking if we had an option to change the surrounds this would be really helpful & useful.
An easy Yes on this and very much needed. For those who voted No, I’m keen to know why. Other ‘siloed’ metaverse platforms have a very pretty surrounding and if we are keen to be better, this is one of the things that should be executed.
em, i see, thats better, at least gonna add some flexibility to replace the current cartoonish environment. Since they realise this point, i guess fully customization of SKY box is not far away right?
I was thinking it would be nice to have a default build that would have a welcome message for each DCL name. That way a new owner of a a name/world would already have something deployed. It’s easier to get someone from zero to one when the world has a “there” there.
Sad to see this proposal fail. I don’t understand why HP voted no, because I’ve mentioned about this to him previously and he said it was a good idea & he could apply this feature on his servers. Yet votes NO on it. What an idiot he is.