[DAO:323b302] Productions Company MultiNFT Seeks Grant from DCL

by 0xdf02eb8bf194697df8155f2e4d03f1f8ebf64092 (MultiNFT)

Should the following Tier 5: up to $120,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Community category be approved?


This paper examines the role of MultiNFT as a major contributor for the Decentraland ecosystem and community as part of its first step to apply for a grant. At this time, high traffic on the platform is derived from either play to earn gamified scenes or specific music events. Those very music events are a focal point for proving the merit of the metaverse itself and is our central focus here at MultiNFT as we will demonstrate below.
Launched in 2018, MultiNFT is one of the founding members of the Metaverse revolution. With an extensive network of connections and expertise in the real-world music industry, MultiNFT delivers the best events the metaverse has to offer and provides a familiar environment for communities to grow in.

Grant size

120,000 USD

Beneficiary address


Email address



Over the past year alone, MultiNFT has produced and delivered a medley of top visited events in the Decentraland metaverse and broke the marketplace charts several times with its wearables. Some notable mentions from the past 12 months:

  • The Metaverse Music Festival Techno Stages years 2021 & 2022.

  • Every Single Friday DJ Night at the RAGE club (which passed DAO’s point of interest proposal: Snapshot)

  • The giving away of over 1,500 Items (Including Wearables & Skins)

  • Multiple wearable launches for the community, some of which went on to 1st place on the marketplace top trending items and creators

  • Various multi-metaverse events crossing Decentraland with Spatial, Stageverse, Somnium Space

  • Branded events with DAZ3D, Desperate Ape Wives, Katatonik, CGC, CoinPoint, Holy Ones Grand Opening Pre & After Parties to name a few community collaborations, parties and events: Bverse, Diverge, Babydolls, Wisher etc. (*These are mentions of who we worked with in the past and unrelated to the current grant).

  • 16,662 unique users passed through the RAGE club since its started its operations.


  • Our events attract a significant amount of “web2” users that still havent been converted to web3. By using the guest login function we easily plant the seed for such users to adopt the underlying wallet technology and join the frontier.


With the funds from this grant, MultiNFT will continue to:

  • Deliver at least three weekly recurring events at the RAGE Club and other parcels which are currently under development to be disclosed Q1 23

  • Deliver A Quarterly Conference/Festival under the name Awake The Future Festival (Ticketed conference during the day and music festival with 5 stages for 3 hrs on each stage)

  • Improvement of the existing Dancing UI sequencer contest and activities/quests surrounding Emotes

  • Provide weekly wearables giveaways to both newcomers and existing community

  • Rock & Metal Music Festival featuring some of the biggest names in the Metal and Progressive Rock industry

  • Weekly POAP distributions with our PARTY TO EARN secret roadmap

  • Continue to serve as a booking agency for web3 events in Decentraland in 2023

Name / When Event Type Fee USD Events P/Y Total P/Y
Every Friday All Genres $200 52 $10,400
Every Saturday Techno Music $200 52 $10,400
Every Wednesday Rock & Metal $200 52 $10,400
MVMF Techno + Rage $10,000 1 $10,000
ATF Techno + Rage $5,000 4 $20,000
Metal Festival Metal Stage $10,000 1 $10,000
Special events TOP AAA DJ $5,000 4 $20,000
Community Events MetaParty, HolyOnes (for example) $200 5 $1,000
TOTAL $92,200



As can be seen above, our expenses plan exceeds the amount requested in this grant, however MultiNFT is currently also undergoing a Series A funding round, part of which will be used for said expenses. (MultiNFT has gone through a seed round of $0.5M led by Panda Capital HK - crunchbase).


Founder - Max Hatchwell (aka MultiNFT)

With 15 years of Professional experience in Live Music management, artist booking and copy rights management, logistics and contract management.
Artist relations and logistic manager specialist; Max has been working with major artists and brands.

  • Managed touring schedules for a large roster of international performing artists
  • 2018 Industry leaders award (Blockchain Cuties 1st anniversary)
  • Blockchain Game Alliance Member
  • Appears as a character in several NFT games as a tribute for his contribution

Co Founder & CEO - Guy Goldenberg (aka Geridos)

Guy Goldenberg has a decade worth of experience in the crypto industry and in business management. He has launched some of the most successful public equities on PrimeXBT that went on to be ranked second and third on the platform during the market cycles of 2020-21. Before crypto, Goldenberg had a professional career as a touring musician with internationally renowned metal bands. He’s since leveraged his connections in the music industry to help MultiNFT bring some of the biggest names into the Metaverse.

  • Business professional with several years of executive experience leading teams
  • On hands artist management and event production experience of over 12 years in the Metal & Rock industries

Visit this link for a full list of our staff and links to their LinkedIn profiles etc’

Roadmap and milestones






Closing statement

We believe that our contribution to the Decentraland Metaverse and community has been notable thus far and is worthy of backing now for the betterment of both existing and new users and their experience in 2023. We will continue to enrich the platform with top tier events and special surprises and our focus remains on Decentraland.

With the help of this grant we will surely be able to garner the next level of events and activities with artists of the biggest status in their respective genres, with the largest existing crowds which we will inevitably invite into Decentraland.

Until next time - See you on the dancefloor in RAGE or in the next music festival fam!

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Personally, I know MultiNFT has put on a lot of great events and has been very active in the community. I feel like if we are going to give grants out, it should be those who have invested so much into Decentraland already.

Could you elaborate?

MultiNFT is one of the most-dedicated teams to giving Decentraland an exciting music experience every week. Every Friday Rage Nightclub has been having @Djtraxnft perform for the Decentraland Community. They have also contributed their Techno Stage at the Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival for the last 2 years. They have been around for a while. MultiNFT truly cares about Decentraland and cares about the community. All these events were done out of good spirit.

They are a hub for all communities to be apart of and meet together. Community gathering I believe is one of the biggest factors that keep people coming back to dcl. Rage Nightclub brings people together with great music and great communities. They are not political and support everyone. If anyone is deserving of this tier 5 grant, it is MultiNFT.

I will be happy to answer your questions

  1. My direct involvement is: I am volunteering my services as a Community Manager to help Rage Nightclub. I am friends with Maxi who has been part of Decentraland for a long time. I am not paid a dime for this as I knew they were trying to stay afloat and I believe they are doing great things for Decentraland. In my culture, we call this a Mitzvah. I love Guy and Maxi and I really think they are bringing a positive experience to Decentraland, that’s why I am part of the team.
  2. No Compensation. My only Financial interest is I own 1 of MultiNFT’s NFTs.
  3. Is he part of a incentive campaign under your management? To be honest, I am not sure what this question is asking, but to your question. I am working for them out of the kindness of my heart.
  4. None of this exists. I have 1 transaction with MultiNFT and it is when I traded Holy Ones for his NFT. It was an even trade. I believe in his project.

Are you going to vote yes now?

Ahh ok, so you have a problem with the way I am doing things, but you then “stoop to my level.” Just vote “no.” You are looking for every reason to keep redrawing the line in the sand. I answered your questions.

You do realize, I have not made a dollar off Decentraland- I have nothing but lost money. I am in the negative and have not been paid by 1 person or organization for all my help. Actually there are 2 other projects also worked with, that I will not name, that has asked for my critiques and help. Still did those for free. Yeah I know it’s hard to grasp when someone works for free, however my time has been dedicated to Decentraland for a while and yes I don’t “create content” per se, but I try to contribute where I can.

Not at all. You are hurting someone else for my own actions. I own my actions, products and services - always have. All I was asking was for you to do the same. I wouldn’t feel comfortable as an investor in yours in real life because I feel like your product you supplied was misrepresented. A possible solution was to offer some solution to my problems, instead you told my investments are not your problem. I invested in your product, I feel like I got shafted. I didn’t say anything because I took it as a loss, but yeah how you treated me, I would not reinvest in you. So I believe my argument against yours has merit.

Your argument does not. You are hurting a fellow community member who actually cares. Shoot me down all you want, but you are shooting yourself in the foot if you shoot down MultiNFT.

Not voting yes or no on this, with respect to the vision of everyone’s creative vision, but not voting on Grant proposals until new Reform is in place. Lots of detail provided here on the proposal, and do think that the value is clear and worth experimenting around to see what kind of traction can be built on moving ahead.

For all of us who have seen @Tudamoon’s approach to other proposals, it is a big contrast on the kinds of statements/approach we see in the past. It makes what he posts here come off as not being authentic, and “staged” to support a project which at some level he is involved in.

Without making any assumptions, back to the topic of this proposal, seeing the vote status with most grants even, review things of issues raised here and be ready for March when we believe the landscape will be more primed for creative works.


Hey MultiNFT team, love what y’all do, and always have a great time at Rage, but I think for your first proposal, you should start smaller. I like to see what groups can do with 60k or less and then determine if a 120k or 240k is worth the higher dollar amount.

Regardless, I will be supporting y’all in DCL and hope to see y’all around a lot more soon (I hope to be in world more is my point hehe)

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This is a “fun” narrative (That Tuda is slamming all the other venues to lift up Rage. I guess that’s what you were trying to say?) but I find it about as credible as QAnon conspiracy theories. Just like the QAnon crowd, I’ll file this one under “Every accusation is a confession” and move on. This is some pretty flagrant shitposting, and you should feel embarrassed for thinking it was a good idea to share.

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Hey @SugarClub , its Guy (Geridos), thanks for your interest in supporting us, we really appreciate everyone’s support!

Firstly, it is paramount that we have complete transparency in every proposal, and you pointing this out is great. There are a few things worth clarifying about our relationship with @Tudamoon :

  1. Our relationship is community based- meaning, we met him in DCL and he was active in our club and chats. After a couple of parties he became friends on Discord with some of the team including myself and Max and suggested we consider him for a few community based roles such as being a moderator and community leader, which we had an internal discussion about. That eventually never really martialized because we were made aware of his vocal choices here on the DAO, so we decided to stay in a friendly communal relationship instead.

  2. He has never been compensated for any services.

  3. No, he is a fairly active community user of MultiNFT, and NFT holder (1 that we know of) but in no way part of any incentive programs.

So to be as clear as possible - @Tudamoon 's opinions have nothing to do with us in any way and we have never supported his voice on discussions made here in the DAO or forum. We hope this clears and seals this subject but of course feel free to ask anything else that comes to mind and we will be glad to answer.

For now we continue to focus on what matters, building sweet music events and holding the metaverse frontier strong during this bear.


I didn’t misrepresent myself. I was a community manager, I was making announcements on their Discord and handling their Crew3.

These are false statements. After this it became unofficial as they didn’t want part of my arguments on here. I have been helping them with my critiques since then unofficially.

I own my shit. I will take it to the grave. Crucify me, I won’t be the first Jew who was crucified for trying to do the right thing…

Well folks imagine standing on the outside looking in at Sugar Club and Tudamoon. Would ya feel positive vibez and want to stack mana or vp. Lolz. Maybe its time people stop the blame game finger pointing and realize were all in the same sphere cause the bs im reading continues to be things pushing people out and giving them bad tastes in the mouth. We are all eating, playing and building at the same table here. Not every situation is a nail that takes a hammer. We need to look outside our own environments and ecospheres and listen to our neighbors. We are all human and get angry or emotional but we cant continue to drag our own small community into fights and the mud. Personally I feel dcl is lacking in a couple areas. Streamers from multiple countries who speak multiple languages to onboard and educate communities. A 24-7 multicultural Venues. Like you turn io the radio but in world 247 would be music in on some parcel or estate. A place with dcl events rotating that apply to multiple time zones and cultures of the world. Making a place for everyone to come to from all over the world to relate to via music. Im vote yes to this But ask team not to conflict with Metazoo @izoo @Sango and @BitBears on Fridays.

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As a regular Rage attendee, I’ll zero in on your last sentence. The MultiNFT team is in Europe, and they tend to run their shows in the afternoons for American time zones (Typically 3 PM Eastern Time on Fridays). Does that help?


Heck yea thats even more awesome doesnt overlap my one my favorite spots. @SugarClub i hear ya buildy buildy

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Sorry guys, I voted ‘no’ for the following reasons:

  1. $120k grant seems excessive for a just a series of one off events. (would likely support something in the $30k range though providing the below concerns are addressed).
  2. The expense costs seems to also be a it excessive. (avg of $540 per event nearly all of of which are repetitive weekly events where at best you’d need to pay a DJ). The other expenses seem super high as well.
  3. You did not include a monthly milestone schedule so that the DAO could accurately gauge the progress so that they can ensure that you progress is sufficient enough to be considered eligible for each monthly grant payment.

I would vote YES for the weekly events, and the 5 community events/year… but a better breakdown of the 10K budgets, and which AAA DJs will be playing for > 1K per show is needed. The 31K marketing & PR budget is also pretty ambiguous.

Productions Company MultiNFT Seeks Grant from DCL

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 7% 524,908 VP (60 votes)
  • No 93% 6,179,929 VP (66 votes)