[DAO:22ad940] Should the Ambassador Program skip the voting phase & accept the 16 applicants?

by 0xd6eff8f07caf3443a1178407d3de4129149d6ef6 (Canessa)

The Ambassador Program recommends that 16 applicants be chosen as Ambassadors, representing 14 different locations around the world.

The Decentraland Community Ambassadors Program is an initiative designed to
empower passionate and dedicated members of the Decentraland community to
play a fundamental role in driving community engagement, fostering real-world
connections, and promoting the Decentraland project globally. These ambassadors
will be entrusted with organizing and leading IRL meetups, hackathons, talks, and
other events, with the official support of the Decentraland Foundation and the
Decentraland DAO. These Ambassadors will be responsible for organizing and
hosting 2 local events in their area.

We are pleased to announce we have concluded the interview process! We have 16 talented and passionate applicants, and we’re excited to see the diverse representation from around the world! You are welcome to watch the interviews to gain more information on each candidate. Two locations have multiple applicants, and these candidates have agreed they would be willing to work with each other to plan their events.

Interviews can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NF3RG4kL4DD7sOTppYk-dwAdQz8\_5Tpm

The countries representing these applicants are:
Ghana, West Africa,
Japan (Two Ambassadors working together),
India (Chandigarh),
India (Delhi),
Spain (Two Ambassadors working together),
United Kingdom,
United States (Los Angeles),
United States (Washington DC),

According to the original grant, the final step of this process would be to put all applicants to a community vote where only 10 will proceed to the final Ambassador role.
Instead, we recommend that the community invite all 16 applicants to become Ambassadors representing Decentraland around the world. We will not be asking for additional funding; the existing funds will be spread out amongst these 14 locations.

Benefits of this modification would be:
Wider representation across the globe to reach a broader audience.
Increased potential for learnings across geographies.
Even more collaboration, especially in countries with two ambassadors


Is the grant deviating from the original proposal?
No. The original amount asked for in the proposal will not change.

How will this affect the budget for the program?
We have made adjustments to the overall budget, and believe each area will have enough funds to curate quality events. When creating the initial budget, we had to estimate our costs based on having both higher cost of living areas and lower cost of living areas. Now that we know the exact location of events, our budget can more accurately reflect the costs we expect to incur.

Will you be asking for more money over the duration of this grant?
No. We will work within the parameters of the grant that the community already approved. This change will not cost the community any more money.

  • Yes, accept all 16 applicants
  • No, let the community vote for 10
  • Invalid question/options

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot


As links don’t seem to work when placed in the body of polls, please use this link to find the Interviews:


Voted yes, current roster seems diverse enough and I like the idea of multiple applicants joining forces.

Have you confirmed with all 16 applicants that they are now okay with splitting the grant funds 16 ways vs 10 ways?

Hi Jenn, Yes, we made sure each applicant felt comfortable with this change before bringing this to the public voting stage. I will also accept less compensation for my position to make this project possible.

Thank you for clarifying your due diligence. I will vote Yes to allow all applicants through.

Can anyone tell who represents China and Hong Kong? the link is 400 error

Hi LandloadDao,
Great question! The link in the proposal gives you the error, so I posted it immediately below it as well. That will take you to the interviews. Links in proposals don’t seem to work, although I was hoping this one would.

Our applicant from China is LeonardC. Please let me know if you have any additional questions I can help you with!

Makes sense to me to skip an entire formal process, this way people can start and dont have to go through this much stress.

NO Thanks, did’t know who he is

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Should the Ambassador Program skip the voting phase & accept the 16 applicants?

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes, accept all 16 applicants 98% 6,714,991 VP (61 votes)
  • No, let the community vote for 10 1% 2,263 VP (3 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 1% 503 VP (1 votes)

Should the Ambassador Program skip the voting phase & accept the 16 applicants?

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)

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Does the passage mean they all have been hired now? :muscle:t2::fire:

Yes it does! We have a very diverse team ready to start building in the new year.

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Oh yayy, thats great news :fire::fire: