In the login page, show wallet access on the left, and on the right “email” access, with fortmatic and ideally also with google sign in generating web3 address automatically (also can support other signing platforms than google). Guest mode removed, all players with a web3 wallet.
Present to the user different topics that he might me interested on: gaming, arts, crypto, music/parties, education… then offer the places/events to go, this can be improved with also some work on other plazas than genesis, so that the user can start on the specific topic he is more interested.
Create a global set of quests. For example to explore all topics. I don’t mean to have a quest system, kind of sdk like was tried in the past, I mean a predefined and specific set of quests to guide the user to explore decentraland or even an adventure. Also we can have badges like “world explorer: visited the 90000 parcels of decentraland”, “honored member: 1 year since first login”, “commited citizen: 30 consecutive days logging in”.
You introduce a big problem if you remove guest access.
Being sent to a plaza based on user interest is actually a great idea.
Huge part of this idea is done with “Onboarding Worlds” scene.
ok have Guests but with a web3 wallet stored in localhost or the dcl client being a wallet itself, “guests” can export it when they want.
Then all users are web3 users, no matter if they user email, web3 wallet, or nothing.
Anyway today is hard to enter as a Guest as it’s a small text, so my comment has been almost already applied.
Regarding guiding user based on interests…
Possible Plazas:
- Genesis: about Decentraland itself, history, different aspects, the DAO, etc.
- Gaming: no need description
- Angzaar: NFT Trading?
- Art: visual.
- Tech: for people, programmers, etc.
- Social Impact: the plaza with ONGs, help for the third world, nature, etc.
- Music: festivals, concerts, live sessions, etc.
- Cultures: A plaza to learn and exchange languages . know about different cultures, tourism, etc.
- Movies? … these are just ideas, what thematics could have continuous activities and interests… a meme plaza maybe ?
but… what I see today is a leftover of events, do you know when you go to a concert and the event ends, and everybody leaves … these are the plazas right now… there could be continuous activities and entertainment but …
we could create a program of “plazas activation” with continuous development and entertainment could be created.