Synchronizing with the Foundation

How to get both hands to talk together again

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[Placeholder 6 for further analysis]

One of the main reasons behind the ideas that came from the Lisbon regenesis, of having the executive arm, is to have a direct contact for the foundation to liaise with. Members of the foundation expressed the need for this so that the DAO and the foundations works are working hand in hand without work being duplicated between the two or work being done then left being redundant resulting in a waste of money, time and energy

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The internet provides many tools for two teams to remain with proper liaisons during a project.
The Foundation recently had All-Hands-Meetings where we had a presentation of the teams projects in progress, and were able to ask them questions directly.
And it uses many Slack channels which the DAO could be given access to.

Why not expand on these tools instead of introducing what could possibly become bloated government ?

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Due to my software architecture expertise, I consider myself as eligible to be part of the Product Owner arm of the DAO.

I am planning on spinning up a Jira server, where I will start posting the issues I have found in the product, as I truly have found no other way to feel in control of the evolution of these issues as a Product Owner should.

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Yes, but without a “head” of the dao, so to speak,(in the ideas that came from lisbon, this would be the director) there is no one for the foundation to liaise with.

Right now there is no way for the foundation to ensure all the grants being given out are on projects that are working towards a singular goal. We have so many voices talking from the DAO but we do not currently have one person that can be held accountable for keeping the DAO inline and working on projects that bring progress, this is why i think expanding on the tools will not solve the issue of direction.

In the current proposal of the reshaping of the DAO that came from the lisbon summit, it doesnt have a product owner position involved. The idea is to have a council, of which someone with your expertise may well be needed in, that will oversee the decisions and plans made by the executive arm. This council will be a group of people who have been voted in by users VP with a range of expertise to review the plans before the executive arm can start progressing with them. The council will also have the power to remove the director in place if need be.

The tier system can really help with communications between the foundation.

The 3 problems are:
We have been told that eventually the foundation might step away from the project. So we need to prepare for that. The “Executive arm” is a step towards that goal but doesn’t fully commit to the idea. While the Tier system will align everyone on the same path and as the power of decentralization becomes more robust, the foundation can slowly hand over their roles to the Tier 1s.

The foundation and Tier 1s needs to be on the same page. Same databases. etc. Not too hard to do…

Giving all the executive decisions to an “executive arm”, just moves the power from one group to another… Without a democratic system in place eventually one will need to be created and we will need to commit to full decentralization anyway.

I suppose this is a great place to start working on dispelling a deep and grave misunderstanding about the situation at hand.

The DAO should be considered as an association of LAND owners.
Nothing less… and nothing more !

The DAO should not consider that it needs to be held accountable for anything more than what an association of property owners should be.

There is absolutely no need to make things any more complicated than necessary: the only motivation behind any VP vote should be based on considerations regarding what it will do to the value of LAND and MANA.

Do you perceive the virtual triangle in this picture ?
This is how decentralization is supposed to work.

The real problem the DAO of Decentraland has been facing,
Is with the crafting of the appropriate tools for clearly delineating,
For every one, the virtual shapes of its Decentralized Governance

Now what is the point of having LAND if there is not a proper Explorer to visit it ?

None really, this is why a client such as the one the Foundation has been maintaining is important.
Until the DAO is mature enough to be able to maintain its own Explorers, this is the best path forward at the moment.

However, the prerogative of ensuring that the value of LAND and MANA remains, that stays well within the DAO !