Resignation from Revocations Committee

Hi everyone,

This is my notice that I will be stepping down from the Revocations Committee and will not go for a another term.

I will work with Grant Support Squad to hand-off the work.

Thank you everyone!

cc: @Zino @palewin @fifitango

Best regards,



Really sad to see you go, thank you for everything you’ve done as part of the Revocation Committee.
I hope you will come back and contribute in different ways to the DAO.


Hi @maryana,

It’s really sad to see you go from the Revocation Committee. You’ve done so much for the committee and the whole DAO. Your hard work and dedication have made a huge difference, and the Grant Support Squad is super thankful. We wish you the best.

I hope you’ll find other ways to come back and contribute in the future. I’ll contact you to make sure we work smoothly through the transition.

Thanks a million for everything!