[DAO:3aa098e] Update #3 for project "Grant Support Squad H2 2024"

Author: 0xf0480e7b09edb7229d4f7b3b25ef77429c5754cf
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hello community!

Welcome to our monthly update for the period from June 24 to July 26. We are leveraging this period of lower project flow to review all our processes, update documentation, and prepare materials and reports. These efforts will help us rethink the allocation of DAO funds in collaboration with the community at the Re-Genesis Summit in Lisbon this September.



Here are the most important highlights of the month:

  • We have updated the [GSS Operational Manual](https://dcl-dao.notion.site/Grant-Support-Squad-Manual-of-Operations-bc14cb2ffc0c4df18302bcffc6b60b2f?pvs=4, focusing on the DAO Github and BIDs Tenders processes.
  • Revocations Committee: Given that Maryana has resigned, the entire Revocations Committee needs to be restructured. With five positions available and only four candidates so far, we are extending the application period and taking charge of the entire process.
  • A new blog was published highlighting the In World Builder project, showcasing no-code experiences in the metaverse. Read the blog.
  • We participated in ETH CC, Brussels, where we attended several workshops and talks. Here you can read a report in which we share info and our most significant insights.
  • The Ambassadors grant is finalizing its report, which will be presented in the coming weeks. Since they have incurred fewer expenses than expected, we are assisting them in closing the grant and refunding the surplus of $16,675 to the DAO.
  • We are helping the foundation refine the alpha version of the new explorer. That’s why we are contacting the grantees they requested to review some scenes.
  • Thank you for reading and supporting our work.

Please stay in touch with us via our Discord Thread.

Please continue reading our metrics in the additional notes section

Constructive comments are always welcome :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Fifi, Zino & Pablo



Next steps

  • Continue restructuring tasks and working to improve the Grants Program framework and DAO Operations.
  • #TestingTuesdays will continue to be held on Discord, adapting changes as needed.
  • Promotions for grantees in the Decentraland Blog will continue to be produced.
  • Continue onboarding new projects funded through the DAO , assigning grant managers and analyzing the feasibility of their roadmaps.
  • Provide support to the current grantees with their problems and requests.
  • Analyze cases that raise concerns and elevate them to the Revocations Committee if needed.
  • Revocations Committee Assistance: Facilitate the process to re-create the Committee.
  • Operational Manual Update: Update the GSS Operational Manual to reflect recent changes and improvements.
  • Support grantees for presenting in DAO Townhalls.
  • Keep on building bridges between the Decentraland Foundation and our DAO community.

Additional notes and links

Here is the status update on activities of the month, along with the impact metrics on our proposal based on our three main goals:

Goal 1: Support the grantees

  • We are actively working with 21 projects nowadays: 14 active projects, 3 projects within pause periods and 4 are ending their grant journey (all of them owe us information and that’s why the GSS is following them). All active projects now belong to the new grants framework and among them, 2 projects that come from a tender.
  • Here you can see the list:

External Image

  • We allocated a total of 61.5 hours to interact with grantees, and provide support during this month and we had 26 meetings with grantees.
  • Testing Tuesdays: Here is the Public Notion Page of our Testing Sessions to provide transparency on the actions of this initiative.

Goal 2: Foster transparency

  • Formal Requests are public, to provide transparency on the concerns raised, the status of the process and arguments.
  • We are making public roadmaps with the main goal of opening our reviewing process. This month we have updated 16 public roadmaps with our grantees.
  • GSS 2024 H2 Public Roadmap.
  • We are always encouraging grantees to make their monthly updates, and you can check those out in the dAPP.
  • Every Monday the GSS is sharing the planned tasks for the week in our Discord Thread.

Goal 3: Guarantee an efficient use of the DAO treasury

  • This month, we analyzed 1 concern from grants. There are 3 grants with contracts paused due to delays in their projects. We are assisting the Ambassador’s grant in closing the project and refunding the surplus. Consequently, the DAO will recover $16,675.

View this update on the Governance dApp