Open Call for Revocations Committee Candidates

Dear Decentraland Community,

We are writing to inform you of recent developments within the Revocation Committee (RC). Unfortunately, the only active member of the RC has recently resigned, creating a new vacancy. As a result, there are now five open positions on the RC and only four current candidates.

Given this event, we anticipate a delay in the hiring process for the new RC members. To ensure we have a robust and well-rounded committee, we are extending the application deadline for new candidates to August 9th 23.59H UTC. We strongly encourage interested and dedicated community members to apply and contribute to the continued success of Decentraland.

Additionally, the interviews for the new RC members will be handled by the Grant Support Squad DAO in collaboration with some other members from the other Core Units. We believe their involvement will ensure a transparent and thorough selection process. We will start contacting the four current candidates this week and next week to begin the interviews. CC: @Vaporizador @Tudamoon @web3nit @theankou

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time and look forward to welcoming new members to the Revocation Committee.

CC: @palewin @Zino @rizk @Tobik @HPrivakos @ginoct

Best regards