Open Call for Delegates / Apply now!

AwedJob Delegate Application

Address or ENS name: AwedJob.eth
Pronouns: he/him

Short Bio (280 characters max):
I’m a K-8 Technology Specialist Educator. I teach children how to operate crypto-wallets, make NFTs, and build virtual spaces. Online since 1993 on the Mosaic browser. I create massive multiplayer performance art like, sketch-it: August 2006, and Flowers of Light and Love on Vimeo. I lead with my heart into spaces where genuine, human, interconnection is the goal.

Relevant links:
Discord ‘awedjob#0001’
Github awedjob
Instagram awedjob
LinkedIn Scott Moore
Twitter @AwedJob

My relevant skills:
Entrepreneur - Affirmative! Crowd sourced life-coaching service
Creator - 5 wearables in the marketplace
Hosted - multiple events in Decentraland at Wisher Vodka, MetaTrekkers, and Genisis Plaza
Moderator - 1k+ member FB artist group
Director - Award winning documentary film
Educator, Project Manager, Animator, Producer, Future Problem Solver trainer
Discord Admin - Community Building Decentraland: Increasing DAU, Onboarding new users, Sharing knowledge and resources, improving DAO proposals

My involvement with Decentraland:
I arrived in December 2021. Actively posted about my first time wearable creation experience in the forum (link). Posted a poll about increasing the facial diversity of avatars in DCL that was rejected (link). I listen to and participate in at least 4 Twitter spaces about DCL each week. I will re-listen to the spaces and annotate the discussions by tweeting the time stamp and a description of topic.

In partnership with Wisher Vodka and nine other land owners I hosted a scavenger hunt called “Finding Whimsy”. Nearly 30 people participated for over 3 hours. They solved clues and followed instructions leading them all over Decentraland. Everyone who figured out they needed to go to Asian Plaza on the Artemis server and found the faerie queen, Whimsy, won a variety of prizes like the Spotlight emote and wearables from a number of talented creators.

I am one of three co-hosts of ABC Decentraland Adventures (created by BillyTeacoin), a weekly guided tour of new and interesting places streamed on Twitch. We talk to the owners, developers, and animators who work to create a richer experience. After streaming two hour episodes for eight weeks, we have toured 47 different locations with an average of 30 visitors joining us in world.

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
I will be the voice of the hundreds of thousands of krill to balance out the few whales

I am a bridge between brand new users and daily active users who have been around since DCL pixels first hit the eyeballs of the public. I take the time to meet new people visiting Decentraland for the first time. I answer their questions and give them small tasks to complete so they can learn by experience. We keep communicating via Twitter, Telegraph, and Discord. We plan outings to learn and have fun. I seek out existing users and learn about their contributions. I ask them what their plans are for the future of this space.

(What kind of changes do you want to promote in the DAO? What’s important to you?)
Encourage people to start doing things rather than looking for DAO approval. Money is only one resource needed to actualize a dream. Creativity and hard work are good substitutes for under-funded visionaries.

Explore a reputation-based VP for voting. The people who spend the most time in the world building, developing, creating, socializing, and networking gain VP to vote on changes. There are more kinds of capital than crypto. I’d like to include experience, knowledge, wisdom, and time as factors in calculating voting power.

I’d like the DAO to be more representative of the people that visit DCL. I’d like the people who visit DCL to look more like the citizens of the world.

My 5-year vision for Decentraland:
Encourage a million flowers to bloom. Free “experimental” land for everyone to play with and learn how to build and develop using the SDK. Extensive and up-to-date docs and video tutorials in multiple languages.

People need to be able to see themselves in the virtual realm before they will want to enter it. Increase the diversity of facial characteristics, body types, genders, and body abilities of the avatars.

Utilizing IPFS to store and serve assets for DCL. This will truly decentralize and make more sturdy the content of the world. Spinning up a Catalyst server on AWS still puts us in the realm of single point of failure.

(What do you want to see? What is the role of the DAO in it?)
The DAO’s role is to support the community in their projects and to get out of the way the rest of the time. Not to insert itself everywhere but only in places that it can accelerate a process or add value.

What do you think is the most important issue in Decentraland?
Increasing and retaining Daily Active Users.

(What challenges will we face in the next 12 to 24 months?)
The fiat to Mana bottleneck is limiting the flow of capital into Decentraland. Are we going to continue telling the new potential user, “No. Sorry. We don’t want any of your money.”?

After a person can see themselves in a world, they want to own a piece of that world. If we put a huge wall in the way of everyone wanting to get their own piece, they will leave and take their money with them. That piece can be as simple as buying a hat in the marketplace.