: Mental Health Hotlines and Resources

Hey Decentraland <3

I wanted to bring your attention to an important initiative that aims to support mental health awareness within our community. I have compiled a comprehensive list of global and local mental health hotlines and websites that can provide assistance to those in need. The purpose of this list is to ensure that everyone has access to the necessary resources when they need help or support.

You can find the list here: Mental Health | Global Hotlines - Google Docs
Here is a PDF view of the list: PDF View Google

I kindly request each and every one of you to take a moment and share this list within your networks. By spreading the word, we can make a positive impact and reach those who may be in need of these valuable resources. Together, we can create a supportive and caring community in Decentraland.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that mistakes can happen, or there may be room for improvement in the list. If you notice any errors or have suggestions for edits, please feel free to contact me. You can reach me on Twitter at @InJesterr or on Discord as InJesterr#1497. Your feedback is highly appreciated, and I will do my best to ensure the list remains accurate and up to date.

Let’s join hands and make a difference in the lives of our fellow community members. Together, we can foster a culture of mental health support and well-being in Decentraland.

Thank you all for your support and dedication!


Respect and support this activity. I’d like to share this list through my connection as much as I can. I have few more suggestion adding on the list in my country, will contact you;)


Hello @InJesterr,

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your important initiative and the comprehensive list you’ve compiled. It’s incredible to see your dedication to supporting mental health awareness within our Decentraland community.

Your list of global and local mental health hotlines and websites is a valuable resource that can make a real difference in people’s lives. By sharing it within our networks, we can reach those who may be in need of assistance and create a supportive community.

I also want to commend your openness to feedback and commitment to keeping the list accurate and up to date. If I come across any errors or have suggestions, I will reach out to you promptly.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to fostering a culture of mental health support in Decentraland. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a caring environment for everyone.

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Thank you for sharing this on twitter, I appreciate your time and message it really made feel precious <3

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Ohh, people involved in this field need it.

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