[DAO: QmWGUz2] Country Flag Wearables

by 0x3026e5dca7a3f50a482d5f06fb18ce607386531b (HomerSimps0y#531b)

Should the following Tier 4: up to $60,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Community category be approved?


i want to create a wearable that your avatar holds, similar to the kite but its a Flag of your country.

Grant size

52,200 USD

Beneficiary address



I Think the idea of being able to represent your country within Decentraland would be amazing, There are 195 countrie flags that will need to be textured onto individual flags, the item will be a common. Being so many flag getting 19500 mana for all the variations is hard. So i decided to bring this idea to the DAO.
Having flags would also be a step forward to DCL olympics or incorperating the IRL olympics.

Could even do flags for different communites, events, people etc. So many possibilites.


1 x Flag base mode
1x texture of each country total of 195 countries
I will be using blender to create the model and photoshop to create the texture.
common item


SirDropBearTV aka HomerSimps05#531b

Roadmap and milestones

Est time of completion 21/02/2022
Giveaway / celebration launch day event

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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great idea. But The DAO shouldn’t be used for this. Creators should make and sell them in the market.

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I think it would be marvelous for users to be able to choose their country’s flag as a wearable when they first enter DCL, and not have to pay for it. What a great way to encourage self-expression and showcase diversity. I am new and not sure what the parameters are for DAO funding, what the mission is and what kinds of projects are approved but even if you get turned down here… you should not let this idea die here. Much love.

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1 x Flag base mode
1x texture of each country total of 195 countries
I will be using blender to create the model and photoshop to create the texture.
common item

why you need 52k to do that…?

@dax because it cost 100 mana to upload 1 item, so uploading 195 varitaions for all countries. 100x195 = 19500 mana and at the time of posting mana was higher than $2ish. From my understanding there isnt a way to assign all the variations to just 1 item so the player can customise, so each flag will have to be individually textured and uploaded for approval.

for 1 creator to get 100 mana x 195 variations is why the dao was approached.

I love the idea but agree that the DAO shouldn’t be used for this. Possibly start with a few flags and from the profits from those you can continue to add more. I think you will be successful selling these. Love the idea

Country Flag Wearables

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 1% 4,347 VP (60 votes)
  • No 27% 557,621 VP (23 votes)