The “gate keepers” are the whole reason the committee exists. Not a revelation or big secret, a committee was requested by the community to ensure the guidelines are being met but also there is a level of quality in Decentraland.
This is a key quote from the original proposal as to why the committee was created to ‘gate keep’:
User content isn’t created equally, low-quality or glitchy wearables can create the wrong impression of the metaverse and totally ruin the experience.
Then there’s also a page dedicated to explaining the guidelines for approval and the why:
Wearables within the Decentraland ecosystem must also meet several technical requirements, otherwise they may not render correctly or they may adversely affect other wearables equipped at the same time. Until this approval process can be more fully automated, it is necessary for several individuals to review each wearable manually.
You openly stating these wearables dont work well in game:
They do not mind if they “dont look right” as you guys said because the point of them is to have the glitchy vibe they are going for hence “404 dino pants”
Not a ‘pet’ issue in this case but possibly a quality control issue. If you can get the wearables to be weighted correctly and prevent any issues of the wearable going through the ground or get it to a level of quality that meets technical standards based off a curators feedback then you might not need a community vote to get approval. As you know committee members are here to support and empower the community and be representative of creators in the space. We’re all on the same team bestie~
Feel free to reach out if I can help with anything!