Should the scene located at -103,-97 be added to the Point of Interest list?
Dollhouse is a popular music venue in DCL. We average 3-5 events per week with between 40-70 attendees each. We regularly onboard new musicians/artists. Designed by House of Tang and home of the DCL Babydolls.
This Proposal is music to my ears, not like other proposals that feel the urge to apply for POI after hosting only 2 event.
This is not a weak POI Proposal. Dollhouse Is Actually Hosting Events consistently, and always onboarding new members to our community. Dollhouse in my option has taken the right course of action by first building and providing for the community and then applying for POI.
Like everyone else is saying, I’m also surprised that this isn’t a POI already! The Dollhouse is very welcoming to newbies and always have unique event themes. I loved the Star Wars event recently especially with the light sabers! Thank @tangpoko for those!