[DAO: QmdBmLc] Ethereum (L1) Wearables: A Comprehensive Proposal | L1 Wearables DAO [Part 2]

by 0xdab85506424396fb090d84b64ad63b770d87c028 (SuperMANA)

For those who have been here since inception, or rather close-to, have had the unique opportunity to watch Decentraland blossom into the iconic metaverse platform that it is today.

The nascent success that it’s experiencing today wasn’t a straight-forward path, and many community members here can attest to that. The early roll-out of NFTs in Decentraland has had a grey cloud over it for a long time.

My proposal today will hopefully clear that cloudiness and restore the once prosperous NFT community back to its former glory, which will include righting a few mishaps that Decentraland, and now the DAO, had made.

Before jumping into the proposal, it is imperative to highlight these points of contention.

[Point of Contention]

  1. Decentraland’s DAO stands to profit from the earliest adopters; the user-acceptance testers that had carried the torch to get here, by collecting secondary market fees and not redistributing them back to the community and artists of the later collections.

As a double standard, they will not do this for L2 wearables, as they are provisioning these sale fees back to the artists or whom the creator delegates them to

For more information, see:


Now that we’ve cleared the air on the points of contention, let’s jump into the proposed solutions.

  1. Delegate L1 Wearable secondary fees that have been collected from L1 Wearables community to a smart-contract DAO structure

The DAO itself would be a standalone DAO, not governed by Decentraland’s DAO. The only action Decentraland’s DAO would have is setting up a new contract that points the secondary fees from OpenSea et al to the new L1 Wearables DAO.

Upon creation of the DAO, an L1 Wearable snapshot would be taken, and holders of L1 wearables, prior and up to the snapshot being taken, would be issued governance tokens for the DAO.

The DAO could then vote on dispersing those funds to holders of the governance token, delegating them to a representative, and voting on other project initiatives such as creating an L1 Wearables Museum in Decentraland.

For the L1 Wearables DAO Governance Token proposal, I think we can get more granular, in terms of token weightings, by creating a more complex algorithm based on factors like:

Owns more than 2 items from multiple collections
Has sold an items on OpenSea/Decentraland’s Marketplace
NFT Count
Weighted Collection Date Average (ie are most of your L1 wearables from the first collection or last collections on L1 – were you an early adopter)

[Closing Remarks]

As with all proposals, please provide constructive feedback.

We need to push forward as a community and L1 wearables has quite the storied past. As stated in my other proposal, I believe there’s a symbiotic relationship between adoption and a healthy, robust wearables market.

Let’s revitalize this community and push for the decentralization that we promised each other; a better tomorow, which starts with decentralizing revenue streams from the L1 Wearables.


  • Approve Transferring L1 Royalties to a L1 Wearables DAO
  • Reject Proposal
  • Invalid question/options

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Ethereum (L1) Wearables: A Comprehensive Proposal | L1 Wearables DAO [Part 2]

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Approve transferring l1 royalties to a l1 wearables dao 1% 6,694 VP (6 votes)
  • Reject proposal 99% 1,057,813 VP (2 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 0% 0 VP (0 votes)

Ethereum (L1) Wearables: A Comprehensive Proposal | L1 Wearables DAO [Part 2]

This proposal has been REJECTED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfe91c0c482e09600f2d1dbca10fd705bc6de60bc)