[DAO:f5a2011] Increasing Discord Participation with In-World Authentication

by 0x521b0fef9cdcf250abaf8e7bc798cbe13fa98692 (HPrivakos)

Should the following $2,000 grant in the Platform category be approved?


This grant aims to develop a system that verifies users’ identities within the Decentraland platform and links their in-world names to their Discord accounts. This feature will prevent spam and alt accounts from disrupting community discussions, ensuring a more authentic and engaging experience for all users.

Grant size

2,000 USD in DAI

Project duration

1 month

Beneficiary address


Email address



As Decentraland continues to grow, maintaining a respectful community is crucial.
However, this growth has also brought new challenges. The presence of spam and alt accounts creates disturbances and makes it difficult to maintain a productive community atmosphere.

This grant aims to address these concerns by creating an in-world scene that sends a signed-fetch to a server to verify users’ addresses. The server will return a one-use code that can be entered into a discord bot on the DAO discord to verify your discord account.

Once verified, all names associated with an address will be linked to that account. If a discord account is banned, all linked Decentraland names will be marked as banned. To unban a name, it must either be sold on the Decentraland Marketplace for over 100 MANA or undergo manual review. This system will prevent the creation of new accounts used for malicious purposes and ensure that only legitimate users can participate in discussions and decision-making processes.


2 weeks to build the server and discord bots then write documentation for both and publish it on github
2 weeks to build the scene and library, deploy it in-world, write documentation for the library and publish both on github


2024-08-30 - Server and Discord bot
2024-09-13 - Scene / Library

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

We can automatically verify users who already linked their discord account in the Governance platform.

The “rationale” by “BitcoinETF”/“AshKetchum” is from JasonX, a misogynist and racist person who insulted many of the content creators from the community and don’t understand the tech of Decentraland but continue to propose infeasible proposals :slight_smile:

How does this system prevent Jason and his dozens of names across dozens of wallets from making dozens of alt accounts?

Doesn’t do much in that specific case, but it’s quite a niche case.
Answering a few questions I got:

  • By saying “banning a name”, it means the name won’t be useable to verify another discord account, it doesn’t have an impact on the NFT itself and the name will still be useable in-world.
  • A manual verification system will be available for legit users without a DCL name, that will be done by anyone in the core units and at their own discretion (but there is no reason legit users without a DCL Name won’t get approved).

$2,000 seems high for this. Can you please explain why $2,000 is needed for “Dev of server and scene” that only “return a one-use code”.

Who will handle the banning of all existing unverified users?

How many legitimate users might be banned as a result of this due to not owning a NAME or having it linked to their Discord account?

Lastly, question for the community - why should we let admins like HP have control over our assets when he can ban and unban anyone he wants to? So it means since he dont like me, he can ban me for personal reasons, and then all my linked NAMEs are worthless and I am forced to sell them for cheap on the marketplace.

I appreciate where this is coming from. It adds an expense to contribute to the community in Discord which adds a hurdle to spammers and trolls. I dont think its enough though. MANA is at $0.27 and a NAME only costs 100 MANA. This means alt accounts can be created for only $27 (and cheaper if MANA price continues to fall). Maybe as an alternative approach, we can just charge $100 for anyone to join the Discord server.

The proposal is good, 2k is more than okay.

I say YES

Did you even read my message before your post?
I said:

No. Your names are not banned from in-world as I precised above, they would just be prevented from registering a new discord account for the DAO discord. And this ban is removed following a 100 MANA or more sale on the DCL Marketplace.

Unverified users won’t get banned, they will just be in read-only mode until they verify.

As I said above, a manual verification system will be available for legit users who don’t own a name.

How will the manual verification system work, and how will you prevent it from being such a hurdle that anyone new to DCL and the DAO cannot easily join the discussions and end up giving up and leaving before they even get started?

It just feels like this will prevent a small minority from annoying you while also preventing 100% of new users from entering Discord and easily engaging with the community.

I think it can be a useful tool, YES for my part.

I believe this proposal should undergo the three-stage governance process to secure a community mandate for such changes.

It will make difficult for new users to participate in discussions, potentially discouraging them from interacting with DCL and the DAO.

@maryana @PunkPink

Not as difficult as currently with all the bad actors that keep new (and old) users away.

Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think people should just randomly find themselves in the middle of the DAO, it should be a voluntary act to join the DAO and having a small step would not discourage people actually willing to contribute to Decentraland.

This is very little money to produce something that the DAO discord desperately needs. I am all for authenticating DAO participants and cleaning our channels of previously banned accounts. Thanks for ideating and executing.

100% agreed: this is such a small barrier for anyone who is actually interested in engaging with the DAO. This should really help clean up the discord, as well as providing some community resources that could be very useful when it comes to integrating Discord into a DCL scene!

Love the idea & love that it will be published on github!

I am a little hung-up on possible abuse/complications regarding banning all names associated with an address, but the current fix of a marketplace transaction or manual review is better than anything I can think of.

Shouldn’t this require a governance proposal to even be considered?

I’m unclear when it was just accepted that HP could disregard previously passed governance (unbanning TUDA) or make up his own rules (this grant request) without the DAO passing governance. But it seems as though we have entered the “HP is dictator” phase of the DAO, and I guess no one else cares, so it will continue for the time being.

I wonder what solutions HP will come up with for the people who don’t participate in the dao because of his own argumentative nature and inability to have a conversation without escalating it.

I suppose it doesn’t matter since it probably won’t be able to garner enough Yes VP to pass. But just seemed like people forgot how the DAO is supposed to work.

I’m also not sure that updates to the DAO Discord count as a platform grant. Are there any examples of past grants in this category this is similar to?

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This proposal is in no small part in cause of you who kept coming with dozens of alts to keep being rude to everyone :slight_smile:

The Discord is not controlled by governance proposal, it has already been made clear multiple times, but you know it as you were happy to use that argument when RobL and co started a proposal to ban you from the discord.

Hi HP, there seem to be a few factually inaccurate assertions and logically misleading elements to your reply.

I don’t recall ever making an argument against voting to ban me based on the idea that the “DAO” Discord is not beholden to DAO Governance. Perhaps you can refresh my memory with some examples where I made such statements.

But, if you are making the argument that DAO Governance does not govern the “DAO” Discord, it does undermine your position that any of the bans based on the Code of Ethics are valid.

This seems like a poorly thought-out line of logic. There is little evidence, because it doesn’t exist, to suggest I have ever used an anonymous alt account to be rude to anyone, let alone, “everyone.”

If being rude to people is grounds for being banned, you should hand over control of the Discord server and be banned as the list of people you have been rude to is as long, if not longer, than my own.

Given your position within such a delicate glasshouse, I would refrain from using to much hyperbole, or needlessly inaccurate statements when trying to defend yourself or your grant request.

Also, if, as you have stated, your personal discord is not governed by DAO Governance, it would seem that a grant to add features to it should certainly not be considered a valid Platform Grant.

Hope you had a lovely day.

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HP shouldn’t be in charge of any gating or moderating as far as I’m concerned. I was following CoE rules in DAO discord to get cussed by Lastraum. This seems to be a recurring thing: outbursts from Lastraum towards me, now in 3 different discords. I bring it to moderation attention only to have @HPrivakos kick me for reasons that are NOT in the Code of Ethics. He has since changed his reasoning for kicking 3 times now. He himself has resorted to name calling, agreeing with derogatory comments made by Lastraum. Stating that he was “protecting Lastraum’s free speech”, when the rules/CoE do not state any “protections of free speech” … so HP was showing favoritism toward Lastraum.

There are others that have been kick/banned etc from the DAO for reasons of HP’s only, nevermind the CoE. I can only speak for my own experiences, but I am not alone in the abuse of moderation HP has continued in DAO Discord.

I want to get involved with the DCL DAO, but feel it highly toxic from the top on down. And I know there are innocent people doing good work in the DAO. I just find it hard to take the DAO Discord or DCL DAO seriously when one of the top DCL committee members abuses his position.

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You ping Lastraum in several discord and act surprised when he is annoyed by your harrasment, you then act like a victim.
After you were timed out for harrasing Lastraum, you complained in both Foundation and DAO discord about it for two full weeks, which led to further action after you have been told several times to move on.

If you read this proposal you would see that it doesn’t give me any power, it actually reduce the number of time where I’ll have to moderate.
Voting no to this proposal is voting to keep the current system in place.

I ping Lastraum because I want to ask Lastraum something or talk to him about something. If Lastraum can’t handle pings and sees them as harassment, he can 1. disable pings, 2. block me.

I also was not harassing Lastraum, I asked a question, I got an answer and then was cussed by Lastraum, then reported Lastraum, and then you came into do whatever you wanted. I have explained previously why I ping people, it is why there is a ping system in place in Discord, lol … it is to get the person attention of who you’d like to to read your comment or address.

You have also lied about this, changing the story to fit your narrative, changed the reasons you kicked me … and most all of your abuse of moderation, making you untrustworthy. And you are here asking for money, lol … for your discord, where you disregard DCL DAO voted proposals like the Code of Ethic and moderate how you wish.

This DCL DAO Discord isn’t even DCL DAO controlled, it is controlled by HP … there needs to be a more decentralized solution than continuing DAO business on your personal discord.

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You’re the current problem … so you want money from the DAO to fix you?