[DAO:f5a2011] Increasing Discord Participation with In-World Authentication

Not gonna vote Yes since based on what I read all this would do is kick people like me out that got our Decentrland name stolen, and does not fix the issue it says it addresses since people like you that have multiple names and alt accounts can just attach a Decentraland to each one. I could be wrong but I think this is just a method to raise the value on all the Decentraland names you bought. I am not like you and won’t stand in your way so won’t vote No just in case I am wrong and this in-fact does help something in some way. If that is the case wish you and your venture well.

You know that HP and Nwiz are not the same person, right? Neither is particularly likable, but they are different, unlikeable people.

HP is certainly the more actively rude one

There are not that many users with 1 name per address, so we can keep taking care of those manually.
It would prevent people with 100 names of the same address to come back with another nane though.
The goal is not to keep legit users away and we will do everything we can to allow everyone to join, the goal is to prevent disturbing actors from creating chaos again and again.

So you want to build a system which can identify an account by wallet address, rather than just by name ?
And integrate that into the DAO Discord server, to simplify whatever banning process may need to take place ?
I suppose that makes sense. I can vote yes on that.

However, Freedom of Speech is quite important to maintain ! As long as the process remains democratic, and only accounts on which there are multiple counts of e.g. spam reports get timed-out this way, there should be no reason for complaint.


I have already unsubscribed from the Centraland… I mean HP/Decentraland Discord server, more should do so…(provided you haven’t been kicked out already of course)

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Increasing Discord Participation with In-World Authentication

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 59% 1,256,618 VP (27 votes)
  • No 41% 897,708 VP (26 votes)
  • Abstain 0% 0 VP (0 votes)