[DAO:e2fd12c] 18+ Adult World Grant Proposal : PiXXXel

I haven’t finalized a decision about how or whether to vote.
I do have some thoughts and questions, though.

I recall the very bad press that Second Life got for adult content. “Oh, that’s the porn world”.
It took years for that stigma to quiet down, mostly.

I note that it says 15% of profits would go to the DAO.
Since there is no way to know that this will be profitable on the books, not sure that this would amount to much cash for paying back a multiple on the $200K being requested, or for creating a sustainable income of significance for the DAO.

In a private conversation I was told that this would be running on a private server, using the Worlds technology, but not on DCL servers. That would distance it some from DCL, so less issue with NSFW content inworld. But i don’t see that stated anywhere in the vote proposal or the pdf. And then on the other hand, if it is true, this isn’t a traffic generator for DCL itself, just maybe an income source for the DAO.

I do see information about events - if this wasn’t in Genesis City or in regular Worlds server, how would the events be publicized?

Despite the mostly decentralized infrastructure, I’m not at all sure that some jurisdiction in the world wouldn’t attempt legal action against some party(s) over this. Ready for having to defend against that? Several parties could be named, including the DAO or its committee, since it stands to benefit financially in theory.

I too wonder if this is more appropriate in the Accelerator category, since it probably isn’t generating content for in Genesis City.

Can we hear an official explanation of where/how this will be hosted and the extent to which it will be branded and positioned and publicized relative to DCL itself and the DCL brand?

Just a number of thoughts that come to my mind.

As many have pointed out, this is a huge industry - which means a massive and already existing industry to compare it to, and also be in competition with.

The overall experience sounds non-immersive and subpar compared to currently available methods.

Compared with VRChat’s more adult clubs, it’s not adding anything innovative on top that would meaningfully bring in customers, it’s at most, a more complicated access system to an already solved problem.

Might be something to revisit once we have VR, as that can add a certain level of immersion - although I don’t see why it would need a $200,000 grant when multiple groups have achieved success in VRChat with zero funding.

Is there anyone that would put their hand up here and say they would actually use this? I can’t see anyone paying for this.

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If an adult project like this can supposedly pull in lots of new revenue then it doesn’t need a huge grant.

The truth is that people have tried adult content in DCL before and it did not bring in new players. I don’t see anything in this proposal that will attract new players or more importantly keep them coming back and exploring other areas in DCL.

The PR risks to the platform are serious. If the team wants to build something self-funded that would be fine. But if the DAO grants these funds the bad press could be very damaging.

Ill preface this by saying I do not care what people watch/get off to. Im completely ok with people watching adult content.


Can we all agree that a deal like this will completely cut off any chance of DCL marketing to the 13-18 year old demographic?!
Now ask yourself “What demographic is most likely to explore the metaverse?”

A bunch of grown adults gawking over sexualized adult content are NOT going to be exploring the metaverse.

So my question is…Is the plan to have people play poker and FAP over adult content? Or are we trying to grow a community that interacts and creates a sustainable in-game economy?

If this passes, DCL will no longer be looked at as a social metaverse for people to come build… It will be a a knockoff version of Only Fans.
And to clarify again, if this is the route people want to go then I will not have any hard feelings.
But this is 100% not whats best for business if you are trying to create a social metaverse.

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Hi, Carl. I really appreciate you taking the time to outline your thoughts on PiXXXel for me in such a clear and concise manner. I’ve paraphrased all of the concerns you raise in your last message and put them into an itemized list below, where I respond to each of your questions in detail. Please do not hesitate to follow up with any more of your concerns, or we can schedule a call if you’d prefer. I really believe in this project, not just for its own merits but primarily for what it can bring to Decentraland, a community that has given Metaskins innumerable opportunities and the ability to stand where we do today. I hope my responses demonstrate why.

  1. “Gives DCL too much of a connection to the negatively stigmatized porn industry.”
    a. Places in Decentraland like Vegas City were meant for adult entertainment (high
    Casino/gambling presence). Hosting other forms of adult content, like sexually
    explicit content, is an extension of that already-established part of the
    Decentraland ecosystem, and, much like in the IRL Vegas, it stands to bring us a
    lot of tourism alongside the current gambling-focused landscape.
    i. Further, while DCL has such a tight connection to online gambling, it is
    still not known in the mainstream as the gambling metaverse. It is
    primarily recognized as the Web 3.0, decentralized metaverse. We see no
    reason why this association/brand image would be eclipsed by the
    introduction of more NSFW content like PiXXXel, unless this experience
    were to become hugely popular and notorious which we see as a benefit
    to DCL.
    b. User generated content (UGC) is now being implemented across many
    higher-budget and viral metaverses, like Fortnite Roblox and Minecraft. DCL is
    going to have to take some risks and make some unique offerings beyond being
    a community built platform. We are not in the same position as we were a few
    years ago, it is not enough that we have high community involvement and are
    built by our community because many of these worlds are now making extremely
    similar offerings.
  2. “Will PiXXXel be profitable enough to make the 15% of profit allocated to the DCL DAO
    worth considering?”
    a. As optimistic as we are that this will generate healthy profit based on our
    cross-community marketing plans and professional connections with the big
    sex-industry names at Bellesa that were mentioned in the grant proposal, we can
    all-but-guarantee at least some amount of profit going back to the DAO given that
    all the revenue generated at PiXXXel will count as profit since the whole project
    is being supported by grant funding.
    b. Beyond this technicality however, we are confident that by providing exclusive
    content from well-known adult stars and a unique gamified online sexual
    experience, the likes of which have been long awaited by the DCL community
    since talks of the District X plans that never panned out, we will generate genuine
    interest that converts to users spending dollars enjoying the scene.
    c. Hentai, a form of wide-spanning Japanese anime porn, was the top search on
    pornhub in 2021 ( 2021 Year in Review – Pornhub Insights ). Once again,
    based on our research we can all-but-guarantee an interest not only in the kind of
    exclusive live-action content we intend to stream at PiXXXel, but also in the
    motion-capture animated sexually explicit content that will always be available at
    PiXXXel. This interest would be converted to dollars by offering certain exclusive
    for-pay experiences within PiXXXel that we discuss in the proposal.
  3. “What about legal attacks? Are you ready to navigate that?”
    a. We are ready to navigate the legal issues that this might pose to DCL ourselves.
    Given that the porn industry is well-established and the rules around it are clear
    and straightforward in most jurisdictions (unlike laws pertaining to
    cryptocurrencies or NFTs for instance), we are ready to shoulder the risk of legal
    action being taken against this project. More importantly, it is already one of our
    top priorities to take pornography laws in different geographic locations into
    account while building PiXXXel to avoid having any legal action taken against us
    at all. This concern is actually one of the reasons why we opted to build in DCL
    worlds. DCL Worlds allows us to gate access to PiXXXel without having to adjust
    anything on the main DCL server. This agility allows us to be dynamic in adhering
    to all new and old regulations pertaining to sexually explicit content as advised
    by our legal counsel.
  4. “What about the Accelerator grant category instead of the In-World Content grant
    category since PiXXXel is not in Genesis City?”
    a. We would still be producing content for the DCL world at large given our intention
    to collaborate regularly with in-world communities and by extension, our
    promotion within DCL-based communities will also be in-world.
    b. A large element of PiXXXel beyond being a high-quality and exclusive host of
    certain sexually explicit content is providing a gamified experience. As outlined in
    the proposal, many of our games direct our traffic to in-world locations to
    complete tasks, level up and rank-build within PiXXXel. This means that a large
    part of the PiXXXel experience will be happening within DCL and not just within
    the PiXXXel DCL Worlds location.
    c. Further, the In-World category program focuses on projects that aim to boost
    user retention within DCL,whereas the accelerator category focuses on private
    for-profit initiatives that need funding. As much as Metaskins is a private
    company, our intention with building PiXXXel is to increase retention in DCL and
    open an entirely new avenue for growth within DCL. This goal isn’t just an
    altruistic one, but as a company that has gained so much from the DCL
    ecosystem (contracts to build for other companies within DCL, benefits of
    increased foot-traffic around our digital land and services) and that has
    investments within DCL (land-owners, business operators, etc.) it is in our
    interest to use PiXXXel to keep the entire DCL community alive and thriving as a
    whole, and not just within PiXXXel. This is why we have included so much
    collaboration with the rest of DCL in all of our plans from the very beginning and
    also why we don’t fund the project ourselves and host it through another,
    potentially higher resolution medium.
  5. “How will you publicize PiXXXel events if not in Genesis City?”
    a. As mentioned above, we intend to publicize events through collaborations with
    local DCL projects which would promote PiXXXel to their communities as well.
    b. As mentioned above, we intend to build collaborative gamified experiences that
    actively take place at least in part within other projects that are actually in DCL,
    which would promote PiXXXel to their communities as well.
    c. Further, we intend to publicize events through advertising our offering of
    exclusive content or live event collaborations with sex workers who have their
    own followings, through their channels.
    d. Finally, we intend to implement more typical digital marketing techniques like
    working with influencers, running various digital ads on different platforms,
    posting enticing content via social media and using other more traditional
    advertising routes (which will be funded by the part of the grant intended for
  6. “What is an official explanation of where PiXXXel will be hosted (DCL Worlds vs.
    Genesis Plaza) and how it will be promoted in relation to DCL brand?”
    a. I will gladly communicate a more official form of messaging to describe more
    about how and why PiXXXel will be hosted in DCL Worlds. DCL Worlds provides
    us with the ability to gate content with the goal of either adhering to porn laws
    around the world but also to ensure that users are truly consenting to entering a
    world of explicit adult content.
    b. We have no intention of promoting PiXXXel as a Decentraland-branded
    service/project. In the same fashion that other grant-funded projects do not
    market themselves as a part of the Decentraland brand, we do not intend to
    promote PiXXXel as involved with the DCL brand itself, but rather as another
    community built project enriching the larger community built ecosystem.



Thank you for the clear and comprehensive reply to the points I raised.


Short Story: Don’t gotta read below if don’t want to since I only got like 100VP but long story short wont be voting yes or no, but wish you guys success since anyone that wants to pitch things that they think can help grow Decentralnad think pretty cool.

Long Explanation if needed:
Several people (men and women) not even associated with this project reached out to me multiple times to vote on this which I found a little sus since came off like they were like financially incentivized to do it or something. Since it is usually just the project leads or team that do. However did also get reached out to several community members I like a lot and know well so through would be worth looking into. Also some of those people I like told me this project is associated with the water casino and HolyOnes and I huge fans of them and a ton of people from those community so if that is the case that is good news to me.

So obviously I got nothing to lose if this passes since its not my money and I will get check this out when it is finished and will be entertaining to me wither it succeeds or even fails so will be fun either way. So def wont be voting No because any team trying to pitch things to help Decentraland grow I think a good thing. I just want Decentraland to continue to succeed greatly. It like my first love got me where I am today with Waifumon. I owe everything to it.

Reasons why I am not voting yes couple worst case scenarios. Saw the PR stuff already talked about above also saw law suits talked about a tad too and you guys have explained very well this was thought about. Just sadly know adult industry a mine filed of legal and even with preparation all it takes is even one person saying they are of age with a fake ID that can later back fire to massive law suits. I have even worked at a couple bars this even happend with ID checkers at the doors. Sadly legal likes to go for the money and may even try to use it as an excuse to do the best it can to attack even attack this DAO. Not saying it will ever happen and I trust you guys thought it out just explaining my thought process and why I did not want to do yes vote since it is not personal.

Also if these is ever plans for Decentraland to be in the apple app store this venture will be used to as the reason why it wont be allowed or accepted in the future. Sadly what happend to Tumbler too. However kind of confused on this since twitter is still allowed and they have it on there platform so dont know. Maybe someone gotta pay off? lol not as important variable tho since I have never seen anyone pitch making Decentraland an IOS app so all good.

My advice to avoid these variables is to avoid this (if not thought about already) since I care about the future of Decentraland and your guys process is 1. Focus on created content like you guys mentioned with Henti since that way will avoid this situation all together. 2. Focus only on established talent to one build the traffic but two will also be a safe guarantee that they are of age.

So yes in conclusion all is good looks like you guys got a couple anonymous whales anyway passing this through for you guys so what I am saying does not matter but saying in hopes just in case it helps to avoid these negative penetrations just in case have not thought about it already. No pun intended.

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I’m sure this won’t get whale voted at the very last second despite community concerns.


Thank you for sharing your opinion, there is a shark voter who has voted no, then yes, then no without any explanation at all. IMO someone with that much delegated VP should provide their reasoning especially when changing their mind multiple times. I personally reached out to you with no financial offer as I have nothing to offer with my 500 or so vp. I am not a paid employee, nor have I received any incentive to discuss my opinion. Metaskins has spent significant amounts of money to build and create what they have and without asking for DAO funds. The DAO has funded and continues to fund projects that have shown no ability to sustain or provide funds back to the DAO. When do we get out of a black whole of funding the same projects over and over again. Wondermine may be OG but how many grants have they received? What improvements have they really made since the last grant approval? When do you think DCL will be ready for more than hacking rocks or farming plants?


haha yes and thank you. we were also one of the community members i mentioned that “I like a lot and know well” so thank for reaching out and letting me know.

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Hey there,

First of all, thank you for the professionalism in this proposal and the time you spent on it. I have some concerns about this, let me briefly explain them:

  • Currently, DCL is not for everyone. Our users belong to a niche, and in my opinion, the main driver right now is to make Decentraland open and fun for everyone. This proposal intends to bring another ‘niche’ to our user base, but at the same time, it could lead to bias, causing users to avoid the metaverse simply because this kind of content exists there. Is this really the right time to take this risk when there are many other interests/topics we could bring to DCL that wouldn’t involve such a trade-off?
  • Lastly, how would you ensure that only audiences above 18 years old will access this kind of content? I can’t think of any other way than KYC, and KYC would compromise the virtual identities that users have within Decentraland.

Furthermore, could you migrate the content of that PDF to another harmless file, like markdown, for example? PDFs have many vulnerabilities that could be exploited, so I won’t open it. I apologize if these doubts are already explained in the PDF.

i have decided to vote yes.

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Agree, like the idea, not really grant appropriate as written IMO. These guys have proven they can execute but are not really giving back to the community here at least that I can see. I hope for success to the project, but voting no to grant as written and for this size.

Since most people don’t know how the DAO works and don’t follow along.

You should all be made aware this grant is dead in the water as there is no longer enough money in the category budget to pay it out.

18+ Adult World Grant Proposal : PiXXXel

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 44% 10,151,687 VP (97 votes)
  • No 54% 12,307,966 VP (83 votes)
  • Abstain 2% 512,589 VP (5 votes)