[DAO:e26ae62] Update #5 for proposal "Decentraland Community Summit - Main Sponsor"

Author: 0xc8a3496559bca9e1a8883dbeac2e2b9e5d83a0f4
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


The Community Summit has now wrapped up, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with how it turned out. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who traveled far and wide to attend and participate with such enthusiasm. Your presence and engagement truly made the event special.


Experience the magic of the first #DCLSummit in Argentina!:sparkles:

The event was a vibrant celebration of decentralization and innovation :partying_face:. We were excited to unveil an alpha version of the new client :eyes:, allowing attendees to get a first-hand look at what’s coming next for Decentraland.

The summit also featured collaborative efforts to build new scenes, fostering a sense of community and shared creativity :handshake:.

Most importantly, the summit transformed digital identities into real-world connections, deepening the bonds within our community :heart:.

For those who couldn’t make it, we’ve prepared a recap video to capture the highlights of this unforgettable event. x.com


None at this time.

Next steps

Our next steps include collecting feedback from attendees to help shape future events. Your insights are invaluable to us, and we want to ensure that each event builds upon the success of the last. If you attended the summit, please keep an eye out for a feedback survey in your email. If you have any feedback as a non-attendee, please email us at dclsummit@decentraland.org.

Additional notes and links

For those who missed the live event or want to relive the experience, we have compiled a YouTube playlist with recordings of the main presentations from Day 1. We encourage everyone to watch them and stay connected with the community. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAcRraQmr_GMCSjSADJyBOBvt2OT47kLB

Additionally, below is breakdown detailing all expenses for the event.

The total amount spent was $90,950.05.

The DAO grant covered $30,000, primarily funding the flights for scholarship recipients, which totaled $17,750. The remaining funds helped to offset other event expenses.The Foundation covered all other expenses, approximately $60k.

  • Food and Drinks $23,606.64
  • Air Tickets - Scholarship $17,750
  • Air Tickets - Foundation $7,690
  • Accomodation $16,577.69
  • Event Production $13,506.16
  • SWAG $5323.51
  • Conference Venues $4,474.05
  • Transportation $2,022

**GRAND TOTAL $90,950.05

Thank you once again for making the Community Summit a tremendous success! We look forward to many more opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together in the future.

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