[DAO:00a5c28] Update #4 for proposal "DAO Governance Squad 1H2024 Budget Renewal"

Author: 0x511a22cdd2c4ee8357bb02df2578037ffe8a4d8d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hi community, Gino here reporting from the Governance Squad. This month was signed by the amazing experience we had at the DCL Community Summit and the development of the Projects view feature for community-funded initiatives.


  • The entire team is currently working on the implementation of the new Projects view feature, aimed to highlight relevant information regarding community projects after the DAO has funded them.
  • Currently, the Decentraland DAO does not have a landing page explaining what the DAO is, its responsibilities, and its programs for DCL users and newcomers. We used to have Decentraland DAO but that page got super outdated and it’s not currently accessible from anywhere besides the direct URL. We are working with a design studio to create a compelling content narrative and landing to onboard visitors to what the DAO has to offer.
  • Part of the team based in Buenos Aires attended the Decentraland Community Summit and participated in activities related to the DAO and Governance design. Also, our Product Lead, ginoct, gave a presentation about the state of the DAO the last year. It was amazing to meet so many people we interact with every week!
  • After community feedback, we implemented a feature on the Transparency page that separates Grant payouts made to community projects from Grant payouts made to Core Units. The goal behind this is to identify how much money the DAO is spending on community development and how much on operational expenses.


No blockers currently

Next steps

We’re entering the last third of our Grant period, the team will be focused on wrapping up the work we presented in our public roadmap while continuing the maintenance of the platform and the implementation of features requested by community members.

During June, we will be focusing on:

  • Launching the new Projects view and iterating on it
  • Wrapping up the design phase of the DAO Lading page and moving to the implementation phase to launch in early July
  • Implement the Proposal Resubmission Flow, to link resubmitted proposals with previous ones, preserving transparency and discussion continuity.

During July we will launch the new landing, enhance the account linking feature for Notifications (Currently there is no way to unlink accounts), and release the v1 for the AI-assisted experience for DAO-related content.

Additional notes and links

Check our work:

View this update on the Governance dApp

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