[DAO:5f10d9f] Update #3 for proposal "Decentraland Community Summit - Main Sponsor"

Author: 0xc8a3496559bca9e1a8883dbeac2e2b9e5d83a0f4
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


More progress has been made on the planning of the Summit and we are counting down to May!


The Decentraland Community Summit Committee is meeting weekly to continually advance the planning of the Summit in May.

At this point, we have a great group of attendees confirmed with final paperwork coming through for all. These were determined through the application process. As of now we have 47 Community Members and 27 Foundation members planned to be in attendance. The attendee list is almost finalized and it is shaping up to be a diverse group of builders, creators and community supporters!

For the scholarships, we offered many to the community and have received all responses. 9 have accepted and have sent in all the appropriate paperwork. 8 have all flights booked and 1 more is still being purchased, this will be completed this month. In total we expect to spent under $16k on sponsored flights, final number will be shared next month once all flights costs are finalized.

The team has also booked hotels, restaurants, the auditorium for the main presentations as well as the work shop rooms. Everything is lining up nicely!

As of now, the Foundation and the DAO are the full sponsors of this event.

The agenda remains the same:

:mega: DAY 1: Keynotes & Product Updates

:rocket: DAY 2: Community Workshops

:brain: DAY 3: Buildathon

As we get closer to May, we continue to get more excited to meet with the community!


No blockers at this time.

Next steps

The next steps include:

  • Close the attendee list (expected in the next two weeks)
  • Call for workshops from attendees (coming soon!)
  • Order SWAG/marketing materials for the Summit
  • Finalize the detailed agenda for attendees

Additional notes and links

(Note: Uploaded last month’s financials document just to publish - we couldn’t publish with 0 disclosed. However, we did not receive any additional funding this month so it is just a duplicate.

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