[DAO:e0e372e] Platform units: 3 technical people at the service of the DAO for 3 months

by 0x598f8af1565003ae7456dac280a18ee826df7a2c (pablo)

Should the problem/opportunity outlined be refined and taken to the next level?

Problem Statement

There is lack of a technical figure giving a common direction for all game dev contributors and also expanding and bringing more devs and creators. Developer advocates we could say.

Gaming is key to retain users and the DAO can take action and own products to solve the decline of user traffic in the last 3 months: https://dcl-metrics.com/

With this proposal also we can make a more efficient use of funds

Proposed Solution

Test for 3 months the creation of a new figure “Platform unit”.

These will be the tasks and goals for these people:

  • Main task: Enhance and expand gamification with proper tooling and gaming frameworks or products
  • Increase Synergy between projects
  • Create bidding and tendering proposals Gamification oriented
  • Row together in a common direction
  • To provide support to different projects
  • Attract more creators: e.g. Promote the platform doing IRL workshops
  • Evaluation of granted projects
  • Evaluation of grant proposals
  • Participation and contribution to the DAO from a technical perspective

Individual candidates can present a proposal with following requirements and specs:

  • Proven curriculum demonstrating experience and technical skillset, if the candidate want to preserve privacy, GSS can check and express the veracity of the information.
  • With working hours from 20h per week minimum.
  • Transparency will be necessary, workflow can be adapted from other core units like the GovernanceApp squad.
  • Budget can include variable entries, where extra budget will be returned to the DAO, e.g.: hiring other devs and modelers, server and infrastructure, events, workshops, travels.

At end, 3 candidate proposals will be selected to represent the role.
Once selected and work started, some metrics can be:

  • Weekly worklogs
  • Development of products and tooling in progress
  • Support hours
  • IRL Events / workshops
  • Reports
  • Created bidding & tendering proposals

Target Audience/Customer Base

Decentraland builders, developers and new users to come.

Why is this relevant now?

Gamification is key to attract and retain users if driven the proper way.
We have an importante decline on user traffic metrics (https://dcl-metrics.com/).
Also it’s stated that the DAO needs a change due to drain of funds and low value of $MANA.

We have been funding several projects. However, although we have some collabs between them especially with wearables, there is not much integration.

Moreover for example, several games developed a mining mechanic, and separatedly we dedicated funds for the same feature on different projects.

Also there is lack of a kind Developer Advocate figure, for the DAO as well for Decentraland Foundation.

Apart from this, it’s cheaper for the DAO having units than buying products to businesses.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Hey! This is similar to a tender proposal we’re going to submit next week :slight_smile:

Tender Proposal Draft: SDK Support Team - Tender Proposal - Google Docs
Technical Liaison SOW: Technical Liaison SOW - Google Docs

Would love to count on your support for this one!


I’m confused this is similar to the other one you did. You’re on to something have you heard of the large scale in world projects initiative? This is to share code and increase synergies as you say by moving to a professional assembly line production of game contents using these key compontents.
–code and assets checked into github from day 1
–projects broken into pieces on task board like the pros do it IRL
–nearly anyone can complete a small task of large project and get paid some small money
–Testers validate task board item to collect tester fee and dev get paid
–each project has PM and weekly scrums
–continuous deployment and always showing work
–constantly adding useful candidate components from project code to platform-wide and expanding default capabilities

You’re right about always re-inventing the wheel every project. Not only that there is no process maturity what so ever.

@Fehz Hey! This is similar to a tender proposal we’re going to submit next week :slight_smile:

I think the other one is only specific to support, which is only a small part on this proposal. we can exclude that part (as we talked in DM). This proposal is mainly focused on improve the way gamification is implemented in Decentraland with obviusly the main goal of attracting and retaining users.
By other hand, I think passionate people can do a lot more if they have some flexibility, therefore that’s why besides the main gamification point others are listed.

@OGContraBand I’m confused this is similar to the other one you did

I created this other because the one asking a salary grant for myself received negative vote from a whale, so I just create this as a public offer for everyone, because I think this is necessary.
I agree with all points you expose, transparency and anyone should be allowed to contribute.

Platform units: 3 technical people at the service of the DAO for 3 months

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 36% 1,980,683 VP (44 votes)
  • No 53% 2,773,429 VP (14 votes)
  • Abstain 11% 634,621 VP (5 votes)