[DAO:48b5171] Update #3 for proposal "Renewal Grant Support Squad 2023H2"

Author: 0xb4e8f2297906c276e3bdaf99c19d90e0abecc07d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Thanks for reading! We’ve been active in the community, creating a new category and improving our budgeting proposal based on your feedback. We’re analyzing grants more closely due to community concerns, and we have a new poll about SDK7. Our landing page is launching soon, and we’re sending out some fun swag. Read on for the latest on our commitment to improving the grants program. Leave comments below :wink:


Here are the numbers for month 3, along with the impact metrics on our proposal based on our three main goals.

Goal 1: Support the grantees

This month, we received 12 new grantees, adding a total of 46. We allocated a total of 122 hours to interact with them, and provide support. We have identified 50 problems and requests, 42 were solved, and the others are being addressed by our team. Besides, this month we are still working with 11 grantees from legacy (grants that passed before March the 1st 2023). From those, 5 finished their grants during this month.

  • Promotion: This month we published an article about Decentraland DAO Grants Program: Quarterly Insights, and coordinated with 3 grantees to present in our DAO Townhalls.

  • Testing Tuesdays: We had a session for INSTAVERSE and EXODUS. After reflecting on how we can improve this initiative, we changed how we schedule grantees. Our calendar is complete for the year and we now collect feedback from the community using forms. Join us for future sessions. If you want to join future sessions, fill out this form, and we’ll contact you.

Goal 2: Foster transparency

We are creating a manual of operations for the GSS to provide transparency on our work. This will also generate open knowledge about the DAO Grants Program. The manual will cover Onboarding, Support with promotion, Support with blockers and requests, Organizing community activities, Creation of a revocations committee, and How to improve a grants program. We are currently peer reviewing each process for accuracy.* We are making public roadmaps with the main goal of opening our reviewing process. This month we have updated 31 public roadmaps.

  • We’ve updated the GSS Public Roadmap.

  • We are always encouraging grantees to make their monthly updates, and you can check those out in the dAPP.

  • Every Monday the GSS is sharing the planned tasks for the week in our Discord Channel.

Goal 3: Guarantee an efficient use of the DAO treasury.

This month, we analyzed six cases, but none of them were elevated to the Revocations Committee or revoked so far. We are still working on two cases because formal requests were reported from the community.

Improvements to the Grants Program

We have created two proposals related to the new grant category “Community Experiences”: one proposing the creation of the New Category (which has passed), and the other proposing Budgetary Redistribution (which has been rejected).)
We’re developing a governance proposal for the new category and will soon present it for voting. We’ve analyzed the budget and identified potential scenarios. We’ll hold a community session soon to gather feedback and create a new draft proposal for your decision. Stay tuned!

Please continue reading our highlights in the additional notes section…


We encountered a blocker in regards to the promotional blogs we are producing with our copywriter. The Foundation has not yet reviewed two articles that we have been working on this month, and we need their approval to publish them.
Another issue we are facing is related to the Grants Program landing page. We need to have a decentraland.org domain, but this depends on some technical issues that our developers are currently working on. For this reason, our alpha version is hosted on a testing domain.

Next steps

  • Landing page: next month we’ll have the home ready :smiley:
  • Documentation of the Grants Support Squad DAO program: We’ll continue writing processes of Onboardings, Support with promotion, Support with blockers and requests, Organizing community activities, Creation of a revocations committee, and How to make improvements to a grants program.
  • Onboarding Marketing kit: gather addresses from our grantees, receive production.
  • #TestingTuesdays will continue to be held, adapting changes needed. Next sessions for september are 5th Wondermine, 12th RETRO 2D, 19th Dual Arena, 26th VR CLIENT…
  • Promotions for grantees in the Decentraland Blog will continue to be produced.
  • Continue onboarding new grantees, assigning PMs and analyze the feasibility of their roadmaps
  • Provide support to the current grantees with their problems and requests,
  • Analyze cases that raise concerns and elevate them to the revocations committee,
  • Contribute to the DAO strategic planning,
  • Support grantees for presenting in DAO Townhalls
  • Keep on building bridges between the Decentraland Foundation and our DAO community <3

Additional notes and links

  • Landing Page: We have reached a Alpha version of the Home - Landing Page. By next month we think we will have it ready :slight_smile:
  • Onboarding kit: Production is on! We have started collecting addresses from our grantees, being mindful of the data handling and using an end-to-end encrypted form to gather that data.
  • SDK7 and The Grant’s Program: We have also created a new poll: Should the deliverables of projects funded by the DAO through the Grants Program be built or compatible with the last stable Decentraland SDK?Please join the discussion.
  • AGILE. Our goal is to implement agile methodologies into GSS to continuously improve our work processes. To achieve this, we have trained ourselves in Scrum, reorganized our meetings, and created possible scenarios for implementing a Sprint following our monthly updates and town hall participation. Our next step is to create a backlog and define the necessary tools. We plan to do this in September and estimate the time required for each task.
  • Grantees Metrics: We are working with Foundation and DCL Metrics to assist all grantees in preparing their metrics for sharing with the community. This is in response to the new requirements of the grant program framework voted on this year. However, each grant and category has its own unique characteristics that we are addressing in order to improve them.

It has been a great month! Thank you for reading and supporting our work. Please stay in touch with us via our Discord Channel.

Positive comments are always welcome :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Gia, Fifi, Pablo & Zino

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